Literature of the Silver Screen–Fall 2013

Miss Marvin

Throughout the course of this semester we will be studying various films as works of literature and analyzing them as such. We will look at the technical aspects of films and analyze their impact on the literature of the screen and then study the history and historical progression of film to see how it has evolved into what it is today. This is an English elective with a focus on literature. We will be completing a research project, various writing assignments, presentations, and film studies. You will be required to demonstrate strong writing and analytical skills. BE PREPARED!

General Information

School Phone: 557-4402Classroom: 136

Office Phone:336-6289Conference Hours: 3rd and 4th

Office Number: 129Email:

Course Goals

Study film as a literary genre

Analyze films as works of literature through its unique elements

Analyze the elements of structure, form, and style in film literature techniques

Study and understand the historical background of film literature techniques

Study and apply analysis of technical aspects in film production and their impact on film literature

Critically analyze and appraise dramatic literature presented through film

Understand and evaluate the skills and choices the screenwriters and directors in specific films

Recognize major film genres and their place within world history

As we move through the semester you will find that many of these goals work together and build on one another. There will be some daily assignments, papers, projects, and other assessments over the major areas of study in this class. We will be viewing a variety of films here at school so attendance is essential to success in this class.


Your semester grade will be determined by the points you earn in the following weighted categories:

Class work – 5%

This category includes all work that is assigned to be completed in class. The majority of the points form this category will come from video guides that you complete as we watch films in class.

Quizzes - 15%

This includes quizzes over elements and concepts learned in class as well as viewer responses during films or after watching clips, and other assessments given during any given unit.

Tests – 40%

This category will include all summative assessments throughout the semester. It includes objective tests, extended responses, socratic discussions, and project based assessments.

Projects – 40%

This category is exclusively for your portfolio project over the individual film that you determine to work with throughout the course of the semester.

The final exam will make up 15% of your semester grade.

Seniors with an A or B who have not missed more than six days are exempt from the final.


Each day you are expected to bring all necessary materials to class. These include:

A folder or binder to keep all handouts and assignments

Paper and pen or pencil

Notes and any supplemental materials that you have been asked to bring

Special Information

Obviously since this class is a study of film literature, we will be viewing a number of clips and entire films in class. This is the equivalent of reading that you would do in an ordinary literature class. You must take this seriously by paying attention, completing assignments and guides to go along with the films, and participating in discussion. If you do not have the discipline to watch the films during class time, this will not be a strong class for you. Similarly, attendance is extremely vital to success in this class. If you miss a day of class when we are watching a film, you are responsible to come in and make that up or to obtain the film to watch on your own You will not be able to check out my copy as we must have that here at school to complete assignments. Sleeping or working on something else during a film will result in a 50 minute detention to come in and make up the portion of the film that you missed during class.

General overview of course content and films:

Unit One: Introduction to film and Film as a literary genre

-How do we watch films?

-Focus on literary elements and their application to films

-Application of previous literary knowledge to film


Unit Two: Film Elements/Technical and their impact on the literature/literary elements

-Framing and Shot

-Camera Movement and Angles







-Mise en Scene (placement/overall image)


-All film elements in conjunction with one another


Unit Three: Film History – Development/Progression of film industry and influence of world events on films of the times

-Early Film History/Silent Films – 1900-1920’s

FILMS/CLIPS – The Great Train Robbery, Chaplin Films

-1920’s/Quality/”Talking Pictures”


-1930’S –1940’S: The Golden Age of Hollywood


-1950’S-60’S: The Movie Musical

FILMS/CLIPS: Singin’ in the Rain/West Side Story



-1980’s & Beyond


Required Project: Throughout the course of the semester, each student will be required to complete an independent film portfolio. This project will require you to watch, analyze, and evaluate a film based on the major areas of study throughout the semester. Various components will be assigned throughout the course of the semester to lead up to the completed portfolio. Components of the project are noted below:

-Abstract of director based on research paper

-Plot Summary/analysis

-Character analysis

-Literary analysis

-Analysis of major film elements and their influences on the film as a work of literature

-Analysis of editing and influence on film

-Film’s place in history

-Your review of the film

Classroom Expectations

Be on time to class. You are expected to be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. If you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings, you will be marked tardy. You will receive a warning for your first two tardies. Every tardy after your third will earn you a referral to your assistant principal.

Respect and Appropriate behavior is expected at all times! I expect you to be mindful and respectful of everyone in this class or anyone who visits this class. This includes raising your hand to speak, maintaining classroom appropriate language, and following teacher instructions at all times. Disrespectful or degrading comments or behavior will not be tolerated.

Bring all necessary materials to class. You should come to class every day with your book, a pen or pencil, paper, and any other materials you have been instructed to bring. If you forget your materials, you will have to use one of your passes to go get whatever you have forgotten.

Device Distractions – While cell phones and personal listening devices are allowed in school at various points throughout the day, they should not cause any distraction or disruption during class. All electronic devices should be off and put away by the time that the bell rings. There will be time that you will be allowed to use your devices in class and will be given clear guidelines and parameters for that use. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO TEXTING OR PHONE CALLS ALLOWED DURING CLASS. Any student in violation of this policy will receive a referral.

Passes – You will each be allowed four passes for the semester. You must turn in one of your passes to receive a hall pass to leave the room. These passes can be used to go to your locker, the restroom, or to get a drink. I will not issue passes to use the telephone. After you have used your passes, you will not be able to leave the room – plan accordingly.

Late Work – Late work will not be accepted on daily assignments. You must have your assignment ready to hand in when it is called for or it will not be accepted. Late assignments for major projects, activities, papers, presentations and speeches will lose 10% for every school day that they are late. If you are having trouble with an assignment, need assistance, or are having circumstances that are preventing you from completing an assignment, see me. If you talk to me in advance of the due date we should be able to work out some agreement to prevent you from losing credit. DO NOT COME TO ME THE DAY THAT SOMETHING IS DUE TO ASK FOR AN EXTENSION. I will be reasonable and I expect you to do the same.

ACADEMIC HONESTY – Every student is expected to turn in their own original work for any assignments/assessments for class. Any student who turns in work that contains any part that is not their own original work will receive a zero.

ALL SCHOOL POLICITES WILL BE ENFORCED IN THIS CLASS. In addition to my specific classroom expectations, I expect everyone to follow all school rules at all times.