The Henry County School Board has established a sick leave bank for full-time licensed employees to be used when the licensed employee, or any immediate family member for whom the employee is primary caregiver, is incapacitated by long term illness or injury. This sick leave bank will be maintained as long as at least one-third (1/3) of the eligible members agree to participate in accordance with the provisions of this policy. Participation will be voluntary.

A. Purpose

The sick leave bank of the Henry County Schools has been established to provide fulltime licensed employees with access to additional sick leave days beyond those personally accumulated in the event of extended illness because of incapacitation or disability of the employee or any immediate family member for whom the employee is the primary caregiver.

B. Procedure

1.Employees may enroll within the first thirty (30) contract days of initial employment or thirty (30) contract days after reemployment by completing an application and donating a minimum of two (2) days of sick leave.

2.Members of the sick leave bank will be assessed one (1) additional day at such time as the bank is depleted to 150 days. Membership will be continuous unless the employee informs the Human Resources Office in writing of the intent to withdraw. Members will have ten (10) working days after notification of an assessment to withdraw without forfeiting that day. Members who have no sick leave to contribute at the time of assessment will be assessed this day by October 1 of the following year.

3.Upon termination of employment with the Henry County Schools or withdrawal from membership in the bank, a participating employee will not be permitted to withdraw days contributed.

4.An employee who does not enroll when first eligible may do so between any subsequent June 1 to September 30 period by making application and providing a doctor’s written statement of good health to the Henry County School Board.

5.The sick leave bank may be used by the contributing member for his or her own illness or disability and may be used for illness of other members of the contributor’s immediate family.

6.A member of the bank shall not be permitted to withdraw days from the sick leave bank until all of the member’s sick and personal leave are depleted.

7.The first thirty (30) consecutive contract days of absence due to illness or disability will not be covered by the bank, but must be covered by the unit member’s own accumulated leave or leave without pay. A maximum of forty-five work days each school year can be drawn by any one member.

8.Members applying for sick leave bank benefits will be required to present a physician’s certificate stating the nature of the illness and approximate number of days the employee will be absent.

9.Only sick leave may be contributed to the leave bank.

10.Members utilizing sick leave days from the sick leave bank will not have to replace these days, except as a regular contributing member to the bank. If an employee does not return to work at the end of the use of the sick leave bank, the school system administration reserves the right to obtain a refund of all monies paid as a result of days used from the sick leave bank. Reimbursement will not be sought for individuals who do not return to work because of medical problems or death.

11.The sick leave bank will be administered by the Sick Leave Bank Advisory Board. The advisory board participating members, shall consist of: one (1) central office supervisor, one (1) elementary teacher, one (1) secondary teacher, one (1) elementary principal, one (1) secondary principal, one (1) HCEA representative and the superintendent or his/her designee. The board will be responsible for recommendations regarding the levels of the bank and for approving requests for use of the bank by the participating members. The School Board will appoint the advisory board members with the exception of the HCEA representative. The members shall serve two-year terms beginning with the first day of the School Board’s fiscal year.