1. STARLIGHT Psalm 19
Flashing nightly; Shining brightly;
Spinning, circling, cartwheeling.
Like a precept revealing:
Shedding light on dark and hidden faults —
I didn’t even know myself at all.
Starlight — glimpse of glory!
Starlight, proclaim!
Sparkling, lovely, radiant!
/// Twinkling splendor, magnificent!
Pour forth speech, starlight!
/// Light my eyes, starlight!
Rising, running; Brightness stunning.
Silent knowledge it’s voicing.
Like a bridegroom rejoicing.
Speaking wisdom from an endless sky,
I know someday my soul through it will fly.
Softly, from afar;
Warmly, glowing star —
O, in God’s workings there we see
His infinity. We see…
2. ACTION — REACTION Isaiah 55:10-11
When Word arrived, what were you doing?
Did you listen, or not?
What did you do, shelve it all for later?
Don’t tell me you forgot.
Too wrapped up in thought
For a gift so precious.
Don’t you think it’s what you need?
What kind of ground
Are you with the Sower’s Seed?
‘Cuz you really do need to know —
Your life’s on the line.
Will you grow, or wither in decline?
Action / Reaction:
Soaring, or in freefall;
Saving, or a judgment call.
Action / Reaction
When Word arrived, you’d hit rock bottom,
You were broken and torn.
Crushed by the lies; fractured by deception;
Snagged by their greedy thorns.
Then Fire rushed in, followed by cool Water
Changing you to someone new.
His Spirit’s wind lifted you to higher views.
Now your heart flies like a kite above,
Tethered to His lifeline.
Sail on His love, grafted to Him, the Vine.
Attack! Don’t wait. Green light, You won’t hesitate.
Power on-line, surging, contact is aligned.
3. YOUR MOVE Psalm 119:105;
Proverbs 16:9
May the Lord guide me all my living days,
Watching over all my ways.
Help me keep Your statutes, and to do Your will.
Guard my heart and keep it still.
May I keep walking In all Your commands.
Guide my footsteps by Your hands.
Your move — Lead, so I may follow
Your move — Where the saints in glory all go
Your move — Over hill and hollow
Your move — Choose me to.
Darkness may beguile me, bind my heart in fear-
May your light be ever near.
Mountains may be rugged, walls of craggy stone,
I ascend them not alone.
When my heart is tempted, or it wants to stray,
Escort me through lit doorways.
Twilight, though it darkens to midnight,
I can’t lose sight.
Ignite, fill the darkness with starlight,
O, shine so bright!
4. RIDE ON! Matthew 21:5-9; Rev 19:11-16
Take a deep look around…what do we see
Hidden, buried, and drowned
Behind the scenes?
Preached amid great deception is the Truth;
Through the bad reception,
You still bring Your Good News.
O, ride on! Ride on, King of kings!
Ride on! Ride on, Lord of lords!
In majesty we can’t ignore;
In victory, with Truth His sword. Yeah, ride on! Ride on, Prince of Peace!
We needn’t travel too far, for You’re ever near.
You’re wherever we are, and Your voice we hear
Over all the false prophets honored and awed.
Countering faulty logic,
You speak the Word of God.
On a horse so pure, blazing white,
You lead us through the fight.
Your army so vast, standing tall,
Waiting on heaven’s trumpet call
Over all…
Exodus 30:7-8; Leviticus 4:27-31; Ephesians 5:2;
2 Corinthians 2:15
Some long time ago, three kings rode into town.
His birth was long foretold. Gifts were laid down.
In the coming years, great wisdom He deployed,
Making Scriptures clear while just a boy.
He no longer stayed. This carpenter by trade
Would leave planks on the floor,
To take them up once more.
Heaven’s scent,
You came down in true lowliness,
Bringing peace, lasting joy, and rest.
Heaven’s scent, purify me with holiness.
Aroma sweet, rise and bless.
Some long time ago, a King rode into town,
Riding on a foal. Palms were strewn down.
