This survey has been designed by the Patient Participation Group

(PPG) in order to identify if improvements can be made in: -

  1. communication between the Practice and the patients,


  1. the facilities in the reception areas

Please tick one answer


Q1. Before today when did you last come to the GP Surgery?

Danebridge Kingsmead Sandiway

In the past 3 months / 132 / 61% / 31 / 62% / 36 / 72%
Between 3 and 6 months ago / 45 / 21% / 7 / 14% / 7 / 14%
More than 6 months ago / 33 / 15% / 10 / 20% / 6 / 12%
This is my first visit / 5 / 3% / 2 / 4% / 1 / 2%

Q2. Which surgery do you usually attend? Choose one only

Danebridge / 181 / 85% / 17 / 34% / 12 / 24%
Kingsmead / 21 / 10% / 31 / 62% / 2 / 4%
Sandiway / 12 / 5% / 2 / 4% / 36 / 72%




Q3. Are you aware the practice has a website?

Danebridge KingsmeadSandiway

Yes / 156 / 73% / 36 / 72% / 33 / 66%
No / 59 / 27% / 14 / 28% / 17 / 34%

If yes, - how often do you use it?

Weekly / 1 / 1% / 4 / 10%
Monthly / 28 / 21% / 4 / 10% / 6 / 17%
Less frequently / 123 / 88% / 32 / 80% / 29 / 83%

Do you find it useful?

Yes / 76 / 50% / 24 / 57% / 19 / 56%
No / 14 / 10% / 2 / 5% / 4 / 12%
N/A / 60 / 40% / 16 / 38% / 11 / 32%

Q4 Do you read the Newsletter?

Danebridge KingsmeadSandiway

Yes / 53 / 25% / 24 / 48% / 15 / 30%
No / 124 / 59% / 19 / 38% / 21 / 42%
Sometimes / 34 / 16% / 7 / 14% / 14 / 28%

Q5 Did you know the practice has a Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

Yes / 71 / 33% / 30 / 60% / 30 / 60%
No / 141 / 67% / 20 / 40% / 20 / 40%

Would you be interested in joining the PPG?

Yes / 15 / 8% / 4 / 8% / 6 / 14%
No / 183 / 92% / 46 / 92% / 36 / 86%

If ‘Yes’ please ask at reception for an application pack

Q6Do you have any suggestions on how to improve communication between the practice

and its patient population?


E mail (6)

Develop a downloadable App for mobile phone users

Online booking of appointments (2)

Repeat prescriptions by text

Website should be advertised better (2)

Regular e mail to advise on different procedures e.g. appointment system(2)

Normally very good

Text alerts to remind patients

More telephone lines in morning

Posters to transfer information

Frequent questionnaires on practice and it’s efficiency

Text messaging

Answer machine 24 hours

Open evenings explaining clinics available

Excellent newsletter

More communication and improvements

Circulate newsletter

CArriving at the Surgery

Q7 How do you normally get to the surgery?

Danebridge KingsmeadSandiway

Car – drive myself / 133 / 65% / 32 / 64% / 34 / 68%
Car- brought by relative/friend / 30 / 15% / 5 / 10% / 3 / 6%
Walk / 32 / 16% / 12 / 24% / 13 / 26%
Bus / 7 / 3% / 1 / 2%
Other (please state) / 2 / 1%

Q8 If arriving by car do you normally have trouble parking?

Yes / 74 / 40% / 13 / 31% / 12 / 24%
No / 51 / 28% / 20 / 48% / 16 / 32%
Sometimes / 59 / 32% / 9 / 21% / 12 / 24%

Q9 Do you use the touch screen to check-in?

Yes / 131 / 68% / 33 / 72%
No – if no, why not Danebridge
Not applicable.
No reason.
Usually out of order – (6)
Didn’t notice – (2)
Prefer face-to-face (5)
Didn’t know you had one (3)
Too stupid
Don’t understand it / Kingsmead
Not aware of it
Like to do in person (2)
Do not like them/too impersonal (2)
Never too busy at reception

Do you findthe touch screen easy to use?

