GV Monitoring (Updated April 27, 2006)

VCU – Middle East, Specifically Qatar

Client is interested in the Arabian Peninsula - Middle East AO, most specifically Qatar.Client travels to Turkey, Egypt, and Iran.NOT interested in what-if's about Iraq, etc.Client has a facility in Qatar and has many students/professors moving in the area.

Also includes a monthly 1-2 page report on on what is currently going on in the Qatar and the Gulf States. Report will be delivered to client on the 15th of the Month or the Friday prior, if the 15th falls on a weekend. Report will be 1-2 pages in length, focused.

Briefer – Amy Dalton

Georgetown – Middle East, Specifically Qatar

Client is interested in the Arabian Peninsula - Middle East AO, most specificallyDoha, Qatar. Client travels to Turkey, Egypt, and Iran.Client has a facility inDoha, Qatar and has many students/professors moving in the area.Client recruits from Israel, Lebanon and Syria.Interested in knowing what is goingon in the AO, as well asour assessment on what it means when nothing occurs.Client is also interested in any events in Saudi Arabia to know if they will have an affect on Qatar.

Briefer – Amy Dalton

API – Energy issues, specifically forward looking signals

Any subject that will havean effecton oil and natural gas markets in the U.S. and abroad.Also our analysis and forecasting abilities on what is over the horizon that will affect the industry. Not always looking for right answer or complete forecast, but if somethingdevelops that is new and different and we think is likely to affect them, they want to know about it.Examples of current interest include:

- Oil/Gas development activities in Cuba.Specifically, the Cuban government's interest in attracting increasedinvestment in offshore oil and gas leases they havefor sale.

- Oil/Gas issues in Venezuela, Ecuador, Columbia.This includes unrest in the region that may affect oil or gas getting to market, political maneuverings, human rights campaigning activities.

-Information regarding other countries'perspective on bilateral investment treaties.The client says he has a good idea of the U.S. position on such treaties, but what is the evolving view ofother governments?This should include any country where there is significant oil and gas deposits, but especially Latin America.

- Anything involving human rights allegations against oil companies.This includesthe advancement or filing of newlawsuits under the Alien Torts Claim Act or other similarregulations.

- China's growing energy demandand what the Chinesegovernment is doing to address this need.

- Economic nationalism (ex. Dubai ports). This the client calls a fast-moving "emerging issue" that is bound to have an effect on oil and gas markets.Any developments on this issue (U.S. or other countries' attempts to slow or to stop the takeover of domestically-owned companies by foreign companies) -- and our analysis of where this is going -- is of interest to the client.

- Forward looking signals on Venezuela, strengthening state control over oil fields there and Exxon’s involvement. Watch Bolivia and Morales for reactions to events in Venezuela.

- Long term focus on Iran, Venezuela and Bolivia.

- looking out for are any emerging issues, which are likely to have significant impacts on U.S. oil and gas companies’ international operations, that are 2-3 years out.

Briefer – Amy Dalton

Coke – Turkey, India, China

1. Security conditions in Turkey, especially Istanbul between now and May 18. Example - They're interested in knowing about any militant activities in the area, thwarted militant activities, criminal activity carried out against westerners, and any mention in news media of an internal Coke meeting to be held in the city.

2. Beijing Olympics 2008, and all political, economic, and social problems that may cause them a problem. For example--they're very concerned about the possibility that Islamic militants from the Xinjiang region are going to begin a bombing campaign.

3. Security situation in India. Example - The company has had problems with Naxalites in the past and is concerned about threats to US business in New Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai.

Briefer – Anya Harshey

Intel – Security, particularly Philippines, Malaysia (Penang)

1. Most concerned about the threat of radical Islamists attacking their facilities. They have been mentioned by name in some publications with comments "it's amazing that Intel has not yet been hit". They're also very interested in us monitoring for the company name in any militant type publications, associated with any militant targeting, or the potential they might have collateral damage from attacks. Everything that specifically mentions the company name is very helpful!

2. Their two biggest geographic areas of concern are the entire country of the Philippines and Malaysia, specifically Penang. They're interested in knowing everything going on with militants and negotiations, government stability, attitudes toward westerners and western businesses, and any personal security issues.

3. They are particularly concerned about infrastructure in the Penang area--they've identified the city and country as their biggest supply chain vulnerability. Please send any potential disruptions to practice heads ASAP.

4. The company is looking to expand operations in the Middle East. They already have a large facility in Israel, but will be making a decision to move into KSA, Dubai and Cairo over the next few months. They'd like to know about anything that might impact the government or population's attitude toward the west or western business.

