Please send this form with your scanned signature in up to Word 2010 format by e-mail to
Please name your file <Surname>_cert.doc where <Surname> stands for your surname in English with the first letter capitalized.
1.1Registration form
Registration form for the certification process as
Certified Project Manager (IPMALevelC) on: (date – DD/MM//YYYY)
1.1.1PersonalDetails(Please complete ALL fields in CAPITAL LETTERS)
Title / Sex (e.g. Mr. / Male)Name
In addition, please fill-in your personal and contact details at the On-Line Personal Data Form available at
1.1.2School and higher education, further education
From / To / Institution / Qualification1.1.3Previous training and studies in project management
From / To / Institution / Course title1.1.4Previoustrainingandstudiesinleadershipandbehaviouralcompetences.
Behavioural competences (e.g. moderation, group dynamics, presentation skills) and leadership tasks (e.g. conducting personal appraisals, giving presentations, team leadership).
From / To / Institution / Course title1.1.5Career development(last five years)
From / To / Position / Role / CompanyΕ.630-2-EN/3 Page 1 of 11
1.1.6Current Project Experience
Experience in projects(Table reference projects, Programs and Portfolios, sorted in descending order, beginning with the most recent):Nr. / Project/program/portfolio name / Project performing company / customer / Start (mm.yy) & finish (mm.yy) / Budget
(1000 Euro),
(people days) / Phases
(Quantity) / Role[1] and Responsibilities of the candidate / Actual PM efforts[2] (people days) / Contact reference
Example / Example / pma / 01/2008-12/2008 (180 pd) / 10.000,--(180 PT) / 5 / PM incl. PM-activities / 30 pd PM
+ 60 pd PM-activities / Mag. Brigitte Schaden
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1.1.7Key facts to report
Project nameProject duration (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Project type
Project goals
1.1.8Will your company pay the certification fee?
Yes / No1.1.9Are you a member of IPMA/PM-Greece?
Yes / No1.1.10Have you already been certified at IPMA Level D (Project Management Associate)?
Yes / No1.1.11Reasons why you want to get certified?
(Your answer can be expressed (indicatively) with one or more of the following examples: Personal interest in Project Management; I expect that through PM certification I will be able to respond in a more professional manner in my current duties; Interest in my professional development; I intend to improve my career prospects; I wish to acquire adequate competence to manage projects in the international environment; I want to acquire proven competence in project management)
Terms & Conditions
The due certification fee may be found at The certificationfee is due with your Registration Form. If payment is not made within 3 working days from the submission of your Registration Form and before the deadline for registration (whichever sooner), we reserve the right to cancel your participation in the exams. Please note that you should also complete fully the form at
After payment of the certification fee, you cannot withdraw from the certification process and the certification fee paid cannot be reimbursed for any reason.
In case of errors or omissions in your application form or in the electronic form which should be completed at an additional administrative payment of €100 may be required.Please pay particular attention to your self-assessment which should be fully compliant with the instructions appearing on the next page of this application form.
In case of withdrawal from the certification or non-show at the examinations, the total fee is due and no refund will be made.
If a candidate fails to pass the pm test or the written exam, he can retake the failed exam after two(2) months at the earliest. The entire process must be completed within one(1) year of attending the first exam. In case of a second start of the certification process, the full certification fee will be charged.
Please note – A scanned copy of your signature is required. Do not simply type or print your name. Do not include a photo (usally by a mobile phone) of your signature. Your signature should be scanned and should appear at a white background. Do not send your signature as a separate file.
This registration is contractually binding.
By signing this document, the applicant hereby confirms that all data providedin this application and in the electronic form at correct. The applicant explicitly authorizes storage and use of his name and certificate details and approves electronic processing and storing of this data (personal data, certificate date and exam and test documents) by the Certification Body (PMG-Cert)amd IPMA
The applicant agrees to the evaluation of his/her behavioural competences by the assessors during the course of the PM Certification.
The applicant confirms his wish to receive e-mail from PM-Greece / the Certification Body / IPMA.
The applicant has read and accepts the PMG-Cert Code of Ethics (available on the PMG-Cert website) and agrees to comply with this code as certified project manager.
In case of a successful certification the applicant’s name along with this current affiliation may be published on the PM-Greece, PMG-Cert and IPMA homepage as well at the mailing list.
The IPMA Level C certificate is valid for 5 years. After this time the candidate can recertify at IPMA Level C or obtain an IPMA Level B or A certificate if the required conditions are met.
The applicant has read and understood the above and accepts all terms and conditions of the certification process as mentioned above and as stated at the PMGCERT webpage () fully and without any reservation.
Place, date / Signature1.2PM Self-assessment
General notes on self assessment of PM competence:
Before applying for IPMA LEVEL C you should have :
- at least 36 months (equivalent 540 days) ACTUAL experience in project management
- at least 24 months (equivalent 360 days) (from those 36 months) ACTUAL experience as sole responsible project manager in minor complex projects. (PM activities and other related activities will be counted).