Yes / 155 / 87% / 40 / 89%
No / 23 / 13% / 5 / 11%

Q 10 How do you rate the design of the reception desk?

Excellent / 27 / 13% / 15 / 30% / 3 / 6%
Good / 98 / 47% / 25 / 50% / 20 / 40%
Average / 73 / 35% / 10 / 20% / 17 / 34%
Poor / 8 / 4% / 10 / 20%
Very poor / 1 / 1%

Q11 In the Reception Area, do you feel other patients overhear what you say to the Receptionist?

Yes, but don’t mind / 131 / 63% / 31 / 62% / 34 / 68%
Yes and am not happy about it / 40 / 19% / 9 / 18% / 11 / 22%
No, other patients can’t overhear / 16 / 8% / 8 / 16% / 2 / 4%
Don’t know / 22 / 10% / 2 / 4% / 3 / 6%

Q12 How helpful do you find the receptionists at the Surgery ?

Danebridge KingsmeadSandiway

Very / 123 / 59% / 35 / 72% / 31 / 62%
Fairly / 80 / 38% / 14 / 28% / 18 / 36%
Not very / 5 / 3% / 1 / 2%
Not at all

Q13 how do you rate the seating facilities?

Excellent / 31 / 15% / 18 / 38% / 1 / 2%
Good / 104 / 50% / 26 / 56% / 22 / 48%
Average / 63 / 305 / 5 / 8% / 20 / 40%
Poor / 12 / 5% / 5 / 10%
Very poor
Any comments on seating?
Sandiway – needs more comfort. Area too cramped

Q14 in the waiting area do you normally:

Read the general notices?
Yes / 94 / 53% / 24 / 53% / 22 / 51%
No / 21 / 12% / 3 / 7% / 4 / 9%
Sometimes / 63 / 35% / 45 / 40% / 17 / 40%
Read the PPG notice board?
Yes / 31 / 20% / 11 / 26% / 34 / 21%
No / 86 / 55% / 20 / 47% / 15 / 44%
Sometimes / 38 / 25% / 12 / 27% / 12 / 35%
Collect/read the practice newsletter?
Yes / 36 / 22% / 22 / 48% / 12 / 32%
No / 82 / 51% / 13 / 28% / 10 / 27%
Sometimes / 43 / 27% / 46 / 24% / 15 / 41%
Do you read the advice leaflets?
Yes / 41 / 25% / 15 / 35% / 11 / 28%
No / 57 / 35% / 7 / 16% / 10 / 26%
Sometimes / 64 / 40% / 21 / 49% / 18 / 46%
Watch the TV?
Yes / 66 / 39% / 24 / 53%
No / 49 / 29% / 6 / 14%
Sometimes / 55 / 32% / 15 / 33%
Would you prefer to have no TVs?
Yes / 33 / 23% / 4 / 10%
No / 102 / 25% / 35 / 87.5%
Sometimes / 7 / 5% / 1 / 2.5%
Do you find the information available useful?
Yes / 78 / 48% / 27 / 59% / 20 / 51%
No / 19 / 12% / 1 / 2% / 5 / 13%
Sometimes / 66 / 40% / 18 / 39% / 14 / 36%

Q15 What is your overall impression of the waiting area at the surgery?

