Art – Grade2

Week 1Unit of Study: ClayThird Grading Period

TEKS Grade 2 (Content)
  • 1 A identify variations in objects and subjects from the environment, using the senses.
  • 1 B identify art elements, such as color, texture, form, line, and space and the art principles, such as emphasis, pattern, and rhythm.
  • 4 A define reasons for preferences in personal artworks.
  • 4 B identify ideas in original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and artists.
/ TEKS Grade 2 (Skills and Processes)
  • 2 A express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines.
  • 2 B create effective compositions, using design elements and principles.
  • 2 C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials.

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
  • clay
  • slab
  • ceramic
Bilingual Word Wall
  • barro
  • ceramica
/ Scott Foresman Art
Unit 4 – Creative Expression
  • Lesson 1 – Art and Music
  • Studio Lesson 1 – Make a Slab Instrument
Optional Resource:

Supplemental Resources:
Fine Art Transparency
Instructional Prints
Unit-by-Unit Resources:
Rubric 4
Internet Resources
Carmine’s introductions to line and shape
The Artist’s Toolkit
Scott Foresman online tour
READING/WRITING and the VISUALARTS: REASEARCH & CORRELATIONS / The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to:
  • Guide students as they examine a variety of artworks that exhibit more than one function
  • demonstrate and facilitate the proper use of art tools and media
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
  1. How would you describe this artwork?
  2. What shapes and forms will you use to create your instrument?
  3. What do you like best about this artwork?
  • Identify and describe different kinds of art.
  • Demonstrate how to form a clay slab when creating a clay instrument.
  • Describe, analyze, interpret, and judge artworks.
  • Structured Overview
  • Discussions
  • Concept Mapping
  • Demonstrations
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Primary Resources

Students will identify and describe different kinds of art through classroom discussion.
Students will demonstrate proper construction techniques as they create a clay slab instrument.
Students will evaluate original artworks by self and peers
Art and Music
Ask students study the prints on page 120 and page 121.
During:Check for Understanding
Have studentsdiscuss the different types of art and their functions.
After: Evaluate
Have student find pictures of musical instruments and tell what they are made of.
Technology Connection
Sketchbook Journal
Have students draw a new and original instrument.
Special Education / Scott Foresman Art
Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
  • Have students use pictures for their inspiration.

Art– Grade2

Week 2Unit of Study:BalanceThird Grading Period

TEKS Grade 2 (Content)
  • 1 A identify variations in objects and subjects from the environment using the senses.
  • 1 B identify art elements, such as color, texture, form, line, and space and the art principles, such as emphasis, pattern, and rhythm.
  • 4 B identify ideas in original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and artists.
/ TEKS Grade 2 (Skills and Processes)
  • 2 A express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines.
  • 2 C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials.

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
  • balance
  • symmetrical balance
  • asymmetrical balance
  • radial balance
Bilingual Word Wall
  • equilibrio
  • equilibrio simetrico
  • equilibrio asimetrico
  • equilibrio radial
/ Scott Foresman Art
Unit 4 – Creative Expression
  • Lesson 2 – Balance
  • Studio Lesson 2 – Make a Coil Object
Supplemental Resources:
Art Prints
Fine Art Transparency
Instructional Prints
Unit-by-Unit Resources:
Rubric 4
Optional Resource:

Internet Resources
Carmine’s introductions to line and shape
The Artist’s Toolkit
Visual Understanding in Education
Scott Foresman online tour
READING/WRITING and the VISUAL ARTS: REASEARCH & CORRELATIONS / The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to:
  • question students as they examine balance in a variety of artworks
  • facilitate and demonstrate the use of tools and materials
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
  1. What would happen if you drew a line down the middle of this artwork?
  2. What type of form will you make?
  3. What type of details did you add to your artwork?
  • Identify and discuss balance in artworks.
  • Express ideas by showing balance and demonstrate how to use clay to make a coil object.
  • Evaluate original artworks by self and peers.
. /
  • Structured Overview
  • Discussions
  • Demonstrations
  • Primary Resources
  • Guided Questions
  • VTS

Students recognize and identify and describe balance through classroom discussion.
Students will create clay coil object that demonstrates symmetrical balance.
Students will analyze original artworks.
Have students study the images on pages 124 and 125.
During: Check for Understanding
Have students discuss the type of balance exhibited in these objects.
Have studentsdecide what the artists might want to express with these artworks.
Technology Connection
Sketchbook Journal
Draw different objects that exhibit all three types of balance.
Special Education / Scott Foresman Art
Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
  • Have students use coils that are the same size.

Art – Grade2

Week 3Unit of Study:RhythmThird Grading Period

TEKS Grade 2 (Content)
  • 3 A identify stories in a variety of artworks.
  • 3 B compare ways individuals and families are depicted in different artworks
  • 4 A define reasons for preferences in personal artworks
  • 4 B identify ideas in original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and artists.
/ TEKS Grade 2 (Skills and Processes)
  • 2 C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials.