PM competence is divided into three competence areas:
- Technical competences
- Contextual competences
- Behavioural competences
Each PM competence element combines both knowledge and experience.
The PM Self-Assessment must be completed accurately and truthfully. It therefore requires some time.
The level of PM competence is calculated in the self-assessment by means of a taxonomy (see ICB) from 0 to 10, where 10 is the highest possible level. In order to perform a meaningful self-assessment, it is necessary to read and understand completely the description of each competence element in the ICB Version 3. and the Hellenic PM competence Baseline. On the basis of these descriptions, the candidate's competence with regard to knowledge is to be assessed. The taxonomy in the ICB supports the evaluation and assignment of values.
In particular, please read carefully section 3.3. of the ICB and especially Table 3.14 and Appendix 2 before completing your PM Self-Assessment. Please note that an averageknowledge of around 5 out of 10 and an averageexperience of around 4 out of 10 is expected for this level (see also Table 3.13).
Through the PM self assessment, the certification candidate evaluates his/her own project management knowledge.
Please fill in the tables below describing how you estimate your knowledge and experiencewith regard to the corresponding competence elements.
Summarize, by using keywords, how you estimate your knowledge and experiencefor each area of competence (approximately half a page for each); for very high and very low values, please provide an explanation.
Important Notice: Your application for certification cannot be processed without a fully completed application form and PM self assessment! Partially filled forms will be rejected!Do not leave any questions unanswered!
1 Technical competences / Knowledge / Experience1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
1.01 Project management success / X / X
1.02 Interested parties / X / X
1.03 Project requirements and objectives / X / X
1.04 Risk and opportunity / X / X
Interpretation with regard to knowledge (extract of an example):
I have gained my knowledge in a basic course for project management organised by the institution XXXX from XX/XX/XX until XX/XX/XX, with a total duration of XX hours. In addition, I have read the book <Writer>, (year), <book title>, <editor>, <place of publication>.
Interpretation with regard to experience(extract of an example):
I have less experience in regard to the analysis of risks and, as I have not yet made any experience in projects with high risks.
NB: It is expected that your experience is lower or equal to your knowledge in each and every competence element
1 Technical competences / Knowledge / Experience1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
1.01 Project management success
1.02 Interested parties
1.03 Project requirements and objectives
1.04 Risk and opportunity
1.05 Quality
1.06 Project organisation
1.07 Teamwork
1.08 Problem resolution
1.09 Project structures
1.10 Scope & deliverables
1.11 Time & project phases
1.12 Resources
1.13 Cost & Finance
1.14 Procurement & contract
1.15 Changes
1.16 Control & reports
1.17 Information &documentation
1.18 Communication
1.19 Start-up
1.20 Close-out
Please justify briefly your choices in the above table with regard to knowledge (attendance of training courses, books reading etc. DO NOT REFER TO EXPERIENCE IN THIS SECTION. Please be as specific as possible):
Please justify briefly your choices in the above table with regard to experience (actual working experience with regard to applying IPMA principles to ACTUAL projects):
2 Behavioural competences / Knowledge / Experience1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
2.01 Leadership
2.02 Engagement & motivation
2.03 Self-control
2.04 Assertiveness
2.05 Relaxation
2.06 Openness
2.07 Creativity
2.08 Result orientation
2.09 Efficiency
2.10 Consultation
2.11 Negotiation
2.12 Conflict & crisis
2.13 Reliability
2.14 Values appreciation
2.15 Ethics
Please justify briefly your choices in the above table with regard to knowledge (attendance of training courses, books reading etc. DO NOT REFER TO EXPERIENCE IN THIS SECTION. Please be as specific as possible):
Please justify briefly your choices in the above table with regard to experience (actual working experience with regard to applying IPMA principles to ACTUAL projects):
3 Contextual competences / Knowledge / Experience1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
3.01 Project orientation
3.02 Programme orientation
3.03 Portfolio orientation
3.04 Project, programme & portfolio implementation
3.05 Permanent organisation
3.06 Business
3.07 Systems, products & technology
3.08 Personnel management
3.09 Health, security, safety & environment
3.10 Finance
3.11 Law
Please justify briefly your choices in the above table with regard to knowledge (attendance of training courses, books reading etc. DO NOT REFER TO EXPERIENCE IN THIS SECTION. Please be as specific as possible):
Please justify briefly your choices in the above table with regard to experience (actual working experience with regard to applying IPMA principles to ACTUAL projects):
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[1] PS (Project Sponsor), PM (Project manager), PTM (Project Team Member)
[2] In people days; calculate pro-rata (e.g. a project with a 12 month duration (180 people days) and 10% PM effort equates to 18 people days PM-activities) as well as relating to project content (e.g. 6 months project work). One year is calculated as 180 people days.