MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PLAYING FIELDS COMMITTEE held on Monday 20 September 2010 at 7.00pm at Silkstone Pavilion.

PRESENT: Chairman: D Walker (SUJCC)

N Bentley (SUFC over 35’s),S Chambers (SUCC), A French (SUJFC u 18’s), K Grimshaw (SUJFC u 14’s), A Horsfield (SUFC Adults), S Jackson (SUJFC u 15’s),Cllr R Leech (Silkstone PC) & Cllr Stier (Silkstone PC).

In attendance: Mrs K Canadine (Clerk to Silkstone Parish Council)

Apologies were received and accepted from Adrian Burkinshaw and Derek Atkinson.


10-25  MINUTES

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee (SPFC) held on Monday 26 July 10. The Minutes were signed by the Chairman.


Comments Book

RESOLVED to note the following comments; members will pass this information on to their teams.

·  Old landing carpet used to smother nettles on banking.

·  No gas bottles to be stored in Pavilion.

·  Last week – heating left on all week – thermostat left on high.

·  No key for middle door changing room 2 football – left unlocked – reps advise been missing for some time and not necessary to lock that middle door.

·  3 Sept – fire on footpath past benches on cricket side. Items fired included cricket headgear and fixture list leaflets.

·  Changing room 1 football – outer door adjusted so that it locks more easily.

·  Cricket room lock – Clerk to ask handyman to adjust.

·  Road bollard damaged by Drains Aid contractor (we think). Handyman repaired but needs new lock and keys – DW to arrange.

·  New white liner bolts missing – ask members if anyone found it on the pitch.

·  Garage to have new steel base plate fixed as bottom of door getting damaged also bolt to be fitted so door can be bolted open.

·  Water supply on cricket field turned off in garage as leaking in box – handyman to repair.

·  Barrier over steps left on on a few occasions – remind all teams to put barriers up before a game and remove at the end of the game.

A reminder to all Pavilion users to write any repair work required in the comments book ready for the handyman to address on a Friday.

The Chairman signed the comments book.


No new bookings. Harriers just had a race last weekend and another is planned for 27 November. AH passed £35 to the Clerk from Penistone Footpath runners.



RESOLVED to note that the next Rockin the Rec will be held on 2 July 2011


RESOLVED to note the findings of Drains Aid that the land drain on the cricket side is running clear but that the fill material above the pipe is of the wrong type and is compacted, which prevents surface water getting through to the pipe to drain away. The pipe down the banking at the side of the steps is collapsed in a number of places and the land drain along the football touchline is blocked halfway with silt. A quotation for all works recommended by Drains Aid is awaited and will be reported to Silkstone Parish Council at their next meeting.

FURTHER RESOLVED to note that the foul drain along the football banking down to the youth shelter is overflowing and the ground is saturated. Cllr Stier will dye test to see if he can ascertain the problem.


The Clerk advised that BMBC and Mr Waring had declined to tender and that one other tender had not been received. The tender from Mr Dawson was discussed.

RESOLVED that the Committee recommend to Silkstone Parish Council that the tender from Mr Dawson be accepted for the 2011/2012 financial year. Following approval of the Parish Council the Clerk will issue an acceptance letter and will ensure that the covering letter advises the grounds man that he is responsible for cleaning the tractor and gang mowers.

RESOLVED that DW will obtain a price for an air compressor for cleaning the tractor.


RESOLVED to note the Budget Monitor and Receipts and Payments schedules.

RESOLVED to note that the first payment to Haigh’s carpets was cancelled as it was sent to the wrong address and the cheque was reissued.

RESOLVED that AH and DW signed the letter to Yorkshire Bank at the meeting to enable the transfer of funds from SPFMC account to the Parish Council. The SPFMC account will now be closed.


RESOLVED that the information from Pugh Lewis relating to the cost of additional verti-draining for

the football pitch be considered next year when the annual maintenance work is carried out.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will issue a cheque to Mr French for the cost of the white liner from VFM for which he paid cash. It was noted that the Parish Council have an account with VFM so all invoices in future should go to the Clerk for cheque payment.

RESOLVED to note that A Horsfield has provided paperwork and completed the claim form

information for their insurer.


RESOLVED to note that football started on 4 September 10.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will ask D Atkinson (Ring O Bells) to speak to Julie Ward regarding fixtures to ensure there are no clashes with junior games. It was noted that D Atkinson has indicated that he will work round existing teams’ fixtures.

RESOLVED that Julie Ward be invited to attend the next meeting of this Committee to discuss arrangements for Junior teams representation on the Committee.

RESOLVED that Julie Ward will provide contact details to the Clerk so that junior football teams invoices can be issued.

RESOLVED to note that there have been problems with lots of bottles etc on the cricket banking, junior members to be reminded to use the bins provided.

RESOLVED that the handyman will be asked to look at the goal posts to see if they can be welded to the stations. This will be a safety issue if they cannot be mended. The Clerk will keep football representatives updated so that new goalposts can be ordered if the existing posts cannot be repaired. In the meantime AH will obtain quotations for new posts.

RESOLVED that D Walker will organise the end of season renovation work to the cricket wicket. This will involve Tine and scarify wicket and apply loam, seed and fertiliser. As usual the materials will be ordered from Atkins and paid for by the Parish Council.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will e-mail a 10/11 Grant application form to S. Chambers to enable the cricket club to apply for a grant towards the cost of a scarifier. She will also ask the ward councillor to e-mail S. Chambers a grant application form from Area Forum.

RESOLVED that the handy man will monitor and deal with the moles/voles on the cricket field.

RESOLVED to note that both the 1st and 2nd SUCC teams have won their league and been promoted. D Walker will write a review for the next Parish Council newsletter.

RESOLVED to note that the cricket club have decided against a new picket fence in front of the pavilion due to potential problems with vandalism.

RESOLVED to note that the cricket and football clubs have decided against having advertising boards around the ground due to restrictions relating to planning consent.


Monday 22 November 2010 at 7pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.33pm.

Signed by Chairman

SPFC Minutes

20 September 2010