WECC Glossary Page 12 of 12

Table of Contents

Overview/Glossary Characteristics 3

Terms Developed Using the WECC Reliability Standards Development Procedures 5

Attachment: WECC Document Numbering Convention 9

Standards Numbering 9

Document “Type” Designations 9

Errata with an Interpretation 10

Interpretations Numbering 10

Renaming WECC Regional Business Practices to WECC Criteria 10

Categories/Abbreviations Used in NERC Standard Numbering Convention 11

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

WECC Glossary Page 12 of 12

Overview/Glossary Characteristics

The WECC Glossary of Terms and Naming Conventions (WECC Glossary) consists of terms that were developed using the WECC Reliability Standards Development Procedures (Procedures), or its successor. This glossary shall be used as the single-source repository for all defined terms developed using the Procedures.[1]

The WECC Glossary shall not duplicate a defined term maintained by either the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) or the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB).[2]


Per the WECC Standards Committee (WSC) Charter, the WSC is responsible for performing an annual review of the WECC Glossary to ensure the document remains current.

The following steps describe the process for adding, modifying, deleting, and administering the defined terms located in the WECC Glossary.

Adding Terms

The process for adding terms to the WECC Glossary is described in the Procedures.

Modifying Terms

The process for modifying an existing WECC Glossary term shall be initiated by filing a WECC Standards Authorization Request (SAR) and developed using the steps established in the Procedures.

Upon final disposition, the WSC shall ensure the final term is included in the WECC Glossary.

Deleting Terms

When there is no longer a document (developed under the Procedures) with an active Effective Date in which a specific defined term is used, that term shall be deleted from the WECC Glossary.


During development, modification, or consideration for deletion of a defined term, the term shall be retained in the document under development.

Upon final disposition, the WSC shall ensure the final term is removed from the body of the document under development and moved into the WECC Glossary.

The updated WECC Glossary shall be posted as soon after final disposition as is practical. The previous version of the WECC Glossary shall be archived.

Defined terms developed for WECC Regional Reliability Standards will be handled in accordance with NERC’s instructions.

Annual Review

The WSC shall ensure that the WECC Glossary is reviewed annually for accuracy.


The WECC Glossary is maintained by the WSC. If you have questions regarding the WECC Glossary, contact W. Shannon Black, ,W. Shannon Black at (503) 307-5782.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

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Terms Developed Using the WECC Reliability Standards Development Procedures

