Finance Committee Meeting

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Red Bud City Hall

Council Chambers (2nd floor)

Committee Members Present: Mike Reed, Clem Esker, David Friess, Bill Hanebutt, Clarence Nail,

Committee Members Absent:

Council Members Present: Kyle Donjon, Glenn Linnertz, Don Thompson

Council Members Absent: Mayor Tim Lowry

Others Present: Administrative Assistant, Pam Poetker; City Attorney, Paul Ray, City Superintendent, Josh Eckart; City Code Administrator, Jeff Mueller; City Clerk, Joanne Cowell

Alderman David Friess was sworn in by City Clerk Cowell at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Committee Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Old Business

I. Swimming Pool Contract Addendum

The major change to the addendum is the hours of operation. Jen Myerscough will be running the pool and Lauren Darr from the YMCA will be the manager.

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Reed, seconded by Committee Member Donjon to approve the Amendment to Randolph County YMCA Pool Agreement . Carried.

Alderman Nail mentioned that LINC is supposed to come to the pool this week to look at possible suggested ADA renovations. LINC is hosting an open house Thursday, May 28, 2015, from 3-6, if anyone is interested. Discussion followed.

II. Red Bud Public Library Building Addition

Alderman Esker reported no progress has been made on the library building addition plans.

III. Newly Elected Officials Seminar Dates/Locations

Anyone interested in attending this seminar, please contact Pam Poetker to make the reservations. The nearest training is Thursday, June 25 in Mt. Vernon. This is also the scheduled night for committee meetings. The possibility of moving the committee meetings to Tuesday, June 23, 2015, was discussed.

New Business

I.  Approval of Prior Month’s Meeting Minutes

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Reed, seconded by Committee Member Hanebutt to approve the minutes from the April 28, 2015 meeting. Carried.

II.  Maturing CDs

CD rates are continuing to be tracked.

III. Prevailing Wage Ordinance NO. 1341

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Reed, seconded by Committee Member Nail to approve Ordinance NO. 1341. Carried.

IV. Transfer FY’13 and ’14 Year End Surpluses ($515,000) to 5 Year Plan Accounts

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Reed, seconded by Committee Member Hanebutt to transfer the FY’13 and ‘14 Year End Surpluses ($515,000) to 5 Year Plan Accounts. Carried. (Listed amounts and accounts from Dustin Ziebold to be included in packets.)

V. Public Comments/Anything for the Good of the City


Meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne G. Cowell, City Clerk

Red Bud, Illinois