email messages1 #01 – #10. Page 1 of 7

Message #1 of 59. Sent: Sun Jan28,2007 12:15am

How To Post an Email Message - Very Easy Directions

Dear Fellow CSEA Chapter 2 Forum Email Group Member,
This is an easy way to post an email message:
1 With your browser, go to the website.
2 From the "Home" Page, click on "Forum".
3 Maximize the "Forum" window.
4 Click on `Post".
5 Type your subject in the "subject" box.
6 Type your message in the large box below the "subject" box.
7 "Preview" or "Send" the email.
8 If you "Preview", you can then "Edit" or "Send".
9 Eventually, click on "Send".
Congratulations!, you've posted an email message. After the moderator
reviews it, it will go to the members of the Forum, and it will be
available to visitors to the Forum.
Actually, posting a message is not difficult. Yahoo's new editor even
includes a spell checker.
Posting a message can be a good way to share information with your
colleagues. Try it! You'll like it!
Bernard E. Scoville, Webmaster of
Mission Statement:
I enjoy myself. I pursue health, wealth, organization, and happiness.
I improve things. I honestly communicate.


Message #2 of 59 Sent:Sun Jan28,2007 12:08am

How To Post an Email Message - Very Detailed Instructions

Fellow CSEA Chapter 2 Forum Email Group Member,
I believe that this is the best way to post an email message:
1 Compose the title of the message in your word processor.
2 Below the title, compose the message in your word processor.
3 Spell check it all.
4 Optional, save everything. Leave the document open.
5 Copy it all. From the "Edit" Menu, "Select All", then "Copy".
6 With your browser, go to the website.
7 From the "Home" Page, click on "Forum".
8 Maximize the "Forum" window.
9 Click on `Post".
10 Paste your message and its title into the large message box.
11 Cut the title from the large box and paste it into the smaller
"subject" or title rectangle.
12 Preview or Send the email.
13 If you preview, you can then Edit or Send.
14 Eventually, click on "Send".
Congratulations!, you've posted an email message. After the moderator
reviews it, it will go to the members of the Forum, and it will be
available to visitors to the Forum.
Actually, posting a message is not difficult. Yahoo's new editor even
includes a spell checker.
Posting a message can be a good way to share information with your
colleagues. Try it! You'll like it!
Bernard E. Scoville, Webmaster of
Mission Statement:
I enjoy myself. I pursue health, wealth, organization, and happiness.
I improve things. I honestly communicate.


Message #3 of 59 Sent Sun Jan28,2007 9:37am

Re: [CSEAchapter2] How To Post an Email Message - Very Detailed Instructions

I usually compost my messages directly into my emails as our system lets us spell check. Thanks for bringing up the issues of forwards of forwards, what a good way to get a virus. lr


Message #4 of 59 Sent: Thu Feb15,2007 10:39pm

Chapter 2 Website Notes:

Browser Info:

The browser is important in determining what we see.
To see what your browser version is, with most browsers, left-click on
"Help" then left-click on "About".

According to SitePro statistics, Internet Explorer 6 is used by 42% of
Internet browsers. Despite its popularity, Internet Explorer 6 (or less) does not show websites well. These Internet Explorer browsers
are not standards compliant. They don't show what they are supposed to
Firefox 2 shows websites well. According to SitePro statistics, it is
already used by 31% of Internet browsers. It is my favorite browser
by far. It better complies with W3 web standards, showing websites
the way they are supposed to look. It is a safer browser than Internet
Explorer. It is fast. It is free. You can easily download it to your
computer, unless you are on a restrictive network. Then you may be
able to download it to the documents section of your hard disk. Or,
ask your network administrator to help you.
Firefox is available for download from the Links Page of the Chapter 2
website ( ) I recommend it as a great
browser to let you see all websites better.
Internet Explorer 7 and Netscape 7.2 also show websites well.
Get a good browser, if you want to see the Chapter 2 website at its best.
Website statistics are now available on our Home Page. We are now
averaging 43 hits, 19 pages, and 10 visits a day.
You can easily provide feedback through the Feedback Page.
And, the Forum is available for discussion.
Proud to be working with you.
Bernard E. Scoville, Webmaster of Chapter 2
( )


Message #5 of 59 Sent: Sun Mar11,2007 12:03am

Chapter 2 Website Updates & Improvements

Fellow Chapter 2 Website Email Forum Members,
Thanks in part to files I have received from Secretary Marie Reed, I
have updated and improved our website.
I have added notes, photos, and links of the speakers at our March 5
meeting. I have added our February minutes and our February
Treasurer's report. .
This time I also added an audio of our speakers and our meeting.
People can listen to our speakers and our meeting over the Internet.
From the Home Page, website statistics are now available. I see that
we are averaging 19 hits, 6 pages, and 3 visits a day.
Don't forget, there is a feedback form on the website. Let me know
what you think.
Bernard E. Scoville, Webmaster of Chapter 2:
( )


