One Executive Drive

Frenchboro, ME 04635

(207) 334-2933

Select Board:

Robert Stuart, Chair

John DesJardin II

Arthur Fernald

David W. Lunt

Robert Roxby

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Select Board Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2009

Submitted By:

Rachel Bishop, Assistant to the Selectboard

July 27, 2009

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm on Monday, July 13th , by Chairperson Robert Stuart. Selectboard members, Robert Roxby, Arthur Fernald, David W. Lunt and Robert Stuart were present. Treasurer and Assistant to the Selectboard Rachel Bishop and 1 member of the public were also present.


I.  Review and Acceptance of Minutes from Select Board Meeting from Monday, June 29, 2009. DWL moved to accept as written, AF 2nd; unan. approval

II.  Old Business

A.  DEP Landfill Closure Form- ROS reported form not yet sent

B.  Ferry Pier Hoist- JD reported to RLB that he is unable to work on the project; Board requested that RLB call meeting of former Town Wharf Committee members as new Harbor Committee, along with Harbor Master and any other interested parties. That new committee will meet to discuss and recommend type of hoist, location, and obtain estimates for materials and installation to Selectboard at next meeting on July 27th. RLB indicated Hoist fund at $6000.00. ACTION- RLB will work to set time and date for said meeting and then post meeting w/ adopted Mission Statement.

C.  Old Floats- DWL will move 2nd float onto rails to allow inspection of both at once- ROS and AF will coordinate with DWL for inspection..

III.  New Business

A.  Special Town Meeting Warrant- signed; also signed formal recognition letter for Wellness Center Committee accepted at previous meeting.

B.  Kitchen Access- Marissa has only keys for Community Building kitchen- Town needs access to that space- ROS will speak to MR and request copies of keys.

C.  FEMA/MEMA- ROS reported 7 representatives visited last week and viewed affected local areas, including the landslide near Lunt Wharf, the Joe Hayes driveway and access, and the head of the cove. The representatives indicated need for both restoration and mitigation of those sites, and stated that the State is waiting for Statewide dollar amounts of damage prior to approving projects. ROS reported $110,000 estimate by FEMA on local damage- no time frame given for process to move forward.

IV.  Administrative

A.  Warrant- signed

B.  Mail- DEP Brownfields info- RR will look at

C.  Final Treasurer’s report- $154,732.68 “cash on hand”, most of which is in Reserve Account and the School’s unexpended balance.

D.  Final Tax Collector’s Report- ROS read aloud, RLB reported Lenfestey bills for 2007 lien and 2008 unpaids will be paid next week and lien will be discharged; payment plan in place for Z. Lunt; lien procedures begun for remaining unpaids.

V.  Other Business

A.  Mission Statements: Draft of Harbor Committee statement; AF moved to adopt as written, DWL 2nd, unan. Approval. Mission Statement reads: “To observe, advise and consult the Selectboard in overseeing, inspecting, and maintaining the Town wharf, floats, and other necessary aspects of Lunt Harbor, including, but not limited to, the care, maintenance, and repair of facilities. Additionally, to assist the Selectboard in research and development of new projects within the harbor. Adopted 7/13/09”

B.  Island Institute Fellow Interviews- scheduled for Wed. July 15, arrival on ferry, Lewis will transport back to mainland; ROS will contact School Board; RR, Bev Roxby, and RLB will assist ROS in interviews.

C.  Commissioner’s Hearing- ROS and RR attended Samsara Trust Hearing with Hancock County Commissioners; RR reported the ruling was in the Town’s favor 2-1, upholding valuation of property; property owner may now appeal to Maine Supreme Court, or sue the Town privately, if they so choose.

D.  Sign at Ferry Pier- David L. Lunt expressed concern over private business advertising placed at the Ferry Pier- he reported a past understanding among island business owners prohibiting advertisements on Town property. DWL suggested placing article on Special Town Meeting warrant to ask the opinion the the Town voters. DWL moved to place article on that warrant, AF 2nd, unan. Approval. ACTION- RLB wrote new warrant with 3rd article, board signed.


VI.  Adjourned 8:30pm;.next meetings: ; July 27th- Special Town Meeting at 6pm, Selectboard and Assessor’s immed. following

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Mission Statement

Frenchboro Solid Waste Committee

To save money for the Town of Frenchboro, the Solid Waste Committee seeks to increase the awareness, interest, and participation in adopting the waste reduction methods recommended by the Acadia Disposal District, so that we may succeed in making a measurable impact of the amount of solid waste for which, by law, the Town is responsible.

Adopted 06/29/2009

Frenchboro Selectboard

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