Briefer – Anya Harshey

WGI – China/Russia pipelines

1What is the situation concerning the construction ofnatural gas pipelines from Russia to China?

2 What is China doing to meet its energy needs, especially as it relates to the importation of natural gas?

3 What is Russia doing to maintain its position as a primary exporter of natural gas?

All items MUST INCLUDE A SENTENCE OR TWO OF WHY THIS IS GERMANE TO CLIENT’S INTERESTS, and, as possible, what it means for the client.

Briefer – Jocelyn Bush

Bechtel – Terrorism in India and Turkey

Monitor terrorism, kidnappings, planned demonstrations and protests in India and Turkey, focus on Mumbai, Jamnagar, and New Delhi in India and Istanbul in Turkey, but also note terrorism in country but not in those specific cities.

Briefer – Amy Dalton

Poker – International reactions to U.S. nuclear announcements/developments

Client is interested in learning about how other governments (and groups with ties to the govn't) with foreign intelligence sources get information on US nuclear matters. Client is interested in knowing what these other countries are interested in and how they are getting their information.

They are specifically interested in:

- what venues these countriesuse to monitor the US nuclear efforts

- who these countries are that are specifically interested

- who do they watch in the US government for information on US nuclear efforts

They would like us to let them know whenever we identify a report or get information on other countries reacting to US nuclear developments or just speaking about US nuclear capabilities/changes.

Briefer – Amy Dalton

Perot – Outsourcing safety, opportunities, terrorism

There are 3 main focuses to monitoring for this client:

1) Monitoring unrest and instability in locations where they outsource (safety and stability for personnel in the region).

2) Monitoring for information on the climate for potential ownership in "captive centers" of outsourcing - looking for NEW BUSINESS locations - prospects for manufacturing here

3) Monitoring of threats/attacks/unrest in the vicinity of their offices abroad


1) The client has offices in the following locations and is interested in any news of unrest (to include terrorism, protests, etc) in these locations. They would like to be advised of anything that might speak to a danger to their staff in these locations. Client is also interested in anything that may potentially cause instability in these countries -

a) INDIA - Bangalore, Noida, Chani (Chanyi), and Coimbatore

b) Philippines

c) China - especially the second-tier cities and the climate for ownership here

d) Mexico

e) Eastern Europe - Romania, Poland

2) We need to MONITOR FOR THIS CLIENT WITH CLIENT’S INTERESTS IN MIND - meaning that they want to know how the information we find is going to affect their staff and their offices. Anything that would affect a company looking at outsourcing in the "captive centers" of outsourcing (India, China, LatAm, Phillipenes, South Africa, Romania, Poland, Hungary)

They want to know anything about the climate for ownership – things bubbling beneath the surfaces in these countries or any other country that the US heavily outsources to... The client's example for this was that they are currently discussing expansion in China but right now, there is no benefit to the client to outsource to China over India UNLESS you begin to look at the second tier cities in China.

Client would want to know about ANYHTING we find/write that deals with these "captive centers" of outsourcing.

3) Client also has offices in the following locations and would like to be advised of signs of terrorist attacks or unrest that may occur here:

a) London

b) Frankfurt

c) Singapore

Briefer – Amy Dalton

ADM – Security in Turkey, Activity by TAK

Monitor the political and security situation in Turkey for both businesses and individuals in the area, as well as any potential issues in northern Iraq that could impact the southern provinces. They would also like monitoring regarding the TAK group (Kurdistan Freedom Hawks) and any attacks they carry out, or threats to attack. Their executives travel throughout the country, though primarily at facilities in Istanbul and the southwestern provinces.

Briefer – Anya Harshey

Annapolis – Libya

Problems or potential problems in Libya regarding political stability that could impact the return of U.S. business, Security concerns that would impact the supply chain, Security concerns that would impact individuals traveling in the country, Status of infrastructure development in the country, Status of oil and natural gas infrastructure.

Briefer – Anya Harshey

Knuckle – Threats to Catholic churches, individuals

-Worldwide - Incidents of violence against the Catholic Church, carried out because the victim's Catholic associations, especially including incidents carried out against Catholic religious officials, priests, churches, or faith-based organizations.

-Worldwide - Anti-Catholic rhetoric

-Italy - Personal security concerns around the country, especially concerned about Rome

-Italy - Any security problems at the Vatican or threats against the Vatican

-Catholic Church - Militant threats specifically directed against Catholic churches or against the Pope and other Catholic officials

Briefer – Anