Student Governance and Organizations

Division of Student Affairs

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations

Department Goal:Incorporate students into the University’s governance process.

Student Affairs Goal:(V) Provide a student-centered environment and one that advocates for student needs.

University Planning Priority: (II) Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community. (VIII) Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of university operations.

Department Objective:Student Congress will investigate, write, and debate resolutions on behalf of undergraduate students.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful if a decision- making rubric shows that Student Congress has, for the majority of resolutions considered, an overall score of “3” (satisfactory) or higher.

Assessment Plan:Student Congress will utilize a decision-making rubric to evaluate the process as each resolution is debated and voted upon. Results will be totaled at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Department Objective:Students will be incorporated into the University’s governance process through University Committee appointments.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful when all University committees with student positions assigned to Student Congress are filled by appointment . Students will be appointed to these committeesafter the Fall Student Affairs Retreat.

Assessment Plan:An appointment list will be provided to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs.

Department Objective: Student Governance and Organizations staff will advise Student Congress executive officers on University issues.

Criteria for Success:Executive officers will indicate at the end of Spring 2011 that university issues were discussed at 75% of scheduled executive meetings.

Assessment Plan:A review report will be used to show the majority of executive officers attended 75% of the scheduled meetings.

Department Objective: Student Governance & Organizations will investigate the possibility of extended elections including expanded polling dates/times as well as multiple locations during the 2010-2011 academic year

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when a report is filed to the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs detailing possibilities.

Assessment Plan: The Director will submit a report to the Assistant Vice President detailing options for expanded elections with options for locations, times and dates.

Department Objective:The Graduate Student Senate will investigate, write, and research resolutions on behalf of graduate students.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful if a decision- making rubric shows that the Graduate Student Senate has, for the majority of resolutions considered, an overall score of “3” (satisfactory) or higher.

Assessment Plan:The Graduate Student Senate will utilize a decision-making rubric to evaluate the process as each resolution is debated and voted upon. Scores will be totaled by the Assistant Director at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Department Objective:Graduate students will be represented on campus through University Committee appointments.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful when all University committees with student positions assigned to the Graduate Student Senate are filled by appointment. Students will be appointed to these committees by the Graduate Student Senate by October.

Assessment Plan:An appointment list will be compiled by the Assistant Director.

Division of Student Affairs

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations

Department Goal:Develop student leaders through co-curricular learning experiences.

Student Affairs Goal: (VII) Provide students with opportunities for personal development and academic and professional success.(IX) Create comprehensive leadership opportunities to serve emerging leaders.

University Planning Priority: (II) Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community.

Department Objective:Freshmen students in FLOC (Freshmen Leaders on Campus) will develop leadership skills through a variety of experiences that promote campus and community involvement and self-knowledge.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful if a (75%) of participants indicate they gained knowledge about themselves and leadership, and then applied that knowledge through program-offered experiences.

Assessment Plan:Members will participate in knowledge surveys (Kouzes and Posner) and inventories (Kiersey Temperament and Strengthsquest) during Fall 2010. Members will complete a self-evaluation at the end of the Spring 2010 semester, indicating knowledge gained about themselves as well as how that knowledge was applied during their freshmen year.

Department Objective:The Office will investigate the feasibility of establishing a sophomore program similar to FLOC.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful when a report is submitted to the Director and Assistant Vice President during the 2010-2011 academic year.

Assessment Plan:The Assistant Director will submit a written report detailing program goals, structure, activities, and budget during the 2010-2011 academic year.

Department Objective: Provide opportunities for UT Arlington students to take a leadership and membership roles in initiating student led programming via student organizations

Criteria for Success: Continued active status by various diverse (religious, ethic, social, academic) student organizations.

Assessment Plan:To occur annually. The Director of Student Governance and Organizations will create and organizational inventory tracking event logistics, membership and student feedback. Student Organizational officers will be asked to complete a student organizational progress report to be keep on file to help improve services.

Department Objective: The UTA Ambassadors will develop leadership skills through a variety of experiences that promote traditions, school spirit, and service to the community.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful if 75% of the participants indicate their leadership skills (such as public speaking, networking, time management, collaboration, motivation) have improved.

Assessment Plan:Participants will complete a Student Voice surveyat the end of the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters.

Department Objective: FLOC Advisors, Executive officers of Student Congress, the Graduate Student Senate, Ambassadors, and will develop leadership skills and learn about roles, responsibilities, and policies pertaining to their positionsat the Student Governance August Retreat.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when 80% or more of the executive officers of Student Congress, the Graduate Student Senate, Ambassadors, participate in the Student Governance Retreat. These officers will be able to articulate the responsibilities of their executive position. Officers will demonstrate the application of leadership skills learned at the retreat to their position through a leadership skills rubric. The majority of officers will score above average on a leadership skills rubric.

Assessment Plan:The Assistant Director will document attendance at the Student GovernanceRetreat. Following the Retreat, officers will complete a questionnaire regarding the responsibilities of their executive position. During the Spring 2011 semester, a rubric will be utilized to demonstrate application of leadership skills.

Division of Student Affairs

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations

Department Goal:Provide services and events for incoming students to aid in their adjustment and integration to college life and retention at UT Arlington.

Student Affairs Goal:(VII) Provide students with opportunities for personal development and academic and professional success.

