Civics & Economics, Semester II: 2015
Yvette Cerbone, NBCTB310
Twitter: @yvette_cerbone
- Civics & Economics is a semester length Core course for 10th grade students. The curriculum covers the principles of American democracy, legal structure of the United States and principle of economics. Students should have completed World History in their 9th grade year in preparation for this course. As the course is a graduation requirement, 11th & 12th grade transfer students may be required to take the course as well.
- Students are required to take a midterm, final and state made examination
- Students will take a summative test for each unit and periodic unannounced quizzes for students to check their progress.
- The purpose of this course is to teach students the knowledge and skills necessary to become an informed and active citizen. As both a citizen and consumer, students need to understand the historical traditions of democracy, our Constitution as the written foundation of our nation’s laws and system of government, and the governing principles of the free market system and other economic systems throughout the globe. This course is a graduation requirement and will require students to be an active learner every day.
III. Course Materials
• Texts: Remy, Richard. Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics and You. Glencoe
• Financial Fitness for Life. National Council for Economic Education
• Online: Teacher website can be found at
IV. Course Outline-For each unit listed there will be a summative test
I. The Foundations of American Gov’tWeeks 1 - 2
A. Enlightenment and Documents
- Locke, Roseau, Montesquieu, Paine’s ideas about government?
-Documents of English democracy
B. Tensions in Colonies
-Mercantilism > Navigation Acts > French and Indian War
-Taxation without representation; Declaration of Independence
C. Constitutional Convention
-New Jersey Plan v. Va. Plan
-Compromises of Constitutional Convention
-Slave Trade Comp/Commerce Comp
-3/5th, Great, Electoral College
-Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, P. Henry, G. Mason
-Ratification> federalists v. anti-federalists debate
-Federalist papers; Bill of Rights created
D. Principles of the Constitution
-Popular Sovereignty
-Rule of Law
-Judicial Review
-Limited Government -Social Contract, Voting, Impeachment
-Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Federalism
II.ConstitutionWeeks 3-5
- Articles
- Powers/Checks and balances
- How a bill becomes a law
- Amendments
- Judicial Review: Supreme Court Cases
- The Individual’s Role in American GovernmentWeeks 5-7
- Citizenship
- Civic Duties and Responsibilities
- Modern Political Issues (Performance Assignment: Argumentative Essay)
- Planks and Platforms
- Elections
- Propaganda
- LawWeeks 8-9
- History of Law
- Types of Law
- Enforcement of Law
- Jurisprudence –Due Process
- Courts
- Personal Financial LiteracyWeek 10 -11
- Financial Fitness for Life (workbook activities)
- Budget Project
- MarketWatch Stock Market Game WSJ online
- Economics: Principles of a Market EconomyWeeks 11-13
- Supply & Demand
- Equilibrium
- Price floor/price ceiling
- complements & substitutes
- Factors of production
- Property Rights -Copy right, patent, monopolies
- Marginal Return & marginal utility
- Circular Flow of Economic Activity
- Economics: Government Intervention in the EconomyWeeks 13-15
- Economic Theorists
- Types of Economies
- Federal Budget &Measuring economic activity
- Government Intervention in the Economy
- Regulation
- Business Cycle
- Taxation
- Monetary Policy, Banking and Trade
- Money
- Federal Reserve System
- International Trade
- North Carolina: Government & EconomyWeek 16-17
- State government
- Local government
- NC Economy
V. Grading
a.Student Work load: On a nightly basis students should expect to spend 30 minutes reviewing notes and/orcompleting assignments. In order for students to assess their progress during each unit, unannounced quizzeswill be given several times each week
b. Late Policy: There will be a 10% deduction per day for late assignments with a maximum penalty of 50%. After five days, students will be expected to complete an alternative assignment to receive 50% credit.
c.Breakdown of grades: A student’s grade for the course will be based on 70% formal assessment (Tests and unit projects) and 30% informal assignments (class work,quizzes, participation and homework).
d. Retest Policy: If a student receives an 84% or below on a formal assignment they may request a retest with the following requirements:
- Within 10 school days of receiving his or her test score back, outside of school time, the student must attend two tutoring sessions. A form will be available in the teacher’s classroom to assist students with this process.
- The student will take the retest outside of school time. The test will be different from the initial test.
- The retest score will replace the previous test score with a maximum of 84%.
VI. Classroom Expectations
- Keep an organized notebook. Students must have a 3-ring binder with loose-leaf. Additionally, 10 dividers with tabs are needed to organize the 8 units of the course. I will grade this binder three times throughout the semester
- Be prepared. Each night review your notes & vocabulary. You will not be able to contribute fully and do your best work without taking the time to familiarize yourself with each class day’s content.
- You can have water in class, but no food or other beverages without permission from the administration (CMS policy).
- No cell phones are to be used in class. There is a class set of iPads for research needs.
- You will need to conduct yourself in a mature fashion and participate fully in class. If you review, ask questions and seek tutoring you will be successful. If you sleep, interrupt others and come unprepared, you cannot achieve and you hinder others from doing so as well.
- Ask for help. We are a team - teacher and students.
- Do not complain or throw tantrums. These are not constructive practices and can create a negative environment. I have considered the CMS calendar, religious holidays, and the needs of students in pacing the course. However, there are crises that emerge from time to time, so before lashing out at teachers, fellow students or parents let’s talk things through to see if alternatives are possible.
- Be here or be prepared to go it alone. I leave work in the basket at the back of my room for absent students. It is the absent student’s responsibility to get notes from a fellow student who was present.
Please sign the syllabus and return it to class.
Student Signature and Date______
Student Name (Printed) ______
Parent(s) Signature(s) ______
Parent email (to be on the bi-weekly newsletter for class updates)
Tutoring: I offer tutoring for C & E through Knight Time and on Thursday from 2:20 until 3:00 PM.
Course Materials
3-ring binder (1 ½ inch)Ream of paperNotebook dividers 10 minimum w/tabs
Pens (blue/black), pencilshighlighters200 sheets loose leaf paper for binder