ValleyChristianHigh School Graduation 2009
Abridged Version
Ladies and gentleman and graduates of the Class of 2009, welcome to this special occasion. Graduates I know you are extremely happy to be done; parents I know some of you are extremely relieved!
Class of 2009, I have a few thoughts and challenges to leave you with today. As always, because I care about you very much and I respect you, I will be very clear and direct with you.
As the economic downturn or perhaps some unexpected news this past year has shown us, our security can be shaken. We live in a world of uncertainty. We also live in a world where vows are broken and commitment lasts only as far as convenience takes it or as long as the “feeling” is there. I dare you the Class of 2009 to be people who put their hope in Someone who is constant and be people who value honor, vows when you make them, and commitment even when inconvenient.
Many of you will pursue your education at schools where the faculty and administration hold the view that there is no God, that the resurrection of Jesus Christ never happened, and that believing in absolute truth is arrogant and ignorant. They will tell you that truth is simply whatever you want it to be or whatever you feel it is. Pastor C.J. Mahaney offers sound advice when he writes that we should live our lives on the basis of what is real, not what we feel. While feelings can be used to confirm God’s will in our life, our personal feelings are not the source of truth.
Moreover, you will be labeled as “judgmental” if you claim the truths of the Bible, especially when these truths clearly go against the lifestyle philosophy of this world. Of course, while some Christians can be legalistic, too rules-oriented, or even mean-spirited, it is not judgmental or hateful to lovingly proclaim clear truths and evaluate actions through the lens of the Bible. Do not let code words like “tolerance” or “open-minded” make you afraid or ashamed to stand for God’s truth. Of course, you and I are still sinners who will fail and struggle with human desires, but remember, the God of yesterday is the God of today and He will be the God of tomorrow. Remember, the Bible of yesterday is the Bible of today and it will be the Bible of tomorrow.
You have learned that there is truth; however, in case you missed it all these years, here it is again so that you will have no excuse: there is a God; the Bible is the infallible, inspired, inerrant, Word of this living God; Jesus Christ, God in person, literally died and literally, bodily rose again; there is a real, eternal place called Heaven where there is no more pain, disease, sadness, or death; and there is a real, eternal place for those who reject Jesus Christ called Hell; and finally, there is only one way to the real God—the God of the Bible—and to a new life and that is through faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone as your Lord and Savior. It is not a matter of being “good” or being baptized or just believing in God. Jesus Himself said in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.”
I challenge all of you here today to ask yourselves where you are in your own relationship with the true God. As it says in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Examine yourselves whether you are in the faith…” In other words, do not assume and do not be self-deceived. The proof of genuine Christianity is the fruit in your life and the transformed and new way you think about life, God, entertainment, the language you use around your friends, dating and marriage relationships, lifestyle choices, and the new way you view and feel conviction about sin and rebellion against God. As the Bible says, a true Christian is a new creation and old things have passed away. So ask yourself…have they?
Please do not use the excuse, “Well, this is how I was born” or “This is who God created me to be, so I’m going to live my life my way.” No… God gives all of us the freedom to choose His way or our own way. God can change you from the inside out if you want Him to. So, my prayer is that you avoid the heartache and the pain brought about by going against God’s Word because you feel your way is better or because you have the philosophy that you must “learn things the hard way” before you get it or submit to God. To be blunt, no you don’t have to learn things the hard way. That’s just an excuse to do what you want right now. You don’t have to actually jump off a cliff or swim with Great White sharks to know it’s probably not a good idea. Therefore, seek God daily and don’t go through the pain of bad choices or God’s discipline.
You have all heard that “the best things in life are free” like love, friendship, and your relationship with God. That is completely false for we learn in economics nothing is free---there is always a cost. You have to give up a part of yourself for the best things in life. Love is not free because you have to compromise and sacrifice your time and some of your personal preferences and choices and even some things you personally enjoy doing for those you truly love and with whom you are in a relationship. Likewise, Christianity does cost something—your life. Being a Christian is not easy. It will cost you some friendships, relationships, potential relationships, and certain lifestyle choices. As you encounter some major decisions in your near future, such as who you will date, whether or not you will keep that dating relationship pure until marriage, who you will marry, who you will befriend, and what career you want to pursue, remember to filter all these decisions through the Bible and biblical counsel. And I can tell you that if you do this, God will give you His best. Perhaps ironic, but the more we focus on our vertical relationship with God, our horizontal relationships that God wants for us will be stronger and wonderful doors will be opened for us, granted, not on our timetable perhaps.
There will be times when your human nature will tell you that following God’s plan will make you miss some of the pleasures this life has to offer. This is true. But, remember, Henry Hazlitt’s lesson in his book Economics in One Lesson—a good economist looks at the long run, not the short run. God’s ways might be harder to understand or to live by, but it is worth the cost!
The bottom line is if you and I voluntarily claim the title “Christian” that means we must change our views and life to fit the Bible, not the Bible to fit our views or life.
As you leave Valley Christian I challenge you to either continue attending or to find a Bible-centered church where you are spiritually fed and where you can expand your Christian fellowship. This will be tough in today’s world of compromise, low-cost presentations of Christianity, and pastors who are more worried about not offending people than saying the clear truth of God’s Word. Do not let school, social activities, work, or the excuse that you are “not a morning person” get in the way of your church fellowship and spiritual growth. Like a bodybuilder or athlete who needs to have a good nutrition program, so our souls need to be spiritually fed and taught.
I know some of you graduates have disappointments, difficulties, and pain to deal with, both physically and emotionally. God’s great promise in Romans 8:28is that all thingswork together for good to those who love God. Nothing or nobody can change God’s sovereign plan for our lives. And never forget how much God values you. If you ever doubt this, just remember that big cross you see as you leave this stadium and the One who voluntarily subjected Himself to suffer and die on that cross.
You did not attend this school or this graduation ceremony by luck or chance. My prayer is that you leave here enlightened by God’s Spirit to establish perhaps for the first time a relationship with God or to deepen the relationship you already have. May you graduates pursue your God given passions in a disciplined manner and use your talents for God’s glory. It is a competitive labor market and you must work hard to reach your goals and to distinguish yourself, but never put the prize you seek above God.
As I said before, we are living in uncertain times. Remember, that no job, no amount of money, no house, no achievement, no prestigious university degree, no title, your current good health, or no person can truly fill your heart or give you lasting, eternal peace and true, eternal security. That can only be found in a life and growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Now that’s something you can bank on.
Congratulations Class of 2009