University Planning Priority: (I) Providea high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation and preparation to meet career goals. (II) Provide an enriching University experience for all members of the UTA community.

Department Objective:The UTA-HOSTS! program will facilitate successful mentoring relationships that result in the retention of students.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful when students in the UTA-HOSTS! programare retained at a higher rate (12%) than the general student population.

Assessment Plan:The Assistant Director will compile the information from an extracurricular activity report by the end of Fall 2010.

Department Objective:The UTA-HOSTS! program will be reviewed in light of the establishment of the Freshman Seminar Program.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful when a report is submitted to the Director and Assistant Vice President in the Fall of 2012.

Assessment Plan: The Assistant Director will research the effects of the Freshman Seminar Program on the role and effectiveness of the UTA-HOSTS! program. A report will be submitted during the Fall of 2012.

Division of Student Affairs

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations

Department Goal:Support student organizations so they may be successful in their activities.

Student Affairs Goal:(V) Provide a student-centered environment and one that advocates for student needs.

University Planning Priority: (II) Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community. (VIII) Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of university operations.

Department Objective:Services (advising, registration, programs, account assistance, and posting advertisements) will be available to assist the 280 student organizations in meeting their annual goals and objectives.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful with the implementation of programs such as the Officers’ Training Camp and 50% student organization useage of Collegiate Link, an on-line organizational management tool.

Assessment Plan:A report will be completed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester. It will include a survey about use of services and participation in programs.

Department Objective: The Department will increase support for student organizations.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful with the implementation of additional services, such as an equipment check-out program, online campus form and banking tutorials are available for student organizations.

Assessment Plan:Staff will document additional services for student organizations and their use by those organizations.

Department Objective:The Department will support organization advisors by offering training on advisor roles and responsibilities.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when 75% of new advisors have met with the Director.

Assessment Plan:A report will be completed by the Director at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Department Objective:The Department will provide risk management education for student organizations and their advisors.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when (a) 95% of those organizations required to do so complete the Risk Management Training program and (b) when 90% of the organization advisors have completed the online Risk Management Training program.

Assessment Plan:The Director will document organizations’ completion of the Risk Management training program each year. Annual documentation of advisors’ completion of the online Risk Management module will be provided from the University’s Office of Compliance, through which the online module is housed.

Division of Student Affairs

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations

Department Goal:Provide programs for students in each school or college, engaging them in the campus community.

Student Affairs Goal:(XI) Provide a campus experience that engages students in a vibrant campus life, engenders pride in being a member of the UT Arlington community, forges lifetime connections to the University and creates citizens who contribute to their communities.

University Planning Priority: (II) Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community.

Department Objective: The Graduate Student Senate will be a liaison between graduate students, faculty, and the Graduate School by offering programs.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when the Graduate Student Senate collaborates with the Graduate School on the ACES Competition and Gradfest, and hosts the Graduate Faculty and Student Mixer with an attendance of over 100 students and faculty.

Assessment Plan:The Assistant Director will document participation in planning meetings for ACES and Gradfest. The Assistant Director will document attendance at the Graduate Faculty and Student Mixers.

Department Objective:The Graduate Student Senate will administer the TAGSS Award, for travel and research for graduate students.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when the program awards an additional 25% of graduate student proposals from 2008-2009.

Assessment Plan:The Assistant Director will compare statistics from 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.

Department Objective: The Ambassadors will provide information and programs that help maintain and support campus traditions.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when traditional programs such as Ask Me Days, Maverick Swap/MavCamp, Scantron Giveaways, and Homecoming programs are implemented. Successful programs will have 200 or more students in attendance. In addition, the Traditions and Trivia publication will be provided to students during the 2010-2011 academic years during organizational outreach.

Assessment Plan:Attendance at events will be documented by the Assistant Director.

Division of Student Affairs

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations

Department Goal:Support student academic success.

Student Affairs Goal:(VII) Provide students with opportunities for personal development and academic and professional success.

University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation and preparation to meet career goals. (II) Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community.

Department Objective:Staff will provide academic resource information to student employees and leaders in Student Governance, as needed, based on their academic standing.

Criteria for Success:The objective will be successful if semester averages for student employees, Freshmen Leaders on Campus, UTA Ambassadors, and executive officers of Student Congress are 2.25 or higher.

Assessment Plan:The Director will complete an inventory of student employee semester averages at the end of the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters.

Division of Student Affairs

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Department Name: Student Governance and Organizations

Department Goal:Provide quality customer service for the University community.

Student Affairs Goal:(VII)Provide students with opportunities for personal development and academic and professional success.

University Planning Priority: (I) Provide a high quality educational environment that contributes to student academic achievement, timely graduation and preparation to meet career goals. (II) Provide an enriching university experience for all members of the UTA community. (VIII) Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of university operations.

Department Objective: The Office will conduct training programs to better train student employees.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when 80% of students attending those programs can identify at least three factors that contribute to good customer service.

Assessment Plan:Student employees will be asked to identify at least three factors that contribute to good customer services following departmental student employee meetings. The Director will compile the information.

Department Objective: Staff will participate in professional development opportunities to become more knowledgeable.

Criteria for Success: The objective will be successful when staff can articulate two or more professional development experiences that enhanced their skills set.

Assessment Plan:The Employee Self-Evaluation Form and ensuing conversation with the Director will provide information regarding effective professional development experiences during 2010-2011.

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