The MTL is designed to provide computers with internet and/or UWCX network access for training or demonstration purposes. It is available to UW-Colleges and UW-Extensionemployees for use in first floor conference rooms at 780 Regent Street.

Important information about the Mobile Training Lab:

Ten computers and one printer are available for checkout.

The default operating system on the MTL PCs is Windows 7 Enterprise & the default software applications are:

  1. Microsoft Office 2010g. Adobe Air
  2. IE 8h. Apple QuickTime
  3. Firefox 9i. Microsoft Silverlight
  4. Adobe Readerj. Java
  5. Adobe Flash & Shockwavek. Read: Outloud

If your training or demonstration lasts more than one session, the MTL PCs should not be restarted or powered off. All applications installed and files created during a session are automatically deleted when the MTL PCs are restarted or powered off.

If data needs to be saved from your training or demonstration session, the requester should provide USB drives or other suitable media on which to copy the data. These systems have internal 8X DVD±RW SuperMulti DL Optical drives installed, thus single or dual layer DVD-R and DVD-RW disks are an option.

For UWC/UWEX network users, the option to save data to a network drives is also available. This need should be identified when reserving the MTL.

The individual and/or department reserving the MTL will be held responsible for any missing or damaged equipment.

ToReserve the Mobile Training Lab:

  1. Reserve a conference room at 780 Regent Street through the usual methods. Include 60 minutes prior to and 60 minutes following your meeting in the reservation to allow for MTL setup and tear down.

Example: For a meeting that is scheduled for 9-11am the conference room must be reserved

from 8:00am – 12:00 noon.

  1. When setting up your room reservation also reserve the MTL resource "ADM-Mobile Training Lab" for the same date(s) and time(s). Please include the following information in the reservation. When you save the appointment a request ticket will be created in Footprints for your MTL reservation.
  2. Subject - Mobile Training Lab Reservation
  3. Location - The conference room at 780 Regent Street you have reserved.
  4. In the text area of the appointment include:
  • Your Name, e-mail address and telephone number
  • Indicate the number of MTL PCs you want to reserve (up to 10 available)
  • Indicate if you also want to reserve the MTL printer.
  • Identify any other hardware items you want to reserve, e.g., projector
  • Identify if you need Internet only or UWCX.NET network access
  • Identify any special software application(s) you need installed on the MTL PCs for your training or demonstration. The requester is expected to provide software media and license keys to the Service Center staff for any special software identified.

Installation of additional software requires a minimum of one week’s notice.

  • Identify any other special needs.
  1. Contact the Service Desk at 262-5034 with any questions and/or issues.

NOTE: Service Desk staff may contact you to clarify or obtain information not included in the MTL resource reservation.