



2:00 p.m.
March 1, 2011
General Services Agency
1401 Lakeside Drive
Room 1107, 11th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612 / 10:00 a.m.
March 2, 2011
Castro Valley Library
Chabot Room
3600 Norbridge Avenue
Castro Valley, CA 94546

For complete information regarding this project see RFP posted at or contact the person listed below. Thank you for your interest!

Contact Person: Ann Marie Romero, Contracts Specialist II

Phone Number: (510)208-9742

E-mail Address:



2:00 p.m.


March 30, 2011


Alameda County, GSA-Purchasing

1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907

Oakland, CA 94612







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A.  Intent 5

B.  Scope 5

C.  Background 5

D.  Vendor Qualifications/Specific Requirements 6

E.  Debarment/Suspension Policy 8

F.  General Environmental Requirements 9

G.  Deliverables/Reports 12


H.  County Contacts 13

I.  Calendar of Events 13

J.  Networking/Bidders Conference 14

K.  Submittal of Bids 15

L.  Response Format 17

M.  Evaluation Criteria/Selection Committee 17

N.  Contract Evaluation and Assessment 22

O.  Notice of Award 22

P.  Bid Protest / Appeals Process 23


Q.  Term / Termination / Renewal 24

R.  Brand Names and Approved Equivalents 24

S.  Quantities 25

T.  Commission Rate 25

U.  Pricing 25

V.  Award 26

W.  County Provisions 27

X.  Account Manager/Support Staff 28

Y.  General Requirements 29






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Exhibit A – Acknowledgement

Exhibit B – Bid Form

Exhibit C – Insurance Requirements

Exhibit D1 – Current References

Exhibit D2 – Former References

Exhibit E – Intentionally Removed

Exhibit F – Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Partnering Information Sheet

Exhibit G – Request for Bid Preference

Exhibit H – First Source Agreement

Exhibit I – Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments

Exhibit J – Standard Services Agreement Template

Exhibit K – Environmental Certification

Exhibit L – RFP Vendor Bid List

Exhibit M – Response/Content Submittal; Completeness Check List

Exhibit N – Debarment and Suspension Certification

Exhibit O – Usage Report

Exhibit P – Elevator Dimensions

Exhibit Q – Order Form

Specifications, Terms & Conditions

for Inmate Commissary


Unless otherwise noted, the terms below may be upper or lower case. Acronyms will always be uppercase.

ACSO / Alameda County Sheriff’s Office
Bid / Shall mean the bidders’/contractors’ response to this Request
Bidder / Shall mean the specific person or entity responding to this RFP
Board / Shall refer to the County of Alameda Board of Supervisors
CSC / Shall refer to County Selection Committee
Contractor / When capitalized, shall refer to selected bidder that is awarded a contract
County / When capitalized, shall refer to the County of Alameda
Environmentally Preferable Products / Products manufactured in a manner such that the impact on the environment is minimized throughout the entire lifecycle of the product by implementing sustainable practices during material sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, and by providing products that can be used and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner
EPA / United States Environmental Protection Agency
Federal / Refers to United States Federal Government, its departments and/or agencies
F.O.B. / Shall mean without charge for delivery to destination and placing on board a carrier at a specified point (Free On Board)
IWF / Inmate Welfare Fund
Labor Code / Refers to California Labor Code
Proposal / Shall mean bidder/contractor response to this RFP
PO / Shall refer to Purchase Order(s)
Request for Proposal / Shall mean this document, which is the County of Alameda’s request for contractors’/bidders’ proposal to provide the goods and/or services being solicited herein; also referred herein as RFP
Response / Shall refer to bidder’s proposal submitted in reply to RFP
RFP / Request for Proposal
Source Reduction / Refers to products that result in a net reduction in the generation of waste compared to their previous or alternate version and includes durable, reusable and remanufactured products; products with no, or reduced, toxic constituents; and products marketed with no, or reduced, packaging
State / Refers to State of California, its departments and/or agencies



The intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to search for qualified vendors who can provide inmate commissary and vending machine services to the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) adult inmate population in the County’s two correctional and detention facilities on a guaranteed commission basis with proceeds payable to the Sheriff’s Inmate Welfare Fund (IWF).

