HighlandM.S. Band

Beginning Band



Welcome to the HighlandMiddle SchoolBand program!

Our goal is to develop your musical skills and help you become a successful member of the Hobbs Band program! As we progress through the year, I hope you will do your best to become a more successful and disciplined musician. I look forward to an awesome year for all of us!!!

Mrs. Sanchez

Highland Band Director

Phone: 433-1200 ext.1137


If you would like to receive reminders via text message, please text @1a6e to (505) 903-7362

Class Expectations

1. Participate to the best of your ability

-This includes being on time, having all supplies, and trying your hardest.

2. Be respectful of your classmates, our classroom, our equipment, and any adults in the class.

-Water is ok. No other drinks, gum, or food is allowed in class.

-If it’s not yours, don’t touch it!

3. Rehearsal guidelines:

-Bring instrument accessories with you to your chair (extra reeds, valve oil, cork grease, etc.)

-Play when asked (and not out of turn)

-Should you need Kleenex or your pencil sharpened, quietly go take care of this.

-Avoid talking to your neighbors

-Instrument cleaning should happen at home – not during rehearsal!

4. Play your instrument only!

5. If you don’t have your instrument:

-If it’s being repaired, bring a note from your parents.

-If you forgot it, you will go to last chair and be given a written assignment.

6. Leaving class

-Chairs, stands, and the floor must be tidy before you are released.

-You are dismissed when Mrs. Sanchez releases you (and NOT at the bell).

Procedure for discipline problems:
  1. Warning and Participation grade lowered;
  2. Parent contact and D-Hall assigned (three will be given before Principal Referral)
  3. Principal referral;
  4. Removal from class

Supplies(Needed every day)

1.Instrument: Each student is responsible for providing his/her own instrument and keeping

it in good-working order.

2. Accessories for your instrument:

Flutes: cleaning/tuning rod and a soft cloth for cleaning;

Clarinet: 4-5 good-playing Vandoren V12 reeds (size 2 or 2 ½); a

cleaning swab, cork grease, mouthpiece cap, and Reed Guard

Trumpet: valve oil, tuning slide grease, and cleaning supplies (mouthpiece

brush & cleaning “snake”).

Trombone: Superslick Slide Cream, water spray bottle and cleaning supplies (mouthpiece

brush & cleaning “snake”).

3.Traditions of Excellence Book 1– Can be purchased at Music World

4.Pencil for class every day!

5.Traditions of Excellence Book 2 – Will be needed during the 2nd semester (approximately in February)

Grades(Can be checked online)

1. Class Participation grade a. proper playing posture

b. on time to class every day

c. no gum/candy/drinks

d. behavior during class (no talking/distracting behavior)

e. practicing at home 3-4 days per week

2. Playing Tests – given frequently to measure progress.

3. Performances - required for this performance-based class (Christmas Concert, Solo & Ensemble,

Spring Concert)

4. Extra credit – can be earned for attending other Band or Symphony concerts. Turn in a concert

program, signed by a performer or director, as proof of your attendance.

Improving Grades – I will allow you to replay playing tests to improve your grade. This

must be done before/after school and at least two weeks before report cards come out!!!

Band Fees

1. Highland Band T-Shirts – Not required, but you are welcome to purchase one.

$10.00 due by August 29

2. Hobbs Solo and Ensemble – Solo performance required.

Solo Fee – $3.00 due by February 13 (REQUIRED)

*****Fee-paying procedure*****

Bring money in a sealed envelope, marked with Name, Amount, and What it is for

Give the envelope to Mrs. Sanchez. Do NOT leave it on my stand/desk!

Specialty Instruments

In December, students will be invited to audition for specialty instruments: Oboe, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Saxophone, French Horn, Euphonium, Tuba, and Percussion. Students will be selected based on progress on their current instrument, grades (in all classes), and behavior (including discipline referrals). If selected, these instruments (excluding saxophone) will be provided to the students by the school for an Instrument Rental and Cleaning Fee of $18 for each semester (or $36 for the entire year). Reeds, books, and other necessary accessories will be the responsibility of the student and his/her parents. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Mrs. Sanchez via email (for the quickest response) at .

Other Important Information

1. Instrument and Music Storage

-Storeonly your instrument and music in the Band Cubby assigned to you

-I suggest writing your name on the end of your case so you can easily identify it (and avoid


2. School issued equipment

-Must be returned in the same shape as you receive them

-Students will be charged for damaged/unreturned items

3. Instrument Drop Off and Pick Up

-Morning Drop off: 8-8:20am – Enter the band room from the outside band door (on the east side of

the school); Place your instrument/music in your cubby; Exit through the outside band

door. If you arrive early, there is no guarantee the door will be open/unlocked.

-Afternoon Pick Up: 3:20-3:40pm – Enter the band room through the hallway; Pick up your

instrument/music from your cubby; Exit through the hallway.

4. Only band students are allowed in the band room. Have your friends wait for you outside!!!

HighlandM.S. Beginning Band Schedule


TBA:Highland Bands Fundraiser

Friday, August 15: Handbook Agreement due back

Friday, August 29: Band fees due (see page 3 of handbook for details)

Monday, December 8 – Christmas Concert

Full Band Rehearsal and Concert are REQUIRED!!!

Dec. 5 / 3:25-4:20 pm / Full Band Rehearsal (EVERYONE!!!)
Dec. 8 / 6:40 pm (arrive) / Highland Christmas Concert - 7:00 pm (begins)
(Location : Highland Junior High Gym)

Saturday, February 21 – Hobbs JH Solo & Ensemble Festival

***This is a required event***

Location: Highland Junior High
Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm (individual times TBA)
Solo Performance is REQUIRED!!!
Fees: Solo = $3; Ensemble = $2 per member
*Deadline to pay fees is February 13*

Tuesday, May 5 – Spring Concert

Full Band Rehearsal and Concert are REQUIRED!!!

May 4 / 3:25-4:20 pm / Full Band Rehearsal (EVERYONE!!!)
May 5 / 6:40 pm (arrive) / Highland Spring Concert - 7:00 pm (begins)
(Location : Highland Junior High Gym)

(Sign and fill in information. Detach and return to Mrs. Sanchez by Friday, August 15)

As Parents of a Beginning Band member, I/we hereby acknowledge that we have read the rules and commitments of the 2014-2015Beginning Band Handbook. We pledge to make every attempt to assure our son/daughter attends all scheduled events/rehearsals and practices regularly at home:

Parent SignatureDate

As a proud member of the Highland Beginning Band, I hereby acknowledge that I have read the rules and commitments of the 2014-2015Beginning Band Handbook. I pledge to make every attempt to attend all scheduled events/rehearsals and to practice regularly at home.

Student SignatureDate

Mailing addressHome phone#

Mom cell phone#Dad cell phone #

Parent e-mail addressOther Phone #

Student’s InstrumentMake/Model Serial Number (in case of loss/mix-up)

Parent Volunteer help:

I would like to help the Band program by: please check all that apply:

[__] 1. Assist Mrs. Sanchez with checking fund raising orders and money during my child’s class

[__] 2. Assist in measuring/fitting 8th graders for uniforms during 5th period (Aug. 25-29)

[__] 3. Hem 8th grade pants during 5th period (Aug. 25-29)


NamePhone #

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs. Sanchez