As a carer you may be eligible to apply to BwD Carers Service for a small grant from our Carer’s respite grants fund. The main purpose of these grants is to give carers an opportunity to apply for a grant that would enable them to have a BREAK from their caring role.

Please read the following criteria and guidelines carefully to ensure you meet the criteria to apply for a grant. Carers will need to meet the criteria areas below:

*Be registered with the service for a minimum 12 weeks (If a new carer, CRG’s will not be awarded until at least the 12th week)

*If over 12 months since closure to a carers adviser the carer will need to undertake a new assessment of their needs

*If the case was closed less than 12 months previously the carer will be able to apply for a CRG without having to undertake a new assessment

* Any grant addresses one or more of the identified areas for intervention on the carers outcome star

*Any grant awarded must meet the needs of the carer/s (receipts and bookings need to be in the name of the carer/s)

* That receipts were received by the organisation for any previously awarded CRG.


Please be advised that if you are applying for a second grant, priority WILL ALWAYS be given to Carers who have not yet received an award. You must also be aware that awards are NOT guaranteed and any respite services or breaks that you have already booked or paid for cannot be funded retrospectively.

Whilst we aim to provide as many Carers as possible with a grant, funding is not guaranteed, or you may not receive the full amount that you applied for. All CRG’s will be assessed based on a traffic light system in order to identify where the need is greatest.

Where there is more than one carer in a family, the amount of caring and any impact upon individuals will be given priority – therefore a CRG may be agreed for one family member and not others. Family grants may also be agreed where the need is identified through the carers assessments.

If you do receive a grant, receipts must be provided within four weeks of the break or activity being undertaken and submitted to BwD Carers Service to comply with Blackburn with Darwen funding requirements. If you fail to provide receipts as agreed, you will not be eligible to apply for a CRG in the future.

Where funds have been committed but not spent, a booking form or similar documentation is acceptable in place of a receipt. We do not acknowledge receipt of completed applications for a CRG, although all carers will receive an outcome letter or telephone call regarding their requests.

To apply:

For further information and/or an application form please contact us on 01254 688440 to speak to your Carers Advisor, or access via our website Please provide all requested information or we may be unable to process your application further. Application forms can be given back to your Carer’s advisor or please return to the address on the bottom of the application form.

A panel will meet every Wednesday, where all applications will be considered. Carers will then be notified about the outcome of their application within a week of the panel date, either by letter, phone call or their carer’s advisor.

If you are unhappy with the panel's decision you have a right to appeal. If therefore you feel you have a justified complaint please put this in writing to the centre manager.

Carer’s respite grant Application form


Carer’s name:


Adviser name if applicable:

What outcomes based on the areas below do you think the Carers respite grant will help to achieve?
(Please note any anticipated outcomes relevant to your application)
Health and Well-Being
Environmental Factors
Family and Friends Network
Support From Outside Agencies
A Life of Your Own
Employment, Training and Volunteer Work
Knowledge and Info

I agree that:

*  I will provide Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service with my bank account details in order to receive payment by BACS

*  I will use the personal budget funds paid to me for exactly the purpose as set out in this budget plan

*  If I do not spend the entire funds I will return the unspent amount within one month of receipt of the CRG

*  I will provide Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service with receipts as proof of purchase within one month of the activity being undertaken.

I understand that I will be asked to repay the funds, in whole or in part, in the following circumstances:

*  If I fail to comply with the above terms in any way

*  If my application was completed dishonestly or supplied with false or misleading information

*  I accept the CRG from Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service and understand that failure to comply with the above terms will result in me not being able to apply or access any further grants through Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service.

Signed (Carer) ……………………………………………..


If successful, your CRG will be paid into your bank/building society account – please supply details below ……and finally tear off the back page as you will need this to send in with your receipts once the CRG is utilised.

Bank/Building Society Details

Bank/Building Society Name: Account Name: Bank Acc No: Sort Code:

Carers signature:

Please send the completed application form back to: Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service, Kingsway, Greenhurst Place, Blackburn, Lancs, BB2 1NA

Outcome from panel meeting on DATE……………….. (For office use only)

CRG granted – Amount………………. CRG NOT granted CRG deferred until next panel meeting (please circle the outcome of panel decision)

Carers name: Advisers Name:

Centre manager signature: Date:

Finance manager signature: Date:




Name:……………………………….. Address::……………………………………………………………

Breakdown of receipts provided with total:

Please select the main area/areas where the CRG has made a difference: (we need this information to demonstrate to commissioners that the CRG’s really do make a difference for carers)

Health and Well-Being / A Life of Your Own
Environmental Factors / Employment, Training and Volunteer Work
Family and Friends Network / Knowledge and Info
Support From Outside Agencies / Financial

Please note the overall difference that the CRG has made to you:

Thank you