Leadership Team
March 7, 2012
Joe Hubbard
Ginny Travis
Carol Webster
Lisa Clark
Jennifer Kirkland
Diana Barnes
Monique Yates
Karen Louis
Elizabeth Conwell
Naomi Kaiser
James Byrne
Pro-Filer Update
· Updated task list distributed and reviewed.
o Signature pad installation is on hold until the issues with printing are resolved.
o Splash screens still not working correctly, which is preventing us from printing from Pro-Filer consistently. Previously it was thought that it was not working because of bad form data. Those forms have been removed and corrected, but it is still not working. Ginny will send an email to our primary contact at Uni/Care to let him know that we are still not able to print. We have done everything they asked us to do to repair this issue.
o Scanning issues are on hold until splash screen issues are resolved.
o Still having some trouble with pulling CCS data. Logit has been submitted with problems with bed days and emergency services. CCS report needs to be reviewed to be sure there is no other erroneous data. Working with Uni/Care to try to resolve these issues.
o Billing training has been received, December has been billed and January billing is in progress.
o There are still problems with diagnosis codes and the process to rank and link the diagnosis codes is very complex. Dr. Byrne stated that he has used other systems and they have not worked this way. Doctors are staying late to get this data entered correctly into the system, which would not be the case if the process was not so complex and there was not so much old data. The old CMHC data needs to be cleaned up, which will help improve the process. Staff needs to be accurate in inputing diagnosis and, if the incorrect diagnosis is entered, they need to be sure to correct this. Jennifer will meet with Carol to go over how this should be done so Carol can go over it with managers. Dr. Byrne stated that if there were diagnoses that were not located in the notes, to please communicate that with the doctors.
· Joe stated that Uni/Care was much more aware of the issues we and others in the Virginia Users Group are having and are trying to get these issue corrected. We now have a primary contact at Uni/Care, as well. Uni/Care is also interested in knowing what the Group would like to see changed or added.
Joe Hubbard
· Media policy was discussed and some changes were made.
· People should be mindful of what should be in a good clinical note. Joe asked if there were any guidelines available on guidance for clinical notes, but there is not. Joe stated that we need to have some guidelines and instruction on what should be included in clinical notes. Incident Reports were also discussed. Some incident reports are completed without answering the basic questions of “who, what, when, where, and why” and whether steps were taken to insure that the incident was not repeated, if possible (i.e., maintenance completed, etc.) Dr. Byrne suggested that refresher training be provided on Incident Report writing could help with some of these issues.
· Prescreening children and adolescent protocol for children under 14 for Emergency Services was discussed. ES personnel should be sure to make the parents/guardians aware of all their options, including providing contact information and, in some cases, making the initial contact, whether the prescreening is performed by ES staff or not. All ES staff will be trained on the details of this protocol.
· Internal audit by the Department will be next week.
· Olivia Garland, Deputy Commissioner for DBHDS, will be here on Friday at 10am. Time permitting, she will tour some sites.
· Uni/Care meeting on Friday afternoon regarding Recovery Companion. Details and information will be sent to those who should attend.
Ginny Travis
· Time for the Rosi Survey again. Survey period is March 12-23rd. Paper copies due to Christine by close of business on March 23rd.
· Will meet with Carol to review the response from licensing regarding corrective action plans.
· We have 4 people that we can refer to our regional advocate for LHRC.
· Remote Desktop training was discussed. People are reporting having trouble getting into the training. We have a certain number of licenses for this training and once these are used the training cannot be accessed. We will be moving away from using remote desktop training and toward using eSkill, which is much user friendly.
· New Crisis Stab program has received preliminary approval from the LHRC. We still need approval from licensing before we can start the program.
· Uni/Care conference March 25-29. Elizabeth Conwell, Naomi Kaiser, Monique Yates, Ginny Travis, Jennifer Kirkland, Susan Coe, and Joe Hubbard will be attending. On site IT staff will be limited during that time.