Grant Programme


In Partnership

Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Council began in the summer of 1974 with the amalgamation of the Nuneaton Council and Bedworth Urban District Council. It was renamed Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum in ???? and has continued to further and support interest in sport since it began, having been a central contact point for local sport and active recreation clubs wishing to increase participation and develop. It is financially supported by an annual grant from Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.




In order to focus the objectives of NBSF membership to Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum should only be available to Voluntary Clubs who are affiliated to their own governing body

The objectives ensure that NBSF and its officers achieve its Mission Statement.

1Liaison with and between Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, the Local Sports Network, Sports Clubs and Organisations within the Borough.

2Work in partnership with Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, the Local Sports Network, County Sports Partnership (Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire) and other statuary and voluntary agencies to reflect and implement national and local strategies.

3Promote Sport and Active Recreation within the Borough

4Improve communication between sports clubs/organisations within the Borough and between clubs/organisations and 'official' bodies such as Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Governing Bodies and the Local Sports Network, and County Sports Partnership

5Ongoing review of the way NBSF distributes grant funding. Administer and monitor Borough Council grants to Sports Clubs, providing an annual report on actions achieved.

The Role of Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum

1The Annual Sports Personality awards featuring Scholarship awards to the under 18’s, an Annual Club award for special projects and 7 Sports personality awards. The Services to Sport award, the Senior Sports Personality award, the Senior Team award, the Junior Sports Personality award, the Junior Team award, the Volunteer of the Year award and the Disabled award.

2The Annual programme of grants and funding opportunities currently available by application for member Clubs with headquarters in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth and developing athletes living in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth

  • The Annual grants programme will be limited to small supportive grants to NBSF members.
  • All grants must support a sustainable and ongoing project and not be to support a one off funding scheme
  • All applications for membership to NBSF must be supported by the Club Constitution and confirmation of affiliation to the governing body plus proof of a Club bank account i.e a bank statement. The Club should also confirm all their officers are unpaid volunteers
  • The Club Start up application must also be supported by information regarding the setting up costs to the Club.

A wide range of means exist for localsporting groups to obtain practical financial support from the Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council these are operated in partnership with the Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum (NBSF) and are detailed in this application pack.

A full list of the grant programmes available is given below:

1Club Start Up Grant

2Personal Sporting Development Grant

3Club Development Grant

4Trophy Grant

In order to ensure that your application has the best chance of being successful please read these instructions very carefully prior to completing the appropriate application form.

Each grant programme has slightly different objectives and due to this the application process and criteria differ however NBSF aims to make applying for a grant as simple as possible and additional assistance is available from Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.

This application pack includes the following documents:

1Introduction to the NBSF

2Grant Application Guidance Notes

3Sports Forum membership form

4Application forms for the following grant aid programmes;

a)Club Start Up Grant

b)Personal Sporting Development Grant

c)Club Development Programme

d)Sports Forum Trophy Grant


This section should be read in conjunction with the detailed advice on applying for the individual awards, which follows this section.

1All clubs/organisations applying for funding will need to be members of NBSF. For an application see form NBSF0.

2Grants will not be made where other sources of funding are available.

3Applications will only be considered if they are made using the appropriate grant application form.

4Incomplete application forms will be discarded.

5Applicants should expect to be informed of NBSF’s decision within twelve weeks of application. Organisations receiving a rejection will be notified of the reasons for this decision.

6Applications will only be considered for support where they involve one of the 112 sports recognised by Sport England.

7Retrospective applications are only acceptable under the Personal Sporting Development Grants Programme and should be received not more than three months from the event or course to which the application applies.

8All clubs applying for NBSF support must be open to membership from all sectors of the local community except where there are specific and justifiable reasons for restrictive membership practices.

9Only local sporting organisations/athletes with amateur status are eligible to apply for support from NBSF.

10NBSF shall have the right to ask any organisation in receipt of a grant award to repay either a proportion of or the full amount of any award received, should it come to light that the award has not been utilised in line with the original grant application without the prior written consent of NBSF.

11When applications for grants are successful an end of grant form must be completed and returned. Failure to comply will result in no further grant funding.

NBSF 03 Club Development Grant

The Annual programme of grants and funding opportunities currently available by application for member Clubs with headquarters in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth and developing athletes living in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth

  • The Annual grants programme will be limited to small supportive grants to NBSF members.
  • All grants must support a sustainable and ongoing project and not be to support a one off funding scheme.

Club Development Grant

The Club Development Grant aims to “provide additional resources to local sports clubs to assist with their development through supporting individual time limited projects which would not have been possible to undertake without external support”

Grants can be used to support projects which:

  • Help local sports clubs recruit new members and increase club membership levels.
  • Train new coaches and help existing coaches develop their skills.
  • Help establish systems based on best practice, which help, recruit, retain, support and recognise volunteers involved in local sports clubs.
  • Assist clubs in achieving improvements in performance within the competitive arena.