Message #6 of 59 Sent: Sun Mar11,2007 9:31am

Chapter 2 Website Updates & Improvements

Re: [CSEAchapter2] Chapter 2 Website Updates & Improvements

Thanks so Bernie for all his hard work! lr


Message #7 of 59 Sent: Thu Apr5,2007 9:00pm

April 5, 2007 Chapter 2 Website Updates & Improvements

April 5, 2007 Chapter 2 Website Updates & Improvements
Fellow Chapter 2 Website Email Forum Members,
I have added photos, links, and audio of the speakers at our April 2
meeting. I broke the meting into 7 audio clips. If you only want to
hear a certain part of the meeting, you can.
From the Home Page, website statistics are still available. I see that
we are averaging 26 hits, and 4 visits a day.
In addition to our April 2 Meeting Page, I have updated and improved
several other pages.
I thank Marie Reed, Secretary, Kathleen Elwell, Treasurer, and many
others who have helped make this possible - including Dick Mesa,
Don't forget, there is a feedback form on the website. Let me know
what you think.
Bernard E. Scoville, Webmaster of Chapter 2:
( )


Message #8 of 59 Sent: Sun Apr8,2007 4:49pm

Effective and Offensive (Not Merely Defensive) Money Management

Fellow Chapter 2 Email Group Members,
I have a few basic ideas and principles to share to avoid going broke,
which is easy to do if you live to be 100 – more and more likely.
These ideas are available at my "Effective Living Principles" website
) in the "Investment Principles" section.
1. Begin early. Don't wait to save. There are only two components of
saving, time and rate of return. If you wait, you are throwing away
much of your saving power. If you need an operation, a trip, or to
fund a charity, or whatever, it is nice to have some savings.
2. Use compound interest. Don't withdraw money from your savings.
Let the growth compound for you. Allegedly Albert Einstein said,
"Compound interest is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time."
3. Invest in equities. Long term (periods of 10 years or longer),
nothing beats stocks. This has been demonstrated repeatedly in the
Ibbotson Studies and in "Stocks for the Long Run" by Jeremy Siegel.
• To invest in equities, you can buy mutual funds and/or the stocks of
individual companies. This is a great opportunity; you can own part
(shares) of successful companies. Your money can work for you 24
hours a day.
4. In Sacramento we are fortunate to have two self-help investment
education organizations: The American Association of individual
Investors – 916-858-1845 and Better-Investing (formerly the National
Association of Investors Corporation) – 916-927-8625. I am a
life-time member of both of these organizations. They helped me
retire, and I recommend both of them.
Nobody should end up on a very limited fixed income. These principles
and ideas have helped me. I hope they will help you.
Bernard E. Scoville, Webmaster of Chapter 2
( )


Message #9 of 59 Sent: Mon Apr9,2007 9:41pm

Re: Effective and Offensive (Not Merely Defensive) Money Manag...


I believe you are supposed to clear in advancewhat you are presentingto Chapter 02 members. In addition, what program are you using for the videos on the website? My computer reads almost any video in the various programs I have, but it will not open your videos.

Dick Mesa

Message #10 of 59 Sent: Apr10,2007

Re: Effective and Offensive (Not Merely Defensive) Money Manag...

--- In , dickmesa@... wrote:
> Bernie,
> I believe you are supposed to clear in advance what you are
presenting to
> Chapter 02 members. In addition, what program are you using for
the videos on
> the website? My computer reads almost any video in the various
programs I
> have, but it will not open your videos.
> Dick Mesa
"I believe you are supposed to clear in advance what you are
presenting to Chapter 02 members."
As I understand it, the Forum is for free discussion of ideas.
The website has a Feedback page so officers and members can let me
know what they think of the website pages.
"In addition, what program are you using for the videos on the
website? My computer reads almost any video in the various programs I
have, but it will not open your videos."
I don't have any videos on the website. I have .pdf files, which can
be opened with Acrobat Reader. For audio, I have .wav files and and
one .m4a file. Itune, Real Player, or Windows Media Player software
can play these audio files.
"Dick Mesa"
It was your tie-breaking vote that made our website possible. I hope
the website will satisfy you and the rest of Chapter 2.
Thanks for writing and for all you have done for our Chapter.
Bernie, Webmaster of Chapter 2 ( )