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
  • movement
  • rhythm
  • motion
Bilingual Word Wall
  • movimiento
  • ritmo
  • movilidad
/ Scott Foresman Art
Unit 4 – Creative Expression
  • Lesson 3 – Rhythm as Expression
  • Studio Lesson – Make a Shadow Dancer
Supplemental Resources:
Fine Art Transparency
Instructional Prints
Unit-by-Unit Resources:
Optional Resource:

Internet Resources:
Carmine’s introductions to line and shape
The Artist’s Toolkit
Visual Understanding in Education
Scott Foresman online tour
READING/WRITING and the VISUAL ARTS: REASEARCH & CORRELATIONS / The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to:
  • question students as they examine movement in a variety of artworks
  • guide students as they develop their shadow dancers
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
  1. How is movement expressed in this artwork?
  2. What type of movement will you show?
  3. What is your favorite part of this artwork?
  • Identify and describe rhythm in artworks.
  • Show rhythm and movement in an original artwork.
  • Students will participate in a peer critique session
  • Structured Overview
  • Demonstration
  • Questioning
  • Inquiry
  • Reflective Discussion
  • Journals

Students will demonstrate an understanding of rhythm through classroom discussions.
Students will create a shadow dancer.
Students will use the art criticism questions to evaluate their artwork during a peer critique session.
Have students study the images on pages128 and 129.
During: Check for Understanding
Have students discuss how the artist expressed motion in these artworks.
Have students explain the difference between movement and rhythm.
Technology Connection
Sketchbook Journal
Have students study themselves in a mirror and draw themselves in motion.
Special Education / Scott Foresman Art
Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
  • Have students use pre-cut organic shapes and use them to make shadows.

Art – Grade 2

Week 4Unit of Study:Unity and VarietyThird Grading Period

TEKS Grade 2 (Content)
  • 1A identify variations in objects and subjects from the environment, using the senses.
  • 1Bidentify art elements, such as color, texture, form, line, and space and the art principles, such as emphasis, pattern, and rhythm.
  • 4A define reasons for preferences in personal artworks
/ TEKS Grade 2 (Skills and Processes)
  • 2A express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines.
  • 2 B create effective compositions, using design elements and principles.
  • 2 C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials.

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
  • unity
  • variety
Bilingual Word Wall
  • unidad
  • variedad
/ Scott Foresman Art
Unit 4 – Creative Expression
  • Lesson 4 – Unity and Variety
  • Studio Lesson – Show Unity and Variety
Supplemental Resources:
Fine Art Transparency
Instructional Prints
Unit-by-Unit Resources:
Rubric 4

Internet Resources:
Carmine’s introductions to texture
The Artist’s Toolkit
Visual Understanding in Education
Scott Foresman online tour
READING/WRITING and the VISUAL ARTS: REASEARCH & CORRELATIONS / The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to:
  • guide students as they examine unity and variety in artworks
  • facilitate and demonstrate use of media and toolsneeded to create a found object collage
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
  1. What do you think the artist wanted people to know from looking at the artwork?
  2. How will you show unity in your artworks?
  3. How did they artist show variety in the artwork?
  • Identify and describe unity and variety in artworks.
  • Express ideas by showing unity and variety in an original artworks.
  • Evaluate original artworks by self and peers.
  • Questions
  • Demonstrations
  • Discussions
  • Modeling

Students demonstrate understanding of unity and variety through classroom discussion.
Students will develop a found object collage that demonstrates unity and variety.
Students will use the art criticism questions to evaluate their artwork during a peer critique session
Elizabeth Lewis Scott
Have students study the images on pages 134 and 135.
During: Check for Understanding
Have students compare and contrast the images in the textbook.
Have students determine how the artist showed unity and variety in the artworks.
Technology Connection
Sketchbook Journal
Have studentsuse one color to show unity in a drawing. Create the same drawing using several colors to show variety.
Special Education / Scott Foresman Art
Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
  • Have students organize their objects before they glue them down.

Art – Grade 2

Week 5Unit of Study:ProportionThird Grading Period

TEKS Grade 2 (Content)
  • 1A identify variations in objects and subjects from the environment, using the senses.
  • 4A define reasons for preferences in personal artworks
  • 4B identify ideas in original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and artists.
/ TEKS Grade 2 (Skills and Processes)
  • 2A express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines.
  • 2C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials.