good / Good / Neither good nor poor / Poor / Very
poor / Doesn’t apply
Danebridge / 31% / 50% / 16% / 2% / 1%
Kingsmead / 54% / 35% / 9% / 2%
Sandiway / 21% / 55% / 23%
Facilities /toilets
Danebridge / 25% / 51% / 14% / 3% / 7%
Kingsmead / 41% / 48% / 7%
Sandiway / 23% / 49% / 27% / 1%
Ease of access
Danebridge / 27% / 61% / 8% / 1.5% / 1% / 1.5%
Kingsmead / 53% / 47%
Sandiway / 18% / 51% / 23% / 3% / 5%
Facilities for disabled
Danebridge / 16% / 33% / 12% / 2% / 37%
Kingsmead / 36% / 21% / 21% / 43%
Sandiway / 6% / 36% / 24% / 7% / 27%
Any further comments?
Toilet doors stiff to get wheelchairs through (2)
Heavy doors if in wheelchair
Carpets filthy (3)
Nice and airy and light
Toys/DVDs for children (3)
Carpets need replacing (4)
Reception tired and dated (3)
Magazines would be nice
Struggle with entrance due to desk set-up
Sandiway –
Basic – very old fashioned
Shabby (2)
Seating very uncomfortable
Like sitting at the pictures

C.Some questions about you

Q16. Are you male or female?


Male / 35% / 32% / 30%
Female / 65% / 68% / 70%

Q17. How old are you?

Under 18 / 3%
18 – 24 / 7% / 2% / 6%
25 – 34 / 12% / 24% / 6%
35 – 44 / 17% / 26% / 10%
45 – 54 / 16% / 24% / 16%
55 - 64 / 20% / 10% / 26%
65 - 74 / 13% / 8% / 14%
75 - 84 / 8% / 4% / 20%
85 and over / 4% / 2% / 2%

If there is anything else you would like to tell us please do so here

Comments and suggestions
  • Online booking of appointments (2)
  • Making an appointment is difficult by phone, often it is engaged
  • Email bookings?
  • Appointment system still problematic
  • Complicated system of getting appointment
  • Too many questions when making appointment. Intrusive (11)
  • 2 weeks in advance too long ahead as appointments get booked
  • Happier to book appointment on day phoned and to see same doctor
  • Can be difficult to get appointment if you have to ring on day at 8.30am
  • New appointment system and later opening hours helpful
  • Would like evening/weekend appointments
  • Book appointment more than 2 weeks in advance
  • Don’t think ‘sit & waits’ meet patients needs – may have to wait several hours
  • More telephone lines
  • Receptionist take too long to answer phones
  • State telephone messages from Danebridge
Seeing doctor
  • Seeing GP at appointed time and not having to wait. (2)
  • Need doctor continuity (6)
  • Like to see a doctor when I need to – not be put on advice line
Doctors and Staff
  • Like to make friend of doctor
  • Need more staff (2)
  • Would like receptionists to smile more
  • Receptionists helpful and polite (2)
  • All staff do a good job considering the restraints under which they work
  • Certain secretaries need re-training in respect of communication – abrupt and inefficient
  • Staff and doctors wonderful
  • Nurse triage works well
  • Triage nurse rude
  • Always received kind and helpful attention
  • When doctors leave please say who replacement is
  • Danebridge treats people fairly
  • If patients waited to be called to reception window there would be no problem with being overheard
  • Queue for BP machine makes it awkward to get to waiting area ‘A’
  • Buzzer when appointment displayed
  • Training on first aid and minor ailments.
  • Repeat prescriptions by text
  • Excellent surgery
  • Practice website gives patients all the info they require; particularly like the online prescription option.
  • As carer or mother who has gone into nursing home would like more information/contact/discussion with visiting doctors
  • Thinking of changing surgery
  • Keep Gel containers topped up
  • Not enough parking for disabled
  • Can’t always park the car at busy times
  • Make check-up calls to elderly – they rarely have internet access
  • Good effort
  • More appointments at Kingsmead
  • More doctors in an afternoon
  • Staff helpful and good
  • Sometimes have to go to Danebridge to see same doctor
  • Service excellent at Kingsmead
  • Very valuable to have this facility on doorstep
  • Too much information everywhere. Needs to be obvious what is new. Needs thought to improve (2)
  • Please do not reduce surgery hours any further
  • Staff most helpful and efficient
  • Where is PPG notice board
  • Car parking difficult
  • Phones at Sandiway usually busy
  • Need more facilities at Sandiway – especially for elderly
  • Surgery shabby