University of West Georgia Lesson Plan


School:Grade Level: 2 Supervisor:

Lesson Title/#:The 5 Georgia Regions

Learning Central Focus

Central Focus:
What is the central focus for the
Content in the learning segment? / The central focus for this lesson is identifying the major landscape features of Georgia.
Content Standard:
What standard(s) are most relevant to the learning goals? / SS2G1 The student will locate major topographical features of Georgia and will describe how these features define Georgia’s surface.
a. Locate all the geographic regions of Georgia: Blue Ridge Mountains, Piedmont,
Coastal Plain, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau
Student Learning Goal(s)/ Objective(s)
What are the specific learning goal(s) for students in this lesson?
Concepts and reasoning/problem solving/thinking/strategies?
What are the specific learning goal(s) for students in this lesson? / The students will be able to identify the 5 main regions of Georgia.
The students will be able to describe and compare the different characteristics of each region.
The students will be able to connect the learned material with a song about the regions.
Prior Academic Knowledge and Conceptions
What knowledge, skills, and concepts must students already know to be successful with this lesson?
What prior knowledge and/or gaps to knowledge do these students have that are necessary to support the learning of the skills and concepts for this lesson? / Students must have some previous knowledge of the state of Georgia.
Recognize characteristics of the regions to compare and contrast.
Common Errors, Developmental Approximations, Misconceptions, Partial Understandings, or Misunderstandings
What are common errors or misunderstandings of students related to the central focus of the lesson?
How will you address them for this group of students?

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.

_____5_____ Minutes
How will you start the lesson to engage and motivate students in learning? / I will start the lesson by asking one student to raise their hand and name all the 5 regions of Georgia learned in the previous class. The students will then participate in a brief discussion recalling the 5 regions and the definition of region. I will then ask the students to pretend that we as a class will transform into the state of Georgia with each table representing a specific region.
_____20_____ Minutes
What will you do to engage students in developing understanding of the lesson objective(s)?
How will you link the new content (skills and concepts) to students’ prior academic learning and their personal/cultural and community assets?
What will you say and do? What questions will you ask?
How will you engage students to help them understand the concepts?
What will students do?
How will you determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives? / I will explain that each table will represent a specific region that we will learn about. I will explain that we will learn a song about the regions as a class which will help us to remember the characteristics of each region. The song goes to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas. Each table will be a specific color associating with a verse from the song.
The song lyrics will be:
The smallest region in Georgia is the Appalachian Plateau
In the Northwest corner,
Mountains and forests,
Fun for vacations,
And it’s close to Alabama
The second region in Georgia is Valley and Ridge
Soil for Farming,
Apples, Corn and Cotton
Rocky and Mountains
Let’s go hiking and camping!
The third region in Georgia is the Blue Ridge Mountains
In the Northeast corner,
Snowy and rainy,
Rivers make electricity,
And Brasstown Bald is Georgia’s highest point
The second largest region is the Piedmont Plateau
Lots of hills and trees,
Georgia’s largest cities,
Including Atlanta,
And this is where we live!
The largest region in Georgia is the Coastal Plain
Bottom part of Georgia,
Close to the ocean
Time to grow some peanuts
Flat lands and fishing
And that’s our Georgia Regions song!
I will travel to each table and tell the class about each region. I will talk about the landscape, agriculture, climate etc. I will ask the students at the table to help me perform motions or actions which will engage them and get them moving. The students will raise their hands if they have any questions and I will answer. After talking about the region, we will learn the song verse for that specific region.
The students will have different colors of construction paper for each region. They will copy the verses onto the associating color page. I will also display the verses on the board for the students in the back. Once the students are done with their pages, we will staple them and turn it into a book.
After we learn about each region and sing each verse we will all sing the whole regions song as a class.
Finally, I will describe a few different scenarios and allow the students to answer which region I’m describing.
Structured Practice and
How will you give students the opportunity to practice so you can provide feedback?
How will students apply what they have learned?
How will you determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives? / The students will each receive a worksheet that will allow them to match descriptive words to the appropriate region. There will be a table with boxes showing descriptive words in each box. The students will decide which box should go with each region and shade that box with the right color. They will not be allowed to use their regions book for the first 5 minutes which will determine their understanding and retention skills.
The students will be able to practice their skills by interpreting the 5 Georgia Regions and the different characteristics of each region.
I will check their work to make sure that they understand the material.
How will you end the lesson? / As a class we will all sing the regions song one more time. We will display their song books around the room.
Differentiation/ Planned Support
How will you provide students’ access to learning based on individual and group needs?
How will you support students with gaps in the prior knowledge that is necessary to be successful in this lesson? / Whole Class:
Groups of students with similar needs:
Individual students:
Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:
Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:
Student Interactions
How will you structure opportunities for students to work with partners or in groups? What criteria will you use when forming groups?
What Ifs
What might not go as planned and how can you be ready to make adjustment?
Theoretical Principles and/or Research–Based Best Practices
Why are the learning tasks for this lesson appropriate for your students?
What materials does the teacher need for this lesson?
What materials do the students need for this lesson? / Teacherneeds:
Construction Paper (yellow, orange, green, blue and purple) cut into squares
Copy of Georgia Regions Song
Matching Regions Worksheet
Students need:
Marker/Colored Pencils

