Suggested actions for schools – December 2012

  1. FOI - The Freedom of Information Act 2000 makes it a legal requirement for ‘public authorities’ (schools are public authorities in their own right) to adopt the ‘Model Publication Scheme’ issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Council often deal with FOI requests related to schools as we often hold the information. We also collate responses on your behalf. If you have any queries regarding FOI requests that the school receive direct, please contact Hayley Martin.

Schools are advised to have a page on their website with the title ‘Freedom of Information and School Publication Scheme’ it should say as follows:

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives members of the public the right to access official information held by Public Authorities. Requests should be made in writing to: EMAIL or POST ADDRESS and will be dealt with within the statutory 20 working days.

As well as responding to requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the school is required to publish information proactively. The Freedom of Information Act requires every School to have a publication scheme, approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and to publish information covered by the scheme. The scheme sets out our commitment to make certain classes of information routinely available, such as policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, annual reports and financial information.

NAME OF SCHOOL have adopted the Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme in its entirety and have produced a guide to information which sets out the information we hold, where it can be obtained and whether a fee is payable.

The guide can be accessed here: ADD LINK TO COMPLETED GUIDE

For the guide, schools will need to complete the document entitled ‘Schools guide to information’ which can be downloaded from the SIGSG page of the intranet.

  1. Data Protection – Schools should have the following information on a page on their website and/or in prospectus etc entitled ‘Data Protection’

The Data Protection Act 1998 regulates the processing of information, relating to individuals including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information.

The Act places a legal responsibility on the School to ensure that data collected and processed receives the highest level of protection. The Act also provides individuals who are the subject of personal data (data subjects) with certain rights to ensure that data held is accurate and up to date.

If you wish to make a subject access request to find out what information is held about you please send a request in writing using the contact details set out below. SCHOOL NAME is under a statutory duty to comply with your request within 40 calendar days.

A £10 statutory fee will apply to all Subject Access Requests

If you wish to know what information we process and why, please view our Privacy Notice (HAVE LINK TO PRIVACY NOTICE HERE see note 4 below)

Contact Details: SCHOOL DETAILS

  1. Notification as Data Controller – All schools are now registered as Data Controller’s or in the process of renewal. No further action required other than to ensure renewal annually. The ICO write out to remind you.
  1. Fair Processing – All schools should display a ‘Privacy Notice’ on their website and/or provide a copy to all parents/pupils/staff. The Privacy Notice is designed to let people know what data is held, how it will be used and who it will be shared with. The DfE have model notice’s (one for pupils and one for staff) which can be used/amended to suit which can be found at:

You should remember to add to the privacy notice details of any CCTV system you operate, make sure you say why you use it i.e. Prevention/detection crime, staff/pupil safety etc. You could also add a paragraph about taking photo’s of pupils and their use depending on your own school policy.

  1. Photos – the ICO has issued a guidance note to assist school with their policy. It can be found at:
  1. For an example of how the above points can be implemented please see JesmondGardensPrimary School website at the following link:

Hayley Martin