Pack 565 May 2005 Campout Songbook


If You’re Happy & You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it,

clap your hands

If you’re happy and you know it,

clap your hands

If you’re happy and you know it, then you really ought to show it

If you’re happy and you know it,

clap your hands

…stamp your feet…

…shout “Amen”…

…do all three…

The Happy Wanderer

I love to go a-wandering,

along the mountain track,

And as I go, I love to sing, My knapsack on my back


Val-de-ri – Val-de-ra – Val-de-ri

Val-de ha ha ha ha ha ha

Val-de-ri – Val-de-ra

My knapsack on my back

I love to wander by the stream

that dances in the sun

So joyously it calls to me,

“Come! Join my happy song!” CHORUS

I wave my hat to all I meet

and they wave back to me,

And blackbirds call so loud and sweet – from ev’ry green-wood tree. CHORUS

High overhead, the skylarks wing – they never rest at home,

But just like me, they love to sing, - As o’er the world we roam - CHORUS

Oh, may I go a-wandering – Until the day I die!

Oh, may I always laugh and sing – Beneath God’s clear blue sky – CHORUS

Home on the Range

Oh give me a home

where buffaloes roam

Where the deer and the antelope play

Where seldom is heard

a discouraging word

And the skies are not cloudy all day

Home, home on the range – where the deer and the antelope play

Where seldom is heard

a discouraging word

And the skies are not cloudy all day

Home in the Snow (tune: Home on the Range)

O give me a home

between Fairbanks and Nome,

Where the moose and the caribou play.

Where nothing will grow – ‘cause it’s covered in snow

From June to the following May.

Home, home in the snow - Where it’s mild when it’s 90 below

The tundra for me by the great Bering Sea, and the life of an old sourdough.

I Don’t Care if I Go Crazy (tune: Rueben, Rueben)

I don’t care if I go crazy

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Switch

Crazy go I if care don’t I

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Switch

Akela’s Pack (tune: I’ve been working on the railroad)

We’re a pack of happy cub scouts

Tribe of Webelos

We’ll eventually be Boy Scouts,

As everybody knows.

Don’t you want to come and join us – be here with all the rest?

Don’t you want to be a cub scout – with us you’ll do your best.

I’ve got that Cub Scout Spirit

I’ve got that cub scout spirit up in my head, up in my head, up in my head

I’ve got that cub scout spirit up in my head, up in my head to stay

…Deep in my heart…

….Down in my feet…

….All over me…

Ravioli (tune: Alouetta)

All: Ravioli, I like ravioli - Ravioli, it’s the best for me

Leader: Have I got it on my chin [tie, shirt, pants, shoes, floor, walls]

All: Yes, you’ve got it on your chin

Leader: On my chin?

All: On your chin. OH-h-h-h-h - Ravioli, I like ravioli - Ravioli, it’s the best for me

Scout from Texas (tune: Yellow Rose of Texas)

You can tell a Scout from Texas

You can tell him by his talk

You can tell a scout from Texas

You can tell him by his walk

You can tell a Scout from Texas

By his appetite and such

You can tell a Scout from Texas

But you sure can’t tell him much.

Cub Scout Vespers (tune: O Tannenbaum)

As the nigh comes to this land, On my promise I will stand

I will help the pack to go, As our pack helps me to grow

Yes, I will always give goodwill, - I’ll follow my Akela still.

And before I stop to rest, I will do my very best


Day is done – gone the sun – from the lake – from the hills – from the sky

All is well, safely rest – God is nigh

Good Night, Cub Scouts (Tune: Good night ladies)

Good night, Cub Scouts

Good night, Cub Scouts

Good night, Cub Scouts

We’re going to leave you now


Merrily, we Cub along, Cub along, Cub along

Merrily, we Cub along – Up the Cub Scout Trail

Sweet Dreams, Cub Scouts

Sweet Dreams, Cub Scouts

Sweet Dreams, Cub Scouts

We’re going to leave you now - CHORUS

Boom Chick a Boom

I says a-boom-chick a boom (echo)

I says a-boom-chick a boom (echo)

I says a-boom-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-rock-a-chicka-boom (echo)

Uh-Huh (echo)

Oh Yeah (echo)

One more time (echo)

Higher now! (echo)

(lower, louder, whisper)

The Grand Old Captain Kirk

The grand old Captain Kirk

He had 10,000 men

He beamed them up to the Enterprise and he beamed them down again.

And when you’re up, you’re up

And when you’re down, you’re down

And when you’re only half way up

You’re nowhere to be found