The County intends to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to award a three-year contract (with option to renew) to the bidder selected as most capable of meeting the County’s requirements.

It is the intent of these specifications, terms, and conditions to procure the most environmentally preferable products with equivalent or higher performance and at equal or lower cost than traditional products. Specific requirements from the County’s Sustainability Program related to this Bid are included in the appropriate Bid sections.


The selected contractor must be able to provide inmate commissary and vending machine services for a varied range of County jail approved products made available to inmates housed in these facilities. The contractor may provide to the inmate population food, beverages, personal hygiene products, stationery, and other products through vending machines and commissary services. The contractor will maintain and service the vending machines. The contractor will also be responsible for commissary items that are delivered to the inmate housing units.


Approximately sixty thousand (60,000) inmates are processed through the County’s detention and corrections facilities each year. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) detention and corrections facilities are managed by the ACSO which is primarily accountable for the care, custody, and control of the inmates. The average daily population is approximately four thousand eight hundred (4,800) total inmates housed in two (2) facilities. The facilities operated by the ACSO are the Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, California and the Glenn E. Dyer Detention Facility in Oakland, California.

The ACSO encourages recycling in the detention and corrections facilities. Santa Rita Jail generates approximately one hundred and sixty-six thousand (166,000) units of plastic per year in post consumer recyclables, approximately three thousand four hundred (3,400) units per week are generated from vending machine product items. Glenn Dyer Facility generates approximately sixteen thousand eight hundred (16,800) units per year in post consumer recyclables, approximately three hundred fifty (350) units per week from vending machine products.


Qualified vendors must be able to provide products and services to meet the needs of inmates housed at the ACSO detention and corrections facilities. Vendor minimum qualification criteria include, but are not limited to, the following:

§  Vendor must have at least five (5) years of recent experience providing and administering commissary and vending services at correctional institutions.

§  Vendor must have a qualified staff dedicated to the sole purpose of providing vending machines and commissary services.

§  Vendor must have a computerized accounting system to provide, maintain, and manage commissary and vending machine services information.

§  Vendor’s employees entering the facilities and working at the detention and corrections facilities must be able to pass, to the satisfaction of ACSO, a security and background check performed by ACSO. This provision shall also pertain to any small and/or emerging local business participation in this bid.

Specific Requirements

1.  Contractor shall provide:

a.  Commissary orders which will be delivered to the inmates;

b.  Delivery of commissary orders to each housing unit; and,

c.  Debit cards for sale to the inmates on a weekly basis. The debit cards shall be used to make purchases from the vending machines. Inmates may not have more than three (3) debit cards in their possession at one time.

2.  Contractor will be responsible for the following at no cost to the County:

a.  Providing New Book Bags which will include:

(1)  One (1) Rules and Regulation booklet;

(2)  One (1) short handle toothbrush;

(3)  One (1) tube toothpaste;

(4)  Two (2) soap bars;

(5)  One (1) short handle comb; and,

(6)  *One (1) short handle disposable razor.

b.  Providing Maintenance Kits which will include:

(1)  One (1) soap bar;

(2)  One (1) short handle toothbrush;

(3)  One (1) tube toothpaste;

(4)  *One (1) short handle disposable razor;

(5)  Two (2) packets of shaving gel;

(6)  One (1) short handle comb;

(7)  One (1) packet of shampoo;

(8)  One (1) short pencil;

(9)  Five (5) sheets of writing paper (5”x 8”);

(10)  Two (2) stamped standard envelopes;

(11)  One (1) plain blank envelope; and,

(12)  One (1) paper bag.

*ACSO staff issuing the personal care items will ensure that an inmate who is considered a danger does not receive the disposable razor. The IWF committee may change the New Book Bags and/or Maintenance Kits to add, modify, or delete items.

