At the Regular Meeting of the Eaton Town Council, held on September 16, 2015 at the Town of Eaton Office Building, 35 Cedar Street, Morrisville, New York, there were present:

Cliff Moses, Supervisor

Paul Orth, Councilman

Ellen Andros, Councilwoman (Absent)

Richard DePuy, Councilman

Bill Donnelly, Councilman (Absent)

Larry Phillips, Highway Superintendent

Debra Clark, Town Clerk

Brenda Herrick, Deputy Clerk

Also Present: Town Assessor Brian Fitts, Madison Phillips MECS Student, Dorothy and Paul Kazunas, and Charlie Bostic.

Supervisor Moses opened the Meeting at 6:25 with the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting started late due to an MIA-POW Flag raising ceremony at the Town Office Building. The Ceremony was sponsored by The American Legion Meade Post 163.

Supervisor Moses introduced Brian Fitts. Brian is the Assessor for the Town of Eaton, Town of Lebanon, and the Town of Georgetown. The three Towns are combined in the Coordinated Assessment Program. (CAP). Mr. Fitts reviewed the Assessment program and the steps involved to perform a Town-wide Reassessment. (REVAL) After much discussion Mr. Fitts thanked Council and Residents and left the meeting.

Councilman DePuy moved to accept the August minutes as submitted. Second by Councilman Orth. All ayes. Motion carried.


Monthly report for Supervisor, Planning and Zoning, Codes, Court, and Town Clerk handed out.


Highway Superintendent Phillips reported the following items:

1.  Discussion on the upcoming budget. Fuel prices are down and salt prices are up.

2.  Phillips asked Council to consider raising the highway employee pay during the upcoming budget season.

3.  Phillips reported that Highway Employee Bruce Morgan has turned in his resignation to Town Clerk Clark effective November 10, 2015.

4.  Motion by Councilman Orth to granting authority to Highway Superintendent Phillips to advertise the position vacated by Highway Employee Bruce Morgan. Second by Councilman DePuy. All ayes. Motion carried.


1.  Supervisor Moses informed Council of the Community Matter Committee Meeting He attended.

2.  Moses reminded Council of the Town-wide clean up days coming up.

3.  Moses announced that the Morrisville Business Summit will be held October 22nd.

4.  Moses reported on a meeting he had with the Bradley-Hatch Lake Association.


Motion by Councilman Orth to advertise and hold a Public Hearing to establish Local Law 1-2015-Tax Cap Over-ride. Second by Councilman DePuy. All ayes. Motion carried. Public Hearing scheduled for October 12th meeting at 6:15.


General Vouchers numbered A-91-97: 936.87 B-18-20: $215.65 SL: 9-$625.30

Highway Vouchers numbered DA 98.108: $ 4,165.79 DB 20-25: $ 21,964.25

After review of Abstract 9, Councilman DePuy moved to accept and pay the bills. Second by Councilman Orth, all ayes. Motion carried.


With no further business to bring before the Board, Councilman Orth moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Councilman DePuy, all ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:41.