4 / Proficient
3 / Developing
2 / Beginning
1 / Score
Team Badge / Badge contains all team member names and the planet name. All are spelled correctly.Planet picture is included and is clear and bright. Design and coloring isdiverse, unique and pleasing to the eye. / Badge contains all team member names and/or the planet name. All are spelled correctly.Planet picture is included. / Badge contains some team member names and/or the planet name. Most are spelled correctly.Planet picture is included. / Badge contains some team member names and/or the planet name.There are numerous misspellings.Planet picture is not included.
Scientific Fact Collection / All six scientific facts are collected. Information is clear, correct and easy to understand / At least five scientific facts are collected. Information is correct. / Less than five scientific facts are collected. Information is correct. / Less than five scientific facts are collected. Some off the information is correct.
Fun Fact Collection / More than three fun facts are collected about your planet. Information is correct and unique. / Three fun facts are collected about your planet. Information is correct and unique. / Less than three fun facts are collected about your planet. Information is correct. / Less than three fun facts are collected about your planet. Some of the information is correct.
Photo Story:
Information / Information is correct and detailed. All required facts are given, 6 scientific, 3 fun facts. Grammar and spelling are correct in the Photo Story. / All required facts are given, 6 scientific, 3 fun facts. Most of the grammar and spelling is correct. / At least 5 required facts are given, either scientific or fun facts. Some of the grammar and spelling is correct. / Less than 3 required facts are given, either scientific or fun facts. Most of the grammar and spelling is incorrect.
Photo Story:
Presentation / Team added at least two pictures, motions or sounds to photo story template. All are appropriate to the projects and pleasing to the eye and ear. / Team added a picture, a sound or a motion to the photo story template. All are appropriate to the project. / Team used the photo story template. / Team did not complete photo story.
Team Effort
- Individual participation / You worked together with the other team members to compile information and complete the presentation. You participated in the final presentation / You worked together with the other team members to compile information and complete the presentation. / You sometimes worked together with the other team members to compile information and complete the presentation. / You did not work with the other team members to compile information and complete the presentation.