Constitution Lapbook Guidelines

Date Due:______

·  Students will create a lapbook that will help them explore the US Constitution and gain a better understanding of how and why the document is an important part of their life.

·  Students will need 2 manila folders (1 set will be provided).

·  Students will create several foldables, charts, graphic organizers, and/or web diagrams to go in the lapbook.

·  Students will arrange and glue the foldables into the lapbook.

·  The front of each foldable should be decorated and attractive. Use period-friendly pictures or original student artwork representative of the period.

·  The following information should be in the lapbook:

1.  Front cover (Should be decorative and attractive)

a.  Title – Constitution

b.  Student name – first, last

c.  Class period

2.  Foldables

Topic Title Type of foldable

Delegates Delegates Web

State plans State plans Venn


Decisions Compromises Flipbook

Constitution v. Articles Why Change? Shutter fold

Principles of the Constitution US Constitution Vocabulary


Preamble The Preamble Hotdog fold

Branches of the Government The Branches Tri-fold

Did You Know? Did You Know? Pocket or


The Constitution Constitution Acrostic

Ratification debate Opposing Sides T-chart

Amendments Amendments Hamburger


·  Listed below is information you need to include in a specific foldable:

1.  Decisions

a.  Great Compromise

b.  Three-fifths Compromise

c.  Electoral College

2.  Opposing Sides

a.  Create a T-chart.

b.  Label the left side FEDERALISTS and the right side ANTI-FEDERALISTS.

c.  Compare the two.

3.  Preamble

a.  Write the preamble

b.  Explain the purpose of the preamble in your own words

4.  Branches of Government

a.  Make a tri-fold and label each column

b.  List powers of each branch in the appropriate column

5.  Amendments

a.  On the left hand side of the fold, explain the process for amending the Constitution

b.  On the right hand side of the fold, list at least 2 amendments that you favor and tell why

6.  Principles of the Constitution – Explain and/or describe each one

a.  Popular Sovereignty

b.  Rule of law

c.  Separation of powers

d.  Checks and balances

e.  Federalism

7.  State plans

a.  Make a Venn diagram

b.  Label the left hand circle New Jersey Plan

c.  Label the right hand circle Virginia Plan

d.  Label the overlap area “The Great Compromise”

e.  List the correct parts of each plan and the compromise in the correct areas of the Venn diagram.

·  We will have time to work on the lapbook in class, but students will need to make sure that they work on this activity at home as well.

·  All of the information to complete the lapbook can be found in Chapter 6: A More Perfect Union of the textbook and some information will also be from our class discussions and activities.

·  Students will need to be neat and creative.

·  Make sure that you organize the foldables neatly in your lapbook.