8th Grade Glimpse

October 12 - 16, 2015

End of 1st Quarter is Friday, October 16, 2015

Parent – Teacher Conferences - Thursday, October 22, 2015 from 2:00-4:30 and 5:30 – 8:00p.m.

No School – Friday, October 23 or Monday, October 24, 2015

Counselors Corner: Please remember to bring in your Box Tops for Education labels the next couple of weeks. You can turn them in to Ms. Rankin in the front office or Ms. Barnes. This is a great way Student Council raises money for our school. Student council members need to remember to bring their signed constitutions to Ms. Barnes during the next STUCO meeting. Thank you for your help! Stuco Executive Meeting: Monday, October 12th during seminar

STUCO All member meeting Thursday, October 15th at 7:30am. Please make arrangements to attend!

8th Grade Science: This week we will be finishing up our unit on measurement. Gold day students will take their lab safety/measurement test on Tuesday and Blue day students will take their test on Wednesday. We will then begin our next unit on Motion and Forces. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Sears (Conference time: G5 1:36-3:00 & B4 11:40-1:32)

8th Grade Social Studies We will continue our study of the American Revolution. Also, since the end of the quarter is upon us we will be taking the Common Assessment again in all 8th grade classes. Mr. Herron

Pre-Algebra: We will complete the unit on graphing and functions next week. The test will be on Tuesday (G1) and Wednesday (B2 and B4). We will start the next unit over exponents and roots at the end of the week. Students will evaluate expressions with negative and zero exponents.

Algebra 1: We will continue the unit on inequalities next week. Students will be able to solve inequalities involving multiplication and division and inequalities that take two or more steps. There will be a quiz on Thursday over one step inequalities. https://sites.google.com/site/huskersnikkel/. There is a lot of helpful information and resources there including a class calendar and notes from class. My digital library contains many resources that students can use at home to practice the skills we are learning in class. Ms. Nikkel 660-584-7161 (Conference time Gold 1:30-3:00, Blue 8:00-9:15)

8th Health and Physical Education: Students will be starting new units this week. Mrs. Briney's class will be playing frisbee, while Mr. Dudley's class will be playing football. As we reach the end of the quarter, please help us make sure your child has their notes arranged neatly in a folder or 3ring binder. Next week students will be discussing the importance of setting limits in dating situations. They are for a grade. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Coach Dudley’s plan is Blue 5 and Gold 2. Coach Briney’s plan is Gold 1 and Blue 5.

8th Grade-Exploring Agriculture-Mr. Brock: This week we will begin discussing Unit 3: Animals in Our Society. Students will gain knowledge of various livestock species and how they influence our country’s economy. My plan times are Gold 5 and Blue 4. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email,

Power and Construction: This week the 8th graders reviewed technical and industry weights and measures. They also are reviewing the power tool safety and operation they will need to know to build their project. Soon they will be completing the design and engineering of their project in printed plans. If you need more information or just have a question, feel free to contact me. conference time G2 9:28 - 10:52 AM or B1 8:00- 9:24 AM

Vocal Music: Students will take a singing test over Ride Up in the Chariot next week. Students are tested over posture, pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and breathing. The Fall Choral Concert will be held on Tuesday, November 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the East Gym.


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Signatures indicate glimpse has been read…both signatures must be present for extra credit

Student Name: ______October 9, 2015

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Glimpses need to be signed and returned to Mrs. Sellman no later than Wednesday, October 14, 2015, for extra credit!

8th Grade Band: The students have been working very hard this week! We learned the school Fight Song, and also began some marching basics. We also started working on our first piece for our Winter Concert. Make sure you have marked your calendars for this performance which will take place on December 14th at 7:00 pm. If your student does not have a copy of Essential Elements Book 2, please make sure you visit the Meyer Music website to order one. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!

8th Grade RISE- Students will continue to explore the Lego WeDo curriculum and also work on programming in Scratch. Each student is working on a project of their choice. Many have completed their first project and are beginning on another. They will also continue researching their topics for their independent study project that will continue throughout the semester. In our Conflicts curriculum next week our focus will be: Enduring Understanding-Understanding the positive and negative sides of conflicts may help people make better choices. Guiding Questions-What is the Food Guide Pyramid? How would the Food Guide Pyramid change your current diet? Mrs. Bell, Conference Time: BLUE 5 (1:36-2:45)

8th Grade Art: The students in this class will continue with their animal portrait illustrations using colored conte’ pencils on colored pastel paper. Once they finish with this they will write artist statements about their work. They should be finished by the end of the week.

Graphics I: Students will continue designing and creating their 2016 calendars. These should be complete by the end of the week.

Graphics II: Students will begin designing and creating a 2016 calendar. These should be complete by the end of the week. Rhonda Boedeker Conference: Gold 4 and Blue 4 from 11:40-1:32.

8th Grade CA/Reading – Mrs. Lettau- This will be a spelling week and we will work on a short essay. The quarter ends Friday so students need to have AR assignments (2 worksheets and 2 quizzes) completed by Monday (10/12) for class. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at . If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30-10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00.

8th Grade Resource – Mrs. Lettau –We will begin Unit 3, over welded sounds. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at . If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30-10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00.

8th FACS: Students will be learning to read a cookbook and make a shopping list. When they are not in the kitchen they will be figuring how much it cost to buy the meal they have chosen to make.

Food Science: They have been discussing matter in motion. They will be studying on heat energy from a surface area effects the speed of cooking, and why the surface area of a food while cooking can change the amount of time it takes to cook. Students not in the labs will be working on graphing data.

8th Grade Communication Arts: Grade checks went home for all students last week. Please review these with your student, sign them and return them this week. Thanks! Reading: S.T.W.B.A.: to read a short text and write a constructed responses; Grammar: S.W.B.A.T.: Identify nouns in writing. Spelling: Gold day classes will receive Unit 4 words – Greek word parts 1. Packets are due on Wednesday and the test will be Friday. PROJECT UPDATE: Gold 2 student’s quarterly project over a current A.R. book is due by October 16. The following schedule will be followed for the rest of the year: Gold 5 – 2nd quarter, Blue 4 – 3rd quarter, Blue 5 – 4th quarter. A.R.: Students must meet 100% of their A.R. goal by Friday, October 16. If you have any questions please feel free to contact: Mrs. Sellman Gold: 11:40 – 1:32 / Blue: 9:28 – 10:52@ by phone 584-7161 or by e-mail @