
Center for Vision Loss’s Bimonthly Newsletter for Customers and Friends ISSUE 1 VOLUME 3-We Look Beyond Vision-JAN-FEB 2013


Allentown Office-610-433-6018

845 West Wyoming Street, Allentown, PA 18103

Monroe Office-570-992-7787

4215 Manor Drive, Stroudsburg, PA 18360


Well, January is looming quickly. Traditionally it is a time to make your New Year’s resolutions. Then on January 4 you can try to justify why you’ve only done one daily workout so far! Seriously, though, I believe resolutions are good, even if we don’t quite achieve our best intentions. It is a time to examine the things we think about ourselves and acknowledge what we may wish to change from the norm.

Here at the Center for Vision Loss it is a time to begin to plan what the New Year may bring for the agency. One of our “resolutions” is to provide some new program ideas


that would be of interest to a more diverse segment of our customer base. A few examples include offering Spanish translation for some presentation, special programs for men, connecting to new and exciting information via the web or specific technology demos.

We’d like you to add one more item to YOUR resolution list—coming to the Center for Vision Loss to attend a new program of interest to you. We’d love to get to know you and learn more about what else you are looking for. We certainly hope that you will find out new or helpful information in dealing with vision loss in the year ahead. I’ll event fill you in on the status of my 2013 diet resolution—just as soon as I finish the leftover fruitcake!

Doug Yingling, Executive Director


A number of our customers have questioned the Program Services Committee about the use of the term “customer” when referring to them. Many of them have been with the agency long enough to remember when they were originally referred to as “clients” and they don’t like or understand why the change to “customers” was made. To answer this concern, we decided to provide a bit of background.

The term “client” first was used in the 1950s when


human service providers felt that referring to a service

recipient was a “patient” or by their disability, for example as “the epileptic,” implied a relationship of paternal provider and passive recipient. In the 1980s, however, people who received services began to object to the term “client,” believing that it implied a lower social or educational status of the service recipient compared to that of the service provider. At this time the term “consumer” grew in favor.

In the 1990s, however, the term “consumer” seemed to imply that the service recipient was little more than a user of limited resources and the name was changed to “customer.” Service providers believed that this change indicated that the service recipient and the service provider were now equal partners in a transaction.

Is there a still more appropriate term to describe the person who receives a service? The Program Services Committee has concluded there is no perfect title-it is the relationship that is important. What matters most is that both the agency and those it serves grow into the term “customer” and that service delivery will be developed to the point of offering customers several service delivery tracks from which they may choose. Thus the term “customer” best embodies our vision and hope for a future service model to be offered by our agency.



In the last issue of this newsletter, we asked if anyone had an interest in learning more about access technology. We are still interested in your ideas on this. If you have thoughts about what specific technology devices you have heard about that you would like to see demonstrated, or it you currently have or wish to acquire any technology devices where you would be seeking more comprehensive training, let us know what you are look for. Please contact Rita Lang at 610-433-6018, x. 231.


El centro para la baja visión trairá programas periodicamente que ofrecera traducción para nuestros clientes de habla hispana. Estos programas se anunciarán a todos neustros clientes en nuestro boletín informativo. Ver 22 te Febrero en este tema.


For those who might be computer users, there is a lot of information out there. One good website is VisionAware, Resources for Independent Living with Vision Loss supported by the American Foundation for the Blind. This


website offers a lot of specific ideas and suggestions on living with a loss of vision-everything from information about various eye conditions, emotional support, skills for

everyday living and employment to a special section for seniors. The website includes videos, helpful tips by newsletter and more. You can check it out at or contact them at .


The Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (LVCIL) is conducting a Consumer Satisfaction Survey for those with disabilities. To complete the survey, go to their website at or call them for more information at 610-770-9781. LVCIL is a non-profit organization in the Lehigh Valley Region which provides a range of services for persons with all types of disabilities.