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
  • proportion
  • faraway
  • close up
Bilingual Word Wall
  • escala
  • lejos
  • cerca
/ Scott Foresman Art
Unit 4 – Creative Expression
  • Lesson 5 – Proportion
  • Studio Lesson – Draw Proportion
Supplemental Resources:
Art Prints
Fine Art Transparency
Unit-by-Unit Resources:
Rubric 4
Optional Resource:

Internet Resources:
Carmine’s introductions to texture
The Artist’sToolkit
Visual Understanding in Education
Scott Foresman online tour
READING/WRITING and the VISUAL ARTS: REASEARCH & CORRELATIONS / The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to:
  • guide students as they analyze a variety of artworks that demonstrate proportion
  • facilitate and demonstratedrawing techniques
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
  1. What do you see in this picture?
  2. How will you show an object that is faraway?
  3. How did you change the size of the objects in your artwork?
  • Identify and describe proportion in artworks.
  • Create an original artwork that demonstrates proportion.
  • Evaluate original artworks by self and peers.
  • Graphic Organizer
  • Questions
  • Discussions
  • Demonstration

Students will demonstrate an understanding of proportion through classroom discussions.
Students will create a drawing of objects that show proportion.
Students will use the art criticism questions to evaluate their artwork during a peer critique session
Have students preview the text and images on pages 138 and 139.
During: Check for Understanding
Have students discuss how the artist showed proportion in their artworks.
Have students decide why the artist might have drawn the objects in that particular size.
Technology Connection
Sketchbook Journal
Have students draw the view looking out from a window.
Special Education / Scott Foresman Art
Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
  • Have students use different sizes of shapes and arrange them to show proportion.

Art – Grade 2

Week 6Unit of Study:SymbolsThird Grading Period

TEKS Grade 2 (Content)
  • 1 B identify art elements, such as color, texture, form, line, and space and the art principles, such as emphasis, pattern, and rhythm.
  • 4 Bidentify ideas in original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and artists.
/ TEKS Grade 2 (Skills and Processes)
  • 2 Aexpress ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines.
  • 2 B create effective compositions, using design elements and principles.
  • 2 C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials.

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
  • symbol
  • mosaic
Bilingual Word Wall
  • simbolo
  • mosaico
/ Scott Foresman Art
Unit 4 – Creative Expression
  • Lesson 6 – Symbols
  • Studio Lesson – Make a Mosaic
Supplemental Resources:
Fine Art Transparency
Unit-by-Unit Resources:
Rubric 4
Optional Resource:

Internet Resources:
Carmine’s introductions to color
The Artist’s Toolkit
Visual Understanding in Education
Scott Foresman online tour
READING/WRITING and the VISUAL ARTS: REASEARCH & CORRELATIONS / The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to:
  • question students as they examinea variety of symbols
  • guide students as they develop their mosaic
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
  1. What do you think the animal stands for?
  2. What symbols will you use to represent your community?
  3. Which animal represents strength?
  • Identify anddescribe symbols in artworks.
  • Demonstrate how to make a mosaic using an variety of art materials that expresses a symbol.
  • Respond to and make judgments about artworks.
  • Explaining
  • Discussions
  • Questions
  • Demonstrations

Students demonstrate understanding symbols through classroom discussion.
Students will create a mosaic that illustrates a symbol.
Students will evaluate original artworks by self and peers.
Have students study the picture on page 142 and 143.
During: Check for Understanding
Have students discuss the animals in the images and what they might represent.
Have students discuss their community and possible symbols that would represent the different aspects of their community.
Technology Connection
Special Education / Scott Foresman Art
Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
  • Have students work with a partner to complete their mosaic.

Art – Grade 2

Week 7Unit of Study:Public SculpturesThird Grading Period

TEKS Grade 2 (Content)
  • 1 B identify art elements, such as color, texture, form, line, and space and the art principles, such as emphasis, pattern, and rhythm.
  • 4 B identify ideas in original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and artists.
/ TEKS Grade 2 (Skills and Processes)
  • 2 A express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines.
  • 2 C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials.

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
  • public sculptures
Bilingual Word Wall
  • escultura publica
/ Scott Foresman Art
Unit 5 – Art of All Sizes
  • Lesson 1 – Large Sculpture
  • Studio Lesson – Make a SculptureGarden
Supplemental Resources:
Fine Art Transparency
Unit-by-Unit Resources:
Rubric 5
Optional Resource:

Internet Resources:
Carmine’s introductions to color
The Artist’s Toolkit
Visual Understanding in Education
Scott Foresman online tour
READING/WRITING and the VISUAL ARTS: REASEARCH & CORRELATIONS / The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to:
  • question students as they examine a variety of public sculptures
  • demonstrate and facilitate model construction techniques
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
  1. What objects or subjects would you like to see in the form of a public sculpture?
  2. What story character will you use in your sculpture?
  3. Which part of this sculpture do you like the best? Why?
  • Identify and describelarge sculptures.
  • Demonstrate the use of clay to create a sculpture.
  • Respond to and make judgments about artworks.
  • Discussions
  • Demonstrations
  • Questions
  • Modeling

Students demonstrate understanding of public sculpture through classroom discussion.
Students will plan and construct a clay model that could be used as a public sculpture.
Students will evaluate original artworks by self and peers.
Public Sculptures
Have students study the images on page 154 and 155.
During: Check for Understanding
Have students discuss public sculptures they have seen in their schools and community.
Have students brainstorm for ideas on subject for a public sculpture.
Technology Connection
Special Education / Scott Foresman Art
Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
  • Have students use a class story as inspiration.

Art – Grade 2