Equality and Diversity Working Group (EDWG)

Update from June 2017 Meeting

A summary of the key points discussed at the quarterly EDWG meeting that took place in June.

Review Single Equality Scheme (SES) targets

All SMTs are asked to review and update their Directorate specific SES targets by September in advance of the next EDWG meeting - as recorded and monitored on the master spreadsheet. Directorate representatives of the Equality and Diversity Working Group (EDWG) will have access to this spreadsheet.

These targets focus on the work we will do to continue promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all areas of our remit and improve patient outcomes by reducing disparities.It builds on a number of policies and plans already in place which promote equality across the nine protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation).

All public sector bodies are required to have a SingleEquality Scheme in place to demonstrate how they ensure compliance with the Equality Act 2010.

When reviewing targets, please ensure that they are measurable and that they align with the objectives of the scheme:

• Support the objectives outlined in the NHSBT strategic plan 2016-2021

•Ensure that NHSBT delivers accessible and fair services, whilst maintaining the safety and supply of blood, organs and tissues

• Identify equality and diversity priorities for action over the next four years

• Provide a clear statement to all our employees on how we will promote equality,

diversity and inclusion in the work place and in service provision.

• Deliver on the actions to embed equality and diversity across the organisation.

BAME Masterclass

A one day Masterclass is being developedfor BAME employees and will be available from September this year. The aim is to provide employees with insights, tools and techniques to enable them to develop their career within NHSBT and the wider NHS.

This is one of the strategies NHSBT is using to help increase the number of BAME employees in senior roles within the organisation.

Further details on dates and how to sign up, including venue details will be shared nearer the time and will be available on the ShineAcademy.

Donor Ambassador Workshop

A one day workshop for new and existing Donor Ambassadors is planned for 18th July in Birmingham and will also include a session on how to deal with the media.

The Donor Ambassador Programme is part of aworkstream of the BAME Network and encourages employees to tap into BAME communities by attending events to engagewith and increase blood, stem cell, tissueand organdonors from Black and Asian backgrounds.

We are always looking for more members to join the Donor Ambassador Programme, so if you think you have a natural flair for engaging and talking to people and think this might be for you, please get in touch with Usha Mistry on 0208957 (6)2824.

National Inclusion Week (25 Sept - 1 Oct)

National Inclusion Week is an annual campaign run byInclusive Employersto raise awareness of the importance of inclusion in the workplace and the business benefits to

having adiverse and included workforce. Inclusive Employers are a UK based member organisation helping to build more inclusive workplaces across the private, public and third sectors

The theme this year is around 'Connect for Inclusion' and we are planning to schedule a range of Lunch and Learn sessions across the main centres to share updates from our employee network groups.

Any further suggestions for topics to be discussed are most welcome; please contact Jazz Sehmi, Diversity and Inclusion Manager on 0776428 (8) 0309to put your ideas forward.

LGBT Focus

Our first Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered (LGBT) focus group was held on 5 July at The Jury’s Inn in Birmingham.

A group of NHSBT colleagues met to explore a range of issues and experiences for LGBT employees working at NHSBT. The focus group was set up in response to an identified Workforce priority for Diversity and Inclusion in this year’s work-plan.

If you have any thoughts about engagement to supportLGBT issues or if you are interested in joining the focus group, please contact Jazz Sehmi, Diversity and Inclusion Manager on 0776428 (8) 0309for more details.

Please note that this is open to all colleagues, not just those who identify as members of the LGBT community. Allies and supporters are also welcome.

LGBT is one of the protected strands of equality and diversity as highlighted in NHSBT’s Single Equality Scheme (2015-2019). The scheme also helps to recognise the importance of an inclusive working environment and having a workforce that is representative of the communities we serve.

NHS Blood and Transplant is a Special Health Authority within the National Health Service