Academic Language Demand(s):

What language function do you want students to develop in this lesson? What must students understand in order to be intellectually engaged in the lesson?
What content specific terms (vocabulary) do students need to support learning of the learning objective for this lesson / Region
What specific way(s) will students need to use language (reading, writing, listening and/or speaking) to participate in learning tasks and demonstrate their learning for this lesson?
What are your students’ abilities with regard to the oral and written language associated with this lesson?
How will you support students so they can understand and use the language associated with the language function and other demands in meeting the learning objectives of the lesson? / Involve the students in learning a song about the 5 regions
Allow students to use their creativity by turning the classroom into the different regions
Answer any additional questions the students have
Allow the students to ask their classmates questions


Describe the tools/procedures that will be used in this lesson to monitor students’ learning of the lesson objective(s). Attach a copy of the assessment and the evaluation criteria/rubric in the resources section at the end of the lesson plan.

Type of assessment
(Formative or summative) / Description of assessment / Modifications to the assessment so that all students could demonstrate their learning. / Evaluation Criteria - What evidence of student learning (related to the learning objectives and central focus) does the assessment provide?
Formative / Students will determine which boxes of descriptive words associate with a specific region. They will shade in their box with the appropriate color of the region. I will check off each student’s work. / Students will be able to use their song book to help find the answers. / Are students able to identify the 5 main regions of Georgia and provide characteristics of each region?

Analyzing Teaching

To be completed after the lesson has be taught

What evidence was gathered that reflects learning from the students? What meaningful feedback was given to students throughout the lesson ? / Afterreviewing the worksheet that the students completed, I determined that 15 out of the 20 students were able to fully understand the 5 Georgia Regions. The students really enjoyed learning the song about the regions and it helped them with the facts on the worksheet. As they were completing the worksheet, they would look through their flip book that they made with the facts from the song. I could also tell that a couple of the students were singing the song. There answers were accurate to the information that was taught. The other 5 students didn’t fully grasp the material. Some may have been overloaded with the information from each region. I will need to go over the information with those 5 students to make sure they fully understand where each region is and some facts about that region. I gave meaningful feedback when they were participating in learning the song. As they were doing their worksheets, I walked around the room and praised them for matching the fact to the correct regions.
What instructional changes do you need to make as you prepare for the lesson tomorrow?
Proposed Changes.
If you could teach this lesson again to this group of students what changes would you make to your instruction? / Whole class:
Groups of students:
Individual students:
Why will these changes improve student learning?
What research/ theory supports these changes?


Attach each assessment and associated evaluation criteria/rubric.