Now you can proudly wear the Center for Vision Loss logo on a t-shirt. Activity groups from both the Allentown and Monroe County offices are offering different styles for sale. If you are interested, please order directly from the activity group and make any check payments to that group, not


Center for Vision Loss. In Monroe, make the check out to “Nu-Vision Activity Group of the Center for Vision Loss” and in the Allentown office make the check payable to the “Activity Group of the Center for Vision Loss.”


We’d like to extend a special invitation to those of you who may have been attending our activities in the past but have not attended them recently. Consider joining us again-we miss you and would love to have you come back to our programs!


This newsletter includes all the customer activities for both our Monroe and Allentown offices. We encourage all customers to check out the offerings and participate. In most cases, activities are open to all customers. If a reservation is required, it will be noted. Reservations are ALWAYS required for transportation, 7 days in advance, please! Transportation tickets cost $2 each way. If you have your own transportation, you are usually free to attend any activity listed, whether at our Allentown or Monroe County office. Your driver is able to stay with you for the program. Come and join us!


The Center for Vision Loss will also offer programs periodically that include translation for our Spanish speaking customers. Check the program listing to see which ones will be translated. See February 22 in this issue.

PLEASE NOTE: You may want to use the program calendar as a guide in scheduling your medical appointments where you will need Center for Vision Loss transportation. If there is an activity at Center for Vision Loss, we will probably be using our drivers for the activity that day and we may not have drivers available for medical appointments.



January 1-New Year’s Day, Offices Closed.

January 2-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.

January 3-Support Group Meeting, 10-11:30 am.

Facilitated by trained therapist James Van Horn.

Everyone welcome, including family members.

Transportation available.

January 9-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.

January 10-Men’s Group, 10-11:30 am, facilitated by

James Van Horn. This NEW program is designed to

provide a forum to discuss various men’s issues.

Transportation provided. 7

January 11-Customer Activity Group, 11 am-2 pm.

Learn more about the Community Exchange

Program and how the time bank system works. Bring

your lunch.

January 16-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.

January 17-Lunch and Learn, 10 am-2 pm, “Out and

About.” This program is designed for customers who

would like to brush up on some of the lifeskills that are

necessary for socializing with friends, job-seeking-

employment, and dating. Tasks will include fashion

sense, techniques on how to iron clothing safely and

dining etiquette. Transportation provided. Lunch

provided-pass the hat donations welcome.

January 19-Lehigh Valley Council of the Blind

Meeting, 10 am-12 noon, Holy Family Manor.

January 21-Martin Luther King Holiday, Offices


January 23-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.

January 25-Customer Activity Group, 11 am-2 pm,

“Play with Art.” Presented by Kathy DeVito, everyone

will have the opportunity to work on various art

activities to promote relaxation and inspiration. We will

use clay, crayons, words and music to enjoy tactile

and listening activities. Bring your lunch.


January 26-NFB Chapter Meeting, 1609 Schoenersville

RD, Bethlehem, PA, 10 am-12 noon. For more

information contact Kirk Hunger at 484-239-0741.

January 30-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.


February 6-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.

February 7-Support Group Meeting, 10-11:30 am.

Facilitated by James Van Horn. Everyone welcome,

including family members. Transportation available.

February 8-Customer Activity Group, 11 am-2 pm,

“Beady Baby, part 2.” Bring along your beaded

creation to share or to finish crafting. Bring your lunch.

February 12-Lunch and Bowling at Jordan Lanes,

11:30 am-3 pm. Enjoy lunch at the Salt and Pepper

Restaurant followed by a fun afternoon of bowling. The

cost is just $1 per game. If you need to rent shoes the

cost is $1.50. Transportation is provided.

Feburary 13-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.

February 14-Men’s Group, 10-11:30 am, facilitated by

James Van Horn. Transportation provided.

February 16-Lehigh Valley Council of the Blind

Meeting, 10 am-12 noon, Holy Family Manor.

February 18-President’s Day, Offices Closed.

