Precept Upon PreceptLesson 7

Daniel, Pt 1: Living a Biblical Worldview Chapter 5

The BALL / The GALL / The WALL / The CALL / The FALL
(1) / (2-4) / (5-6) / (7-16) / (17-31)
King Belshazzar held a Great Feast for ______
nobles, wives, concubines
  • Ballroom 150’x75’

Quick Facts:
  • Full Moon
  • Belshazzar’s step-father, Nabonidus had surrendered to Medes/Persians outside the gates just 2 days before.
  • In case of siege, enough food stored inside the city for 20 years. Enough water b/c the Euphrates ran thru center of city
  • Two sets of city walls, 25’, 11’ thick.
/ King Belshazzar called for the vessels that Neb. had taken out of God’s Temple in Jerusalem.
They all drank wine from the holy vessels of the LORD.
They drank & praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, & stone
OCTOBER 12, 539 BC

MENE= God numbered kingdom, put to an end
MENE(~ verily, verily)
TEKEL=you weighed, too light
UPHARSIN/ PERES=kingdom divided, given to the Persians / None of the wise men could explain the inscription…
The Queen
There is a man who…
DANIEL (80+)
The offer…
3rd in the kingdom / Daniel Explains the Judgment
  • MHG gave Neb grandeur, glory, majesty (people feared him)
  • This caused Neb to b/c PRIDEFUL
  • But he was driven away from mankind UNTIL he recognized that MHG is Ruler of mankind, and that MHG sets rulers over mankind whom He chooses.
  • You have NOT humbled your heart, but have exalted yourself against the Lord of Heaven, misused His holy vessels, praised other gods with them.
  • You have NOT glorified the God in whose hand is your ______and your ways.
(Explains Inscription)
That night, Belshazzar was SLAIN.
Darius (Mede) rec’d the kingdom

Daniel had been “sidelined” in the palace for 23 years since the death of Nebuchadnezzar; but he’d been busy preparing himself for the next step in God’s Plan!