Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 18th January 2016

AtIden Green Pavilion, Benenden, 7:30pm

Present / Cllrs Reynolds (Chair), Thomas (Vice Chair), Aldhouse, Barker, Cruse, Davies, Ellis, Henning and Marshall
In Attendance / Cllrs Dawlings, Hall and Holden; Caroline Levett – Clerk; 1 parishioner
Item / Action
APOLOGIES / There were no apologies.
Cllr Reynolds opened the meeting by welcoming Cllr Russell Cruse to the Parish Council.
PARISHIONERS QUESTIONS / There were no questions from parishioners.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND ALTERATIONS TO MEMBERS REGISTER OF INTERESTS / Cllr Reynolds declared an interest in item 10.1 Code of Conduct Complaint.
Cllrs Aldhouse, Barker, Cruse, Davies, Ellis, Reynolds and Thomas declared a non-prejudicial interest in Item 009/16 ii. relating to Benenden Shop.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING / RESOLUTION Minutesand Confidential Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on14th December 2015 be approved as a correct record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
MATTERS ARISING / (i)Benenden Scouts : Cllr Henning reported that he had been in contact with a Scout Leader from another group seeking advice on how Benenden Scouts might be able to find someone to oversee, but had heard nothing further.
(ii)New Year 2017 Honours : Cllr Henning had read the nomination guidelines which tend to favour outstanding volunteering within a community. Any suggestions for nominations should be advised to the Clerk.
(iii)Statement of Community Involvement: Cllr Barker had studied the SCI consultation and felt that nothing needed to be responded to. The importance of Local Plans and Neighbourhood Plans was highlighted.
(iv)Civic Amenity Vehicle: Minutes of the Parish Chairmen’s Meeting had been circulated. TWBC has advised that the majority of participating councils have signalled their agreement and support to changes to the current operation and will be making the necessary financial provision.
Benenden Parish Council has already advised TWBC of its objections, and issues were raised again about the changes amounting to a double taxation and the issue of the role of the Parish Chairmen’s meeting. As well as the matter of the Civic Amenity Vehicle, discussions about the issue of Unauthorised Encampments had taken place within this group, which Borough Councillors were not fully aware of.
RESOLUTIONTo write to the Leader of TWBC. / ALL
REPORTS BY CLLRSDAWLINGS, HALL AND HOLDEN / Cllr Hall advised that she had been on numerous training courses and workshops and would gladly input and help with a Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Holden advised that reductions in speed limits between the A229Wilsleyjunction and Knoxbridge had been agreed. The steering group looking at speeding issues is making progress. He also advised that there will be a 4% increase County Council council tax, which does not trigger a referendum.
Cllr Dawlings reported that the TWBC council tax element will increase by 1.99%. Money from central government has reduced by two thirds over five years and the Council is looking to make savings and improve efficiency.
  1. Primary School:nothing new to report.
  2. KALC :no report.
  3. Parish Chairmen’sGroup :Concerns about the role of this group and decisions taken at meetings had been discussed.
Cllr Reynolds asked other parish councillors to consider attending meetings. The dates for 2016 are Tuesday 15th March, 14th June, 13th September, 29th November at 7pm in Tunbridge Wells. / ALL
  1. Cllr Barker advised on the following applications considered by the Planning Committee on 7th January :
Application / Address / Proposal / Planning Committee Recommendation
FULL / Reeds,
The Street / Loft conversion including en-suite and creation of balcony, rear extension, porch to the front elevation and installation of flue / Support, with comment.
FULL / Well House,
Iden Green / Erection of two storey rear extension, infill existing covered porch, erect canopy to front door and changes to fenestration / Support, with comment.
RESOLUTION To support the recommendations of the planning committee.
Other applications :
FULL / White Stables, Rolvenden Road / Construction of open-fronted garage / Support
FULL / Goddards Green Barn, Goddards Green Road / Reduction in size and conversion of a redundant agricultural Pack House with change of use to Residential (C3) and erection of a garage/carport. / To be viewed by Members of the Planning Committee
ERHA has advised that the current run-off of surface water from surrounding fields and roads at Vyvyan Cottages, Iden Green needs to be diverted around the perimeter of the development. English Rural will be responsible for maintaining the trench and any pipework. ERHA is required by Kent Highways to notify the Landowner and seek the Parish Council’s approval of this plan.
RESOLUTIONTo support this plan.
  1. Highways
The KCC Cabinet Member for Highways had been invited to visit the parish and discuss various highways issues, which he has accepted, and will be visiting in February.
  1. Monthly Finance report: RESOLUTION To ratify and approve the January 2016 cheque list. To agree the bank reconciliation and bank statement for December 2015. Cllr Barker requested details of interest earnt on bank account balance and comparisons to other banks.
  2. S137 : Cllr Reynolds advised that Benenden Shop has requested help with funding a second till. It was agreed that the Shop should make an application to the Parish Council for S137 funding.
  3. Youth : Cllr Thomas advised that the Streetcruizer will be returning to Benenden. The total cost of this for the year will be £3,800. RESOLUTIONTo fund this jointly through the Parish Council and the Harmsworth Memorial Trust, with any income being repaid to the Parish Council.
  4. Finance Committee/Proposed Budget 2016/17 :Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 7th January had been circulated with proposed budget and precept figures. RESOLUTION To approve the budget and increase the parish precept by 2%, representing an approximate increase of £0.51 on a Band D property.
/ CL
  1. Code of Conduct Complaint : A letter from TWBC Legal and Monitoring Office had been circulated with regard to a complaint made against Cllr Barker. Whilst it was found that there was no breach of conduct and no further action would be taken, concerns regarding parish council procedure were highlighted. Cllr Barker apologised for the use of any inadvisable words.
  2. Design in a Nutshell Workshop : Cllr Henning to attend.
  3. Mobile Library Service : The Clerk to forward details to Parish Councillors for comment.
/ WH
  1. HM Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations : Cllr Ellis volunteered to look into this.
  2. Cllr Reynolds advised that there will be a follow-up of the Parish Plan group to examine parts of the plan not yet implemented. This will take place on 3rd February.
/ PE
DATE OF NEXT MEETING / Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council Monday15th February 2016, 7:30pm, at Benenden Memorial Hall
013/16 / The meeting closed at8.55pm

Chairman………………………………………………………………… Date……………………………………Page 1

These minutes are not a verbatim record of the meeting, but a summary of discussion and decisions taken at the meeting.