In the coming days,
Their hearts turned into stone,
Just like the ones they wanted to throw…
Covered by perfume,
The fragrance filled the room:
His body was prepared;
His blood was not spared.
O, fragrant like frankincense and myrrh,
O, the perfect sacrifice occurred.
True to Your Word, Your life to us conferred.
6. NOTHIN’ Ecclesiastes 1:14
Hunting high, looking low in the darkness.
Tripping trails, stumbling steps on a carcass.
What is this I’d found, lying here on the ground?
It made me cry, “How can I be so heartless?”
I thought I was living my life upsized, uh-huh.
It was all just a lie, like ground without the sky, because…
If You’re not in my view, I see nothin’.
If I don’t treasure You, I gain nothin’.
I’m a guide without direction —
Flawless imperfection.
If I don’t know You, I am nothin’ but a fool.
Don’t tell me how it is, I know better.
I am me, you are you — not together.
I took what came my way,
And held it close all day.
It made me cry, “I thought I was so clever.”
I knew that my wisdom was so wise, uh-huh.
It was all just a lie — a goal without a prize, because…
My God, my King, my Lord,
You are my great reward.
Fix my eyes on You, my heart and mind too.
7. THE WAY HOME John 14:1-6
Had a date, had some friends to meet —
I think you know the type:
Livin’ large on a dead end street;
They like the worldly hype.
Bright lights were callin’ me;
The glare had made me blind.
Long nights no Sonlight see;
He wasn’t on my mind.
Barricade: stopped me in my tracks.
Cordon tape: said to stay far back.
Searchlights scanned: circled from above.
Wounded hands: lift me up…
On my own, I don’t know the way home.
On our own, we don’t know the way home.
The seed was sown —
We were shown the great unknown.
No tombstone, grave disowned,
He paved the way home
Drivin’ hard, to take what I need;
Speeding in the wrong lane.
Took the wrong turn on a one-way street,
But didn’t take the blame.
Headlights were guiding me;
I thought my mind was so bright.
Night life was callin’ me —
Yielded without a fight.
Sirens blared: pulled me to the side.
Warning flare: stopped my errant ride.
Searchlights panned: found my car-wrecked days.
Upheld hands: point the way…
Way home! Through clouds of heaven —
Jesus told us how.
Way home! Through clouds I’m headin’ —
There’s no stoppin’ now, ‘til I am so way home!
8. EVERYBODY 1 Kings 18:16-39
Three long years of sunny days;
There had been no rain.
The ground had turned to wind-blown dust;
Every brook was all dried up.
The king and queen would kill and steal —
Evil all too real.
Just like the land was cracked and hard,
So was their disregard;
No, they never ever ceased
To follow their own ways.
The prophet summoned all their priests;
They all heard him say…
Everybody, raise your voice; everybody, praise the Lord!
Everybody, say with joy; everybody, praise the Lord!
When His fire comes down, then make a glad sound, gather ‘round, yeah,
Everybody, make some noise; everybody, praise the Lord!
All the priests just shook their heads.
They sacrificed instead
To worthless idols deaf and mute,
To gods of dire ill repute.
Taking up the challenge laid,
Around their altar made,
Then all the followers of Baal
Cut themselves and wailed.
Nothing happened, nothing burned…
Now came Elijah’s turn:
His offering was fully consumed;
And all the water too.
Then the people cried in wonder and in awe,
“The Lord — He is God!”
But don’t acknowledge Him for just one day;
Honor Him in every way!
9. HOLIDAY John 3:16-18; 1 Peter 4:12-13
Had a friend who said breath renews
When we pass away.
Wants to come back as someone who’s
Deaf to what I say.
She looked at me with her big cat eyes,
And said, “Are you insane?
I wouldn’t waste one of my nine lives
To concede your bane.”
Here we stand so far apart.
By her hand, she’s casting stones straight at God’s heart.
Looking forward to that holiday;
Moving toward that long holiday.
Heartfelt healing; radiance revealing.