Term / WECC Board Approval / Approved Definition / Term Origin /
Adjacent Transmission Circuits / December 1, 2012 / Adjacent Transmission Circuits are two transmission circuits with separation between their center lines less than 250 feet at the point of separation with no Bulk Electric System circuit between them.
Transmission circuits that cross, but are otherwise separated by 250 feet or more between their centerlines, are not Adjacent Transmission Circuits. / TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2.2
(Previously TPL-(001 through 004)- WECC- CRT-1; redrafted/replaced by TPL-001-WECC-CRT- 2)[3]
Capacity Associated with Energy Recallable for Reserves / December 6, 2007 / C-RE: Capacity Associated with Energy Recallable for Reserves.
This product is energy which is recallable within ten minutes of activation of reserves and has been included in the Source Balancing Authority’s reserve resources. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Capacity for Non Spinning Reserve / December 6, 2007 / C-NS: Capacity for Non-Spinning Reserve.
On-Demand Non-Spinning Reserve obligation/resource is a Non-Spinning Reserve product that can be activated through the adjustment of a capacity e-Tag. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Capacity for Spinning Reserve / December 6, 2007 / C-SP: Capacity for Spinning Reserve.
On-Demand Spinning Reserve obligation/resource is a Spinning Reserve product that can be activated through the adjustment of a capacity e-Tag. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Exchange of Firm Energy / December 6, 2007 / G-EX: Exchange of Firm Energy.
An exchange of firm energy where by one entity delivers energy to another entity at one point on the grid and receives an agreed upon amount of energy from that entity at another point on the grid. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Firm Contingent / December 6, 2007 / G-FC: Firm Contingent.
The energy is from a designated generating unit or source. This product may be interrupted only to the extent the output capability of the designated unit or source has been reduced due to a deration or outage of the designated unit or source. A G-FC product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Firm Energy / December 6, 2007 / G-F: Firm Energy.
This product may be curtailed only in the event of a reliability condition or to meet Seller’s public utility or statutory obligations for reliability of service to native load. A G-F product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Firm Provisional Energy / December 6, 2007 / G-FP: Firm Provisional Energy.
This product may be interrupted only if the interruption is within the recall time and for conditions allowed by applicable provisions governing interruption of service, as mutually agreed to by the parties. A G-FP product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Hourly Firm Energy / December 6, 2007 / G-F1: Hourly Firm Energy.
This product may be interrupted, consistent with the provisions of the transaction, provided the Purchasing-Selling Entity or Load-Serving Entity receives notification of the interruption 40 minutes or more prior to the start of the operating hour. A G-F1 product cannot be interrupted for economic reasons. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Interchange Authority (IA) Emergency / July 29, 2010 / A failure of the Interchange Authority software system that prevents the distribution of e-Tags to Reliability Coordinators, Balancing Authorities, Transmission Service Providers, Purchasing-Selling Entities, Load-Serving Entities and Interchange Authorities for assessment of confirmed interchange transactions, for distribution of confirmed interchanged transactions, or both. / INT-020-WECC-CRT-1.2[4]
Interchange Authority Software Provider / July 29, 2010 / The Help Desk of the Software Vendor who is supporting the Interchange Authority Software System (WECC Interchange Tool). Contact information will be provided on the homepage of the WECC Interchange Tool. / INT-020-WECC-CRT-1.2[5]
Local Area Protection Scheme (LAPS) / June 22, 2011 / A Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) whose failure to operate would not result in any of the following:
Violations of TPL-(001 thru 004)- WECC-1-CRT System Performance Criteria,
Maximum load loss ≥ 300 MW, Maximum generation loss ≥ 1000 MW. / PRC-(012 through 014)- CRT-2.1[6]
Non-Firm Energy / December 6, 2007 / G-NF: Non-firm Energy. This product may be interrupted for any reason or no reason, without liability on the part of either the buyer or seller. / INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.2
Primary Reference Source (PRS) / June 22, 2011 / Primary Reference Source equipment provides a timing signal whose long-term accuracy is maintained at 1x10 -11 or better with verification to universal time coordinated (UTC). A PRS signal is used as the basis of reference for control of other clocks within a telecommunications network. / COM-001-WECC-CRT-1
Safety Net / June 22, 2011 / A type of Remedial Action Scheme designed to remediate TPL-004-0 (System Performance Following Extreme Events Resulting in the Loss of Two or More Bulk Electric System Elements (Category D)), or other extreme events. / PRC-012 through 014- WECC-CRT-2.1[7]
Underfrequency Load Shedding Review Group (Review Group) / December 6, 2012 / A joint regional group comprised of WECC Balancing Authorities, Planning Coordinators, Transmission Operators, and Transmission Planners created by the WECC Joint Guidance Committee to review and maintain an accurate underfrequency load shedding database and simulation models reflecting the WECC Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan. The Review Group shall also be responsible for conducting simulations of the Coordinated Plan to ensure the Coordinated Plan meets all the requirements of NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006-1. / PRC-006-WECC-CRT-1.1[8]
WECC Remedial Action Scheme Database: / November 30, 2011 / That database of information collected from the WECC Remedial Action Scheme Information required under PRC-012-(012 through 014)-WECC-CRT-2.1, WECC Remedial Action Scheme Information Sheet (Attachment A). / PRC-(012 through 014)-WECC-CRT-2.1[9]
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Off- Nominal Frequency Load Shedding Plan (Coordinated Plan) / December 6, 2012 / The Coordinated Plan presented as Attachment A to PRC-006-WECC-CRT-1, or its successor, as required by NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006-1 and adopted by all Planning Coordinators within WECC. / PRC-006-WECC-CRT-1.1[10]
Wide Area Protection Scheme (WAPS) / November 30, 2011 / A Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) whose failure to operate would result in any of the following:
Violations of TPL-(001 thru 004)- WECC-1-CRT System Performance Criteria,
Maximum load loss ≥ 300 MW, Maximum generation loss ≥ 1000 / PRC-(012 through 014)-WECC-CRT-2.1, Attachment A[11]

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

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Attachment: WECC Document Numbering Convention

As WECC creates new documents they will be numbered in accordance with the following numbering convention unless otherwise required by NERC or another regulatory body.[12] WECC Standards staff will assign the numbers on behalf of the drafting teams.

Standards Numbering

WECC-originated Regional Reliability Standards (RRS) will be numbered in accordance with the NERC Standards Numbering System or its successor.

For example: BAL-002-WECC-1

The addition of the “WECC” designation to the NERC Standard nomenclature indicates the document is a RRS.

A number of regional standards predate this numbering system (e.g., BAL-STD-002- 0). As these standards are revised in the normal regional standards development process, WECC will revise the numbering to reflect the system described here.

Document “Type” Designations

A WECC Regional Criterion will be designated with a “CRT” designation.

