Pervasive BX Manager User Documentation

Version 1.3

© Copyright Pervasive, 2012 This document contains the confidential information of Pervasive and is intended solely for the recipient hereof. Any unauthorized redistribution, dissemination, or disclosure is expressly prohibited.

Pervasive BX Manager User Documentation – Version 1.3

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Sign In Screen 3

Account Navigation 5

Documents 6

Inbox 6

Inbox Detail Screen 7

Outbox 11

Outbox Detail Screen 12

Web Forms 15

Web Form Templates 17

Web Form Line Item Uploader 18

File Upload 19

Trading Partners 21

Administration 22

Contact Us 23


This user guide is for the benefit of the Pervasive BX Manager user community. It explains how to utilize the user interface.

Please contact Pervasive Support with any questions. Contact information is located at the end of this user guide.

Sign In Screen

To log into BX Manager, go to to sign in. At the time a BX Manager account is activated, a password will be emailed to the email address in the system.

If a user has forgotten their password, use the “I forgot my password” link. Enter the username and answer the security question to receive a new password by email. If no security question has been setup, contact Pervasive Support.

The following page includes a screen print of the BX Manager Sign in screen.

Figure 1 - BX Manager Sign-In Screen

Account Navigation

When logging in, the company name and login name will be displayed at the top right corner of the browser. Click the “Logout” at the top right of the screen to log out of a BX Manager account.

Use the options on the left-hand side of the screen to navigate the BX Manager account. Additional functions may appear depending on which screen is viewed.

Navigation information is displayed towards the top of the screen. This indicates which screen is being viewed. In the screen print below,

“> DOCUMENTS > Mailbox Summary” indicates that the mailbox summary screen in the Documents sections is being displayed.

Figure 2 - BX Manager Account Navigation

The following functions are available to an online BX Manager account.

DOCUMENTS – Click on this link to view the mailbox summary screen, which is pictured above. Additional options for the Documents function are Mailbox Summary, Transaction Tracking (if available), Upload (if available), Web Forms (if available), Inbox Summary, and Outbox Summary.

TRADING PARTNERS – Click on this link to see the current list of trading partners setup with the BX Manager account.

ADMINISTRATION – Click on this link to see the administration options.

Each page has a link at the top left that says “Set as Default Page”. If a user clicks on this while viewing a page, that will be the page displayed when logging back into the BX Manager account. This can be changed at any time by accessing the desired page and then clicking this link.


The Documents section is where a user can access documents that have been received, view documents that have been submitted, and submit additional documents.

When an account is activated, this is the default login screen.


The inbox is used to view documents received in a BX Manager online account. In order to view the inbox activity, you click on the “Inbox Summary” option at the top right of the Mailbox Summary page.

Figure 3 - Inbox Summary Screen

After clicking on the “Inbox Summary”, a list of trading partners and document types appears. This is a summary of what has been received.

Partner – This is the name of the trading partner that sent a document.

Document Type – This is the document type sent by that trading partner.

Subtotal – This is the total number of documents for that Trading Partner/Document Type combination.

New – This is the total number of unread documents for that Trading Partner/Document Type combination.

Last Date – This is the last date of activity for that Trading Partner/Document Type combination.

To view additional detail regarding document types sent by a particular trading partner, click on the “Select” for that line. The view will change and display the inbox detail.

Inbox Detail Screen

The inbox detail screen enables a user to view documents received from a particular trading partner. A user can also search based on document number and date range.

Figure 4 – Inbox Detail Screen

Search Options

The following fields can be used to search for a particular document or set of documents. When the search criteria have been entered, click the “Search” button. The results will display when the search is complete.

Reference # - Enter the document number desired (e.g., invoice number, PO number, etc.).

Date – This field can be used to quickly select a time period to search. Selecting a value in this field will automatically populate the “From” and “To” fields and will start the search automatically.

From – Enter a “From” date, if applicable.

To – Enter a “To” date, if applicable.

Only Unread – Check this box if searching for documents that are unread. Unread documents appear in bold in the inbox. Once a document has been viewed, it will no longer appear in bold type.

Figure 5 - Inbox Detail Screen (con’t)

Select – This checkbox is used to delete a document. Click on the checkbox for the document to be deleted and then click the “Delete Selected” button.

From/To – Indicates that this document was sent from a trading partner to BX Manager.

Trading Partner – Indicates who sent the document.

Document Type – Identifies the document type.

Reference # - Identifies the reference number of the document, such as the invoice number for invoices, PO number for purchase orders, etc. Click the link in this field to display the document in a user-friendly viewable format.

View – Selecting an option in this field will display the document in either the sender’s data format or the receiver’s data format. A paper clip will be displayed if there is an attachment. Click the paper clip to view the attachment.

Date – This is the date the document was received in the BX Manager account.

To view the document in a user-friendly format, click the document number in the Reference # column. A new window will appear displaying that document.

Figure 6 - Sample Document Viewable

Clicking the “Close Window” link at the bottom of the viewable will close the active window.

To view the actual data that was sent to the BX Manager system, select the “Sender Data” option in the View column. A new window will appear and display the data as it was received in BX Manager.

