Hairy Beast and Friends 41-50 Vocabulary

1. bewailed – to cry over; lament; to express sorrow or unhappiness over

2. trekked- to make a slow or arduous journey; to journey on foot, esp. through mountainous areas

3. salutations- greetings indicating respect and affection

4. remonstrated- to say or plead in protest, objection, or reproof

5. winsome- charming, often in a childlike or naïve way

6. lamented- to express grief for or about; mourn

7. clamored- a loud outcry; a hubbub

8. seclusion- removed or remote from others; solitary; to set or keep apart, as from social contact

9. abate- to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen

10. echoed- a repetition or an imitation; a sympathetic response

Hairy Beast and Friends 41-50 Vocabulary

1. bewailed – to cry over; lament; to express sorrow or unhappiness over

2. trekked- to make a slow or arduous journey; to journey on foot, esp. through mountainous areas

3. salutations- greetings indicating respect and affection

4. remonstrated- to say or plead in protest, objection, or reproof

5. winsome- charming, often in a childlike or naïve way

6. lamented- to express grief for or about; mourn

7. clamored- a loud outcry; a hubbub

8. seclusion- removed or remote from others; solitary; to set or keep apart, as from social contact

9. abate- to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen

10. echoed- a repetition or an imitation; a sympathetic response

Hairy Beast and Friends 41-50 Vocabulary

1. bewailed – to cry over; lament; to express sorrow or unhappiness over

2. trekked- to make a slow or arduous journey; to journey on foot, esp. through mountainous areas

3. salutations- greetings indicating respect and affection

4. remonstrated- to say or plead in protest, objection, or reproof

5. winsome- charming, often in a childlike or naïve way

6. lamented- to express grief for or about; mourn

7. clamored- a loud outcry; a hubbub

8. seclusion- removed or remote from others; solitary; to set or keep apart, as from social contact

9. abate- to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen

10. echoed- a repetition or an imitation; a sympathetic response