Awards of up to £150 will be available.

The following guidelines apply to all applications to the Club Development Grant

  • All activities supported by this programme must be new and in addition to the club’s normal programme of activities.
  • One off events will only be supported where it can be shown that the event in question will have a positive effect on club recruitment or increasing sporting performance.
  • Grants under this programme may only be used towards revenue costs however small items of equipment essential to the project may be acceptable provided that this does not constitute the majority of the award applied for.
  • Applications towards the costs of coach education and training will only be considered if they are associated with a clear development plan for the club which shows how this will contribute to the development of the club
  • Education and training costs are eligible under both the main grants programme and supplementary funding for volunteer development purposes.

NBSF 03 Club Development Grant

Grant Application Form

(The maximum funding available is £150)

1 / Name of Organisation:
2 / Address of Headquarters:
3 / Contact Name and
address for correspondence:
Contact Telephone numbers: / Daytime: / Mobile:
4 / Email address for correspondence
5 / What is your position in the Club?
6 / Where and When does the Club meet?
7 / Please provide details of proposed project:
8 / What contribution will this project make towards developing the following?
(Please provide details where applicable)
Membership recruitment
Coach Developing and training
Improving standards of sporting performance
Volunteer management, recruitment and retention
9 / How do you expect this project to help your club develop?
10 / How will the benefits of the project be measured?
11 / Are the events or activities that make up thisprogramme in addition to normal club activities? / Yes / N0
12 / Does your club currently have a club development plan? (If yes please enclose a copy of this.) / Yes / NO
13 / Please provide a full breakdown of the costs to be incurred and any income expected: / Income / Expenditure
14 / Has your club been able to secure any additionalfunding or other supporttowards this project? / Yes / N0
15 / If so please provide details
16 / Please indicate the level of grant requested for this Club Development Grant application.
(The maximum funding available is £150)
17 / Declaration
I/We agree on behalf of the club to use any funds awarded solely for the purpose detailed above and understand that the club will be required to abide by the following condition:
The club must provide a short written evaluation report to NBSF following the project’s completion this should include details of how the grant award has been spent and the benefits, which the club has gained from the project. Please complete and return form NBSF05
Signature of Club Chairman: / Date:
Signature of Club Treasurer: / Date:

Please return to:

The Treasurer NBSF Mrs A Hayes 7 Snowdon Close Nuneaton CV10 8QD

The Annual programme of grants and funding opportunities currently available by application for member Clubs with headquarters in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth and developing athletes living in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth

  • The Annual grants programme will be limited to small supportive grants to NBSF members.
  • All grants must support a sustainable and ongoing project and not be to support a one off funding scheme.

NBSF 05 End of Grant Report

1 / Name of Organisation:
2 / Address of Headquarters:
3 / Contact Name and
address for correspondence:
Contact Telephone numbers: / Daytime: / Mobile:
4 / Email address for correspondence
5 / What is your position in the Club?
6 / Amount of grant received
7 / Total Expenditure / Item / Cost
8 / Describe how the grant made a difference to your Club

Please return to:

The Teasurer NBSF Mrs A Hayes 7 Snowdon Close Nuneaton CV10 8QD


Each spring NBSF organises its annual Sports Personality and Sports Scholarship awards night at the Civic Hall in Bedworth. The following two awards are presented to clubs or individuals as a reward for their hard work and achievements throughout the year.

There is one round of applications for these awards each year. Application forms are normally available from the NBSF web site,local schools, leisure centres, and libraries from September, with applications closing in December each year..

Sports Scholarship – Young Persons Award

One of the highlights of the Sports Personality and Sports Scholarship evening is the presentation of the six Young Persons Sports Scholarship Awards. Each award is worth up to £150 and is for use towards the winners training costs. The awards are assessed on the applicants’ progress at Regional, National and International levels and aim to encourage / help talented local young people develop into the top athletes of the future.

Applicants must supply a letter of endorsement with their application form; this should be from either their coach or a representative of the appropriate governing body of sport. If this letter is not supplied the application cannot be considered.

Awards to benefit the member Clubs of Nuneaton and Bedworth Sports Forum.

These awards are presented at the annual Sports Personality and Sports Scholarships awards night. The Club award is up to the value of £300. Club award applications are assessed based on the contribution that an award will make to the development of the club in question. There may be more than one award and funding can be used towards strengthening club structures, developing new opportunities, grass roots development and encouraging performance and excellence.

Financial awards are also made to member Clubs to recognisethe hard work and efforts Clubs make to either accredit or to re-accredit to their governing body.