A letter from the Russian Ministry of Emergency to Greenpeace Russia:

In response to your appeal (ref number 12/236 of 20 July 2012) Russian Emergencies Ministry said that the plan to prevent and eliminate oil spills on the marine ice-resistant stationary platform "Prirazlomnaya" was approved by the Russian Emergencies Ministry in July 2007.

In accordance with the requirements of section 3 of Annex 1 to the development and approval of plans to prevent and eliminate oil spills in the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry on 28.12.2004. № 621), the term of the Plan is five years.

Subsequently, a letter was sent by the Russian Emergencies Ministry in March to "Gazprom neft shelf ' with an indication of the need for processing of the oil spill mitigation plan and subsequent submission of the corrected plan to the relevant federal bodies of executive power and the Russian Emergencies Ministry for consideration and decision on endorsement.

However, to date, "Gazprom neft shelf" has not submitted its corrected oil spill mitigation plan to the Russian Emergencies Ministry. At the same time OAO "Gazprom neft shelf" has reported that at the present time a new version of the plan is being developed.

In accordance with the requirements of section 2 of the Rules of the development and coordination of plans to prevent and eliminate oil spills in the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry on 28.12.2004. № 621), the Plan, in addition to the Russian Emergencies Ministry, should also be submitted to the Russian Ministry of Energy and the Russian Ministry of Transport, as it connects with what your proposal to request the provision of the plan for consultation in these federal bodies of executive power.


Head of federal support areas, a valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 3 classes