New Book Bags will be ordered by the supply clerk for the Glenn E. Dryer facility and by the booking staff for the Santa Rita Jail.

3.  Contractor shall provide the following services:

a.  Providing Free Line Mail – Each inmate who is eligible to receive a maintenance kit will also receive materials to conduct personal correspondence;

b.  The distribution of commissary bags between completion of the dinner meal and lights out;

c.  Checking off inmates names from the commissary distribution list;

d.  Ensuring all products ordered by inmates are delivered to the properly identified inmate;

e.  Providing an approved commissary order form to receive orders from inmates and using the listed prices shown on the order form;

f.  Maintaining inmates debit card accounts to contain no more than a maximum of ninety dollars ($90.00) per week;

g.  Maintenance and operation of the debit card system and resolution of all disputes regarding encoded dollar values;

h.  Programming debit cards;

i.  Operation and maintenance of computer hardware and software for a computerized inmate account system;

j.  Verification of inmate fund balances, and distribution and service of the debit cards;

k.  Maintaining accurate and complete records of all commissary activity and balances of individual inmate accounts using a system approved by ACSO and the IWF committee; and,

l.  Satisfaction with products and menu selections from the staff and inmates.

4.  Contractor will be required to:

a.  Install, service, and maintain vending machines using the highest standard of quality and care;

b.  Provide and sell County approved products as described in the product list (Exhibit B, bid form);

c.  Provide Energy Efficient machines that meet the current requirements of the US EPA’s Energy Star program and carry the Energy Star label;

d.  Deliver machines without lamps installed;

e.  Deliver machines that do not have any part or piece which can be removed by an inmate and used as a weapon;

f.  Deliver machines constructed with plastic faces. No glass faces are allowed on the machines;

g.  Provide maintenance for all the machines with a response time guaranteed with a four (4) hour window for service, twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week; and,

h.  Stock machines daily or as needed. The stocking of the machines shall be accomplished without disruption to jail and housing unit activities.

Santa Rita Jail has approximately fifty-eight (58) vending (candy/chips) machines, and twenty-nine (29) beverage machines. Glenn E. Dyer Jail has eleven (11) vending machines and eleven (11) beverage machines.

5.  Contractor’s personnel will:

a.  Each complete a background investigation conducted by ACSO;

b.  Provide management supervision for all of their employees assigned to the detention and corrections division;

c.  Provide a supervisor or designee who shall be available daily to the jail command staff;

d.  Provide on-site staff at Santa Rita Jail, forty (40) hours per week for the first ninety (90) days of the contract. After the first ninety (90) days of the contract staff shall be dispatched on an as needed basis; and,

e.  Complete a sixteen (16) hour formal orientation course appropriate to their assignments.


In order to prohibit the procurement of any goods or services ultimately funded by Federal awards from debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded parties, each bidder will be screened at the time of RFP response to ensure bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded by the United States Government in compliance with the requirements of 7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 3016.35, 28 CFR 66.35, 29 CFR 97.35, 34 CFR 80.35, 45 CFR 92.35 and Executive Order 12549.

§  The County will verify bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not on the Federal debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded list of vendors located at; and

§  Bidders are to complete a Debarment and Suspension Certification form, Exhibit N attached, certifying bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded by the United States Government.

F.  GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: The requirements outlined in this section apply to all product categories contained in this bid.

1. Overview:

It is the objective of the County to purchase products with the lowest overall environmental impact from manufacturing through end of life and to procure services that achieve this same objective. To meet this objective, environmental factors and product attributes are evaluated in the procurement process. The County is mandated under Measure D to divert seventy five percent (75%) of material from landfill through recycling and source reduction and to encourage markets for environmentally preferable goods through its procurement process. Outlined below is an overview of the specific aspects of the County’s Resource Conservation & Recycling Program which apply to Bidders. Additional requirements are included in relevant sections throughout the bid.