Leader Recommendation for an Application for La Leche League Leadership
Candidate Name Date ______
Leader Name______Group ______
Postal Address______
Email Address______Telephone______
Please use this form and/or a separate sheet of paper (or submit by email) to answer the following questions about how the candidate’s experience relates to each of the LLLI Prerequisites to Applying for Leadership (see Appendix 18). Providing complete and detailed information will aid the LAD representative in her role.
** Documents with this annotation can be found in the Leader's Pre-Application Packet.
Candidate’s Personal Breastfeeding Experience
How long has the candidate breastfed her child(ren)? ______
Did the candidate exclusively breastfeed until there was a nutritional need for other foods (about the middle of the first year for a healthy, full-term baby)?
If the baby has weaned, what made you confident that the transition from breastfeeding respected the baby’s needs?
Do you have any questions about how the Personal Breastfeeding Experience prerequisite relates to the candidate’s experience? Please explain:
If there have been special circumstances that have challenged the candidate’s ability to breastfeed, such as a physical limitation of mother or baby, please explain:
Candidate’s Mothering Experience
Please give some examples which show how the candidate values nursing at the breast as the optimal way to nourish, nurture, and comfort her baby:
Please provide some examples which show that the candidate recognizes, understands, and responds to her baby’s need for her presence as well as her milk:
If the candidate has experienced regular separation from her baby in the early years:
– Please describe her situation. Please create additional space or use a separate page to share complete information.
– Please respond to the following questions about separation based on Guidelines for Leaders No. 12 of Appendix 18 ** (LLLI Policies and Standing Rules Notebook, page 222 in Leader's Handbook). Please create additional space or use a separate page to share complete information.
1. How the candidate demonstrates that she recognizes and understands the baby's intense need for her presence and how she responds to meet this need;
2. Any impact of separation on mothering through breastfeeding;
3. The arrangements the candidate makes/has made to lessen separation between mother and baby, and/or to minimize disruption of breastfeeding;
4. The candidate's presentation and explanation of LLLI philosophy in light of her experience with separation.
5. How the candidate thinks she would help others experiencing separation situations similar to her own.
Candidate’s Organizational Experience
Is the candidate a member of LLL? ____ Date of membership purchase or renewal. ______
Have you and the candidate discussed each of the ten concepts individually? ______
Does the candidate support and demonstrate each concept in her actions? ______
If there is any concept which you hope that the candidate will understand in greater depth in the future, please explain:
Does the candidate plan to fulfill the basic responsibilities of leadership? ______
If not, please explain the candidate's plans for fulfilling the LLLI mission as a Leader:
Does the candidate own the most recent edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding available in her language? ______Has she read it? ______
Has the candidate attended at least one Series of Meetings (where available)? ______
Please tell us how the candidate has demonstrated a commitment to LLL (holding a Group job or other ways the candidate has shown support of LLL and/or the local Group):
Candidate’s Personal Traits
Does the candidate have sufficient command of language to meet the Criteria for Leader Accreditation, and to fulfill the responsibilities of LLL leadership? ______
Please give some examples which show how the candidate has an accepting and respectful attitude and exhibits warmth and empathy toward others:
Does the candidate demonstrate effective communication skills? ______
If there's a need to develop communication skills, is the candidate willing to work on them? _____
If so, what plans have you made to help the candidate acquire the necessary skills?
Additional Information
Which published resource materials (where applicable, most current editions) have you discussed?
____ The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (most recent edition in candidate’s language)
____ Appendices 17 & 18** (LLLI Policies and Standing Rules Notebook)
____ Overview of Application Work for Leader Accreditation **
____ Thinking About LLL Leadership? **
____ Leader's Handbook (current edition)
____ Leader publication (e.g. Leader Today)
____ Breastfeeding Today, New Beginnings
____ Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple
____ LLLI website, other LLL websites
____ Tear-Off sheets/Pamphlets
____ Area Leader publication
____ Library books
____ Other______
In addition to your Group's Series Meetings, please indicate any other LLL activities in which the candidate has participated?
____ Evaluation Meetings
____ Interested Mothers Workshops
____ Chapter Meetings
____ Other Groups’ meetings
____ Communication Skills Sessions
____ Nursing Toddler Meetings
____ Area/Affiliate Conferences
____ Others______
Do you have any reservations about the candidate representing LLL? _____ If so, please explain:
Please feel free to share with us any other information about you, your Group and/or the candidate, which will help us to work together:
Did you use the Pre-Application Guidelines for Leaders** document? ______
Is this your first time to work with a Leader Applicant? ______
How would you like to correspond? Please indicate your preferred method(s):
email _____ postal mail _____ other (please specify) ______
Have you discussed this application with each of your co-Leader(s)? ______
Names and email addresses of co-Leader(s) who recommend the candidate for leadership:
Names and email addresses of co-Leader(s) who do not recommend the candidate. Please
provide the reason(s) for not supporting the application for each Leader listed:
Thank You!
August 2016 Leader Recommendation, USA Version Page 2 of 4