Figure 7 - Inbox - View Inbound/Outbound Data

Figure 8 - Inbox - Inbound Data View

Click the “Back to Mailbox” link to return to the inbox.


The outbox is used to view documents sent from a BX Manager account. Click on the “Outbox Summary” option at the top right of the Mailbox Summary to view the outbox activity.

Figure 9 - Outbox Summary Screen

After clicking the “Outbox Summary”, a list of trading partners and document types appears. This is a summary of what has been sent.

Partner – This is the name of the trading partner that received a document.

Document Type – This is the document type sent to that trading partner.

Status – This is the current status of the Trading Partner/Document Type combination. Multiple lines will display if there are multiple statuses for the Trading Partner/Document Type combination.

Subtotal – This is the total number of documents sent for that Trading Partner/Document Type/Status combination.

Last Date – This is the last date of activity for that Trading Partner/Document Type/Status combination.

To view additional detail regarding a document type sent to a particular trading partner, click on the “Select” for that line. The screen will change and display the outbox detail.

Outbox Detail Screen

The outbox detail screen enables a user to view documents sent to a particular trading partner. A user can also search based on document number and date range.

Figure 10 – Outbox Detail Screen

Search Options

The following fields can be used to search for a particular document or set of documents. When the search criteria have been entered, click the “Search” button. The results will display when the search is complete. Up to 15 records will display at a time.

Reference # - Enter the document number desired. This field may be left blank.

Date – This field can be used to quickly select a time period to search. Selecting a value in this field will automatically populate the “From” and “To” fields and will start the search automatically.

From – Enter a “From” date, if applicable

To – Enter a “To” date, if applicable

Only Unread - This check box does not apply to the outbox.

Figure 11 - Outbox Detail Screen (continued)

Select – This checkbox is used to delete a document. Click on the checkbox for the document to be deleted and then click the “Delete Selected” button.

From/To – Indicates that this document was sent from BX Manager to a trading partner.

Trading Partner – Indicates which trading partner received the document.

Document Type – Identifies the document type

Reference # - Identifies the reference number of the document, such as the invoice number for invoices, PO number for purchase orders, etc. Click the link in this field to display the document in a user-friendly viewable format.

Status – Indicates the status of the document. If the trading partner sends a status message back to BX Manager, this will be indicated in this field.

View – Selecting an option in this field will display the document in either the sender’s data format or the receiver’s data format. If the data was submitted using a Pervasive web form, the sender’s data format will be blank.

Date – This is the date the document was sent from BX Manager to the trading partner.

To view the document in a user-friendly viewable format, click the document number in the Reference # column. A new window will appear displaying that document.

Figure 12 – Sample Document Viewable

Clicking the “Close Window” link at the bottom of the viewable will close the active window.

Web Forms

The web forms screen enables a user to send documents to a trading partner directly from their BX Manager online account. The Web Forms are accessed from the Documents menu.

To select a web form, first click on the Web Forms selection on the left-hand side of the screen and a pull-down field will appear asking to select the document type. Only those document types activated in the account profile will display in this field.

Figure 13 - Selecting a Web Form - 1 of 2

After selecting the document type, a list of trading partners that use that document type will appear. Select the trading partner who will receive this document.

Figure 14 - Selecting a Web Form - 2 of 2

If more than one web form is used for this document type, a third pull-down field will appear listing each web form that is available. Select which web form you wish to use from this list.

Once your selections are complete, the appropriate web form will appear.

Note: If your form includes templates, the template page will appear first. See Web Form Templates for details.

All web forms have several things in common.

1.  Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) next to the field name.

2.  Business rules are included in the form. For example, if a G/L code is required when not referencing a PO number and the PO Number field is blank, the user will be asked to enter a G/L code before submitting the form. Business rules also include a minimum and maximum length for a particular field, such as 2 characters for a State abbreviation.

3.  Extended line item totals are calculated and displayed real time. As quantity, unit price, allowances, charges, taxes, etc. are entered, a calculation is performed and the result is displayed at the end of each line item.

4.  The monetary total of a document will be automatically displayed as data is entered on the web form. Not all documents may have a monetary total.

5.  Any errors encountered when submitting a form will be displayed at the top of the form in red type.

6.  To add more line items to a form, click the “Add More Line Items” link just above the line item section. This will add 5 additional line items each time the link is clicked.

7.  To clear out all the data entered on a form and start over, click the “Start Over” button at the bottom of the form.

8.  Once all data is entered, click “Submit Document” to send the document.

The following page includes a screen print of a sample web form.

Figure 15 - Sample Web Form

Web Form Templates

Once a web form has been selected and displayed on the screen, there may also be a section titled “Template”. This section includes a pull-down list of templates that are used to pre-fill specific partner information fields. The information in the template fields can only be changed on the Web Form Template page.

To use an existing template in your current web form, choose one from the pull-down list at the top of the “Template” section.

To edit an existing template or add a new one, click the “Add New or Edit” link next to the pull-down. This will open the Web Form Template page in a new browser window/tab. If no template has been created for a form that requires a template, the Web Form Template page will appear before the transaction can be entered.