Mossy Creek
November 2014
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I love this time of year. As the season changes, the heat of summer has gone, giving way to cool mornings and warm afternoons. Football is in full swing and the holidays are just a few weeks away. Soon, it will be Thanksgiving, but that does not mean we have to wait until a certain day of the year to be thankful. Thanksgiving can be an every day sort of thing. Many people on social media take this idea and run with it. From time to time, and especially in November, they are sharing their thanksgivings daily, sometimes listing up to five things that day for which they are thankful. How would our lives be different if we took the time to be intentionally thankful each day?
In his letters, Paul often talks about the priority of giving thanks to God for our blessings, and his letter to the church at Thessalonica is no different. We have so much to be thankful for, but sometimes we forget that. As a reminder, we have been sharing celebrations and thanksgivings as we begin worship on Sunday. At our Tuesday morning Bible study, we have started sharing celebrations as well as prayer concerns. The idea is that we do indeed have much more to be thankful for than we might think, and so we intentionally share at least as many celebrations as we do requests. There is no doubt are many things we need to “pray for,” but even so I think there are even more things that we can “praise for.”
See you Sunday, when we will give thanks and celebrate the riches God has shared with us,
Nursery Schedule
Week 1 Kari Murphey/ helper needed
Week 2 Amanda Goldman/ helper needed
Week 3 Mary Trigg and Jenna Smith
Week 4 Whitney Roberts/ helper needed
Week 5 Rana Smith/ helper needed
Children’s Church
Week 1 Kelli Cruce/ Vicky Hunt
Week 2 Saige Jenkins/ Sydney or Maureen Shelnut
Week 3 Cindy Crumley/ Maureen or Sydney Shelnut
Week 4 Freda McAvoy/ Ann Puckett
Week 5 Sally Crowe/ Heather Landen
Sunday School Classes
Preschool Kay Head/ Saige Jenkins
K-2nd Cindy Gaddy/ Anne Puckett
3-5th Susan Thompson/ Raven Ferguson and Teresa Brown/ Gayla Hall
Greeters for November
November 2 Landry Crumley
November 9 Doug Head
November 16 Christine Horn
November 23 Tracy Dorsey
November 30 Mary Trigg
Thank you to all of our volunteers.
United Methodist Women
We are having a craft night on Wednesday November 12th. An expert will be coming to help us make holiday wreaths to decorate our homes. The cost is $35. Be sure and let Sherry or Sally know you are coming so enough materials will be provided. It should be a lot of fun and you’ll have a wreath you can use for years to come. Hope to see you there! Open to all women in the community.
Family Night Supper
There will not be a Family Night Supper in November. Our next dinner will be a combined meal with Loaves and Fishes for the Holidays.
“Love Came Down at Christmas”
Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, Love Divine,
Love was born at Christmas,
Star and Angels gave the sign.
Worship we the Godhead,
Love Incarnate, Love Divine,
Worship we our Jesus,
But wherewith for sacred sign?
Love shall be our token,
Love shall be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.
This poem by Christina Rossetti is the inspiration for this year’s musical, “Love Came Down at Christmas.” This musical will be presented by our choir on December 14th during the 11:00 am service. As always, we welcome new singers. Rehearsals are scheduled Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.
Children’s Group
We would like to meet with parents and leaders for 15-20 minutes after the Fall Family Fun Fest on Sunday, November 9th so we can talk about ideas to help our children grow in their faith and plans for a Christmas play.
We would like to offer something outside of Sunday School and Children’s Church for our younger ones and need ideas on what days work best for your family, how often do we want to meet, what types of activities are you interested in for your child and who we can get to lead this needed ministry. Contact Cindy in the Church Office for more information or ideas.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is diligently working on shawls to be delivered to people who are sick. They are so pleased to have these special gifts and to know, they are being prayed for. The next gathering is November 3rd at 6:30 in the YAH classroom. The class is not meeting in the Fellowship Hall this month because the voting machines will be in the hall and locked for security. For more info contact Susan Thompson.
Nepal News
Update on the church building project:
I am not trying to sound negative but the building process in Nepal seems to take longer than normal, and many times there are unexpected delays. We should be in our new location and services started, but not yet. Lately, the gravel was stopped, because the company was not meeting the required regulations imposed on them by the government.The company was closed until a few days ago, and now the demand is high, which means the cost is high. We are doing our best to keep the project moving to build the church. Please continue to pray for the building project. OH! What a day that will be when we worship in our new building. We are veryeager to move, but for some reason God has not given permission yet. Please pray for our church, Bethel Baptist Church in Nepal.
Through Christ alone,
James Holly Tamang
For more information or if you have a question about this ministry please contact June Shunk.
Loaves & Fishes
The next Loaves and Fishes supper will be on Thursday, November 6th at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
Please joins to as we invite the community in for a nourishing meal and often much needed fellowship.
Happy Birthday
November 2
Miriam Vandiver, Ethan McAvoy
November 5
Jeff Trigg
November 8
Kelley Kostulakos
Kaitlyn Gaddy
November 13
Helen Dorsey
November 16
Jeff Fitzpatrick
November 17
Jerilyn Gerrell
Happy Anniversary
November 4
Don & Heather Landen
November 13
Landry & Cindy Crumley
November 15
Stan & Beverly Autry
November 18
Alton & Teresa Brown
November 24
Charl & Kim Sosebee
Happy Birthday
November 18
Pat Nordan
Dickie Nix
Carter Cruce
November 19
Sarah Gaddy
November 20
Carly Adam
November 22
Madison Turner
Martha Kent
November 23
Shannon Tribble
November 30
Mary Beth Blair
November 25
Tom & Cynthia Wills
November 27
Mitchell & Sydney Vandiver
November 28
Don & Donna Stockwell
November 29
Billy & Sandy Jenkins