Documents previously designated as a WECC Regional Business Practice (RBP) have been re-categorized as WECC Regional Criteria designated with a “CRT” designation.[13]

The following example would apply to a CRT.

Example TPL-001-WECC-CRT-1.1b

TPL Three-letter designation to identify the general topical area of the criterion. WECC uses the same topic designations as NERC.

001 Three-digit numeral within the above topical area. These numbers will be assigned sequentially for new documents.

WECC Four letters that designate WECC origination.

CRT Three-letter designation to indicate this document was drafted under the development procedures as a regional criterion.

1 One-digit numeral identifying the version of the document, starting with the numeral “1” for new documents. For modified documents this is a sequential number to indicate how many times the original version has been modified.

Errata with an Interpretation

If a document has an erratum, the identification will include a period after the last number. The numbering after the period will be sequential.

In the following example, assume the WECC Criterion has both an erratum as well two interpretations. The resulting nomenclature would be:


The “1” is the version.

The “.1” is the single erratum.

The “b” indicates the there are two interpretations.

Interpretations Numbering

If a document has an approved interpretation, the assigned nomenclature will have a lowercase letter after the version number. For each interpretation added to a particular document, the lowercase letter will sequence through the alphabet.

For example, if there were two approved interpretations in the below example, the interpretation would be designated as: TPL-001-WECC-CRT-1.1b.

Renaming WECC Regional Business Practices to WECC Criteria

On June 25, 2014, the WECC Board of Directors (Board) approved the elimination of the Regional Business Practice (RBP) categorization in favor of a single WECC Criterion (CRT) category. No substantive changes were made as a result of the classification change; only the designation nomenclature has been changed.

All INT WECC RBPs were reclassified as WECC CRTs.

For example:

INT-001-WECC-RBP-1 becomes INT-001-WECC-CRT-1

INT-002-WECC-RBP-1 becomes INT-002-WECC-CRT-1.

Categories/Abbreviations Used in NERC Standard Numbering Convention

Abbreviation / Standard Area
BAL / Resource and Demand Balancing
CIP / Critical Infrastructure Protection
COM / Communications
EOP / Emergency Preparedness and Operations
FAC / Facilities Design, Connections and Maintenance
INT / Interchange Scheduling and Coordination
IRO / Interconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination
MOD / Modeling, Data, and Analysis
NUC / Nuclear
ORG / Organization Certification
PER / Personnel Performance, Training, and Qualifications
PRC / Protection and Control
TOP / Transmission Operations
TPL / Transmission Planning
VAR / Voltage and Reactive
Version / Date / Action / Change
0 / May 1, 2014 / Initial Update / All current WECC Regional Business Practices and WECC Criteria were reviewed for inclusion into Version Zero.
0 / May 5, 2014 / Errata / Included Contingent Firm. Previously omitted.
1 / May 21, 2014 / WSC approved / Preamble added.
1 / June 25, 2014 / WECC Board of Directors (Board) / WECC Board eliminated the Regional Business Practice (RBP) designation in favor of the WECC Regional Criterion (CRT) designation. See Board minutes for June 25, 2014.
1.1 / August 11, 2014 / Errata / Firm Contingent “Energy” was deleted from the Term to match INT-018-WECC-CRT-1.
In the definition for “Capacity Associated with Energy Recallable for Reserves” Authorities was changed to the possessive form “Authority’s.”
2 / March 10, 2015 / WSC approval / Terms used on in MOD-001-WECC-0 were deleted from the glossary. The MOD was retired by the WSC pursuant Step 13 of the Reliability Standards Development Procedures.
3 / March 8, 2016 / WECC Standards Committee Approved / Removed “Performance Level Adjustment Record”; TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2, WR1 retired on October 8, 2013.
“WECC Remedial Action Scheme Database” and “Wide Area Protection Scheme (WAPS)” reference for EOP-007-WECC-CRT-1.1 (retired July 1, 2013) updated to PRC-(012 through 014)-WECC-CRT-2.1. Associated PRC-(012 through 014)-WECC-CRT-1 updated to 2.1.
“WOULD” in WAPS changed to lower case. “NOT” in LAPS changed to lower case.
INT-020-WECC-CRT-1.1 updated to 1.2.
TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2.1 updated to 2.2.
INT-018-WECC-CRT-1 updated to 1.2.
PRC-006-WECC-CRT-1 updated to 1.1.
4 / December 6, 2016 / WECC Standards Committee Approved / Adjacent Transmission Circuits, used in TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2.2 was removed as it is no longer contained in TPL-001-WECC-CRT-3, as approved by the WECC Board of Directors. September 21, 2016.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

[1] This document has been developed from a “Version Zero” source and contains some defined terms that were not developed using the Procedures.