February 19-Cooking Class, 10 am-2 pm. Partake in a

hands-on experience preparing a delicious meal fit


for a President. Doug Yingling will facilitate this

session which will give you some very helpful tips

about cooking and safety during food preparation.

Transportation is provided. Note: Limited to 10


February 20-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley


February 21-Newsletter Mailing Group, 10 am- 3 pm.

Call Rita at 610-433-6018, x.231 if you want to help

With the mailing of the next customer newsletter.

transportation is on your own or LantaVan.

February 22-Customer Activity Group, 11 am-2 pm.

“Remembering the 1970s.” Create your own tie

dyed t-shirt. The cost will be $5 per person. Bring your

own lunch. An event featuring a 70s theme is

scheduled for March 22. More details will follow in the

March-April newsletter. For more information call

Rita at 610-433-6018, x. 231.

Febrero 22-Actividades para Clientes en Group,

11 am-2 pm, “Recordando los años 1970s.” Crea

tu propia camiseta teñida de amarre. El costo será $5

por persona. Traiga su armuerzo. Un evento con el

tema de los años 70s sera programado para Marzo 22.

Se darán más detalles en Marzo-Abril en el boletín

informative. Para más información llamar a Raquel at



February 23-NFB Chapter Meeting, 1609

Schoenersville RD, Bethlehem, PA, 10 am-12 noon.

For more information contact Kirk Hunger at


February 27-Mall Walk, 9-10:30 am, Lehigh Valley Mall.


*Reminder: Call 570-992-7787 for transportation

and information*


January 1-New Year’s Day, Offices closed.

January 7-Support Group, 10 am. Facilitated by

James Van Horn. Call by 12/31/2012 for transportation.

January 12-Monroe County Council of the Blind

Meeting, 10 am-12 noon, Eastern Monroe Public

Library, Stroudsburg. For more information call


January 16-Post Holiday Activity Group Party,

12 noon-3 pm, Studebakers Restaurant, RT 611,

Stroudsburg. Share your tales of the past holiday at

this festive event. Cost is $13 per customer and their

first guest; additional guests cost $18.45 per person.

Payment by cash or check made out to “Studebakers

Restaurant” MUST reach Mary Lou at the Center for

Vision Loss by January 9. Transportation requests


must be made by January 9, as well. There will be a

Secret Santa exchange. If you choose to participate

bring a gift valued up to $15, label it male or female

or either.

January 17-Lunch and Learn, 10 am-2 pm, “Out and

About.” See full description under Allentown

Customer Activities. Program will be held in the

Allentown office.

January 21-Martin Luther King Day, Offices closed.

January 29-Bowling at Skylanes. $2.00 a game. Call by

January 22 for transportation.


February 4-Support Group, 10 am. Facilitated by

James Van Horn. Call by 1/28 for transportation.

February 9, Monroe County Council of the Blind

Meeting, 10 am-12 noon, Eastern Monroe Public

Library, Stroudsburg. For more information call


February 18-President’s Day, Offices Closed.

February 19-“Keeping Healthy with Good Nutrition.”

Lynne Garris, Pocono Health Systems Clinical

Nutrition Department. Call by 2/19 for transportation.



It’s time to mark your calendars again for our upcoming


Sunday, April 14, 2013-Basket Bingo & Brunch,

10:30 am-4 pm, Historic Hotel Bethlehem, 437 Main

St., Bethlehem, PA.

Saturday, June 15, 2013-Highmark Walk for a Healthy

Community, 9-11:30 am, SteelStacks, Bethlehem,


Watch your mail in January for more information about these events plus our 2013-2014 Raffle. All of these opportunities are easy and fun ways to get you involved in making a financial contribution to the Center for Vision Loss which will help support our important Vision Rehabilitation Services. All of us working together

helps make sure the agency can continue to provide our programs and services in the future! For more information call the Development Department at 610-433-6018, x. 241.


The Center for Vision Loss is the region’s only non-profit agency dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by vision loss. Help us continue our work in Lehigh,

Northampton and Monroe Counties with a tax-deductible