Hope and pray for that forever day — that holiday.
Met a man who would reminisce
And talk of hell on earth.
“It couldn’t be any worse than this;
Life’s so full of hurt.”
I said I’d say a prayer for him.
But he held a grudge:
“Who’s to say what’s really sin?
Who made you my judge?”
Here we stand not in two courts.
By his hands, he stops his ears on one discourse.
Why is love cast aside? Why is love judged a lie?
Here we stand. By His hand, we will stand!
10. LIFE ON THE B-SIDE Ephesians 5:19-20;
1 John 3:2-3
Another foggy night: Truth is hard to find;
Raw wind is stirring up leaves of fright
That swirl within my mind.
Tickertape-parading daily on what I’m dreaming of:
Peace and love…peace and love.
With a mighty roar, thunder replied:
His voice calling me once more
To the great light — His fire burns inside.
Whoa! Whoa! Life on the B-side!
Whoa! Whoa! Life on the B-side!
I don’t know the day, but I know the way
I’ve got to look away from this life and know…
Whoa! Whoa! Life on the B-side!
With purpose, some commence
Down a tunnel long,
While teetering on a feeble fence
That never did stand strong.
Built on what-ifs and on maybes,
It blocks the view above:
Peace and love…peace and love.
My goal lies ahead — not to be denied;
I go where Jesus tread:
Race for the line, keeping heaven in sight.
Looking on the bright side;
Looking toward the back side.
Living on the bright side; living for the back side.
With joy of salvation — that’s my station:
Looking, living on the B-Side of life!
11. JOY Psalms 42, 43, & 121
Is the sea rising in your space,
Drowning you who engage?
Dark waves crash against your face,
Casting you down in rage.
But you’re thirsting for what is good —
For the Lord, the Most High.
Through the swells, you’ve understood —
He’s right here, ever nigh.
To the depths, He comes to save;
Step by step, even to the grave.
From the heights, He’s watching over;
From your plight, His help occurs.
Elation! Sing, “Joy, joy, joy!”
Creation, sing, “Joy, joy, joy!”
4th X: Salvation brings joy, joy, joy!
Ovation rings, “joy, joy, joy!”
Is the Earth spinning in your space,
Boasting about its age?
Man-in-the-Moon is spitting in your face,
Waxing his ancient stage.
Lift your eyes high up to the hills —
Where does our help come from?
To the mountains and higher still —
Rend the sky, Lord, and come!
On the clouds, riding the wind;
Thunder loud, listen, it begins:
Help He sends — lightning chaining;
Aid descends — gently raining.
Oh, is your spirit low? Oh, soon your heart will glow!
In the Lord, you’ll be bold.
In the Lord, you’ll behold His joys foretold.
All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown Him Lord of all. (repeat)
All hail the power, all hail the power!
All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!
With yonder sacred throng,
Wwe’ll join the everlasting song.
Hail Him, you heirs of David’s line,
Whom David Lord did call,
The God incarnate, Man divine,
And crown Him Lord of all. (repeat)
Sinners whose love cannot forget
The wormwood and the gall.
Go, spread your trophies at His feet,
And crown Him Lord of all.
Let every kindred, every tribe on this terrestrial ball
To Him all majesty ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all. (repeat)
All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!
All lyrics and music by: L.A. Miller ©2017
except the lyrics & setting of the verses of “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” — Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal #370.
The Larry Miller Band is…
Vocals: Lario Falsetto
Lead & Rhythm guitars: Larex Lifather
Bass, Pedals, and Keyboards: Laddy Mee
Drums & Percussion: Sit Applet
(Yeah, the whole band thing is a ruse)
Produced and Engineered by L.A. Miller.
All thanks and praise go to God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—for making this third/fourth CD happen.
Another year later, YHWH still keeps the new music coming. Wow! His grace and mercy endure forever!
He treats sinful servants like holy sons and daughters for Jesus’ sake and for His great and holy Name’s sake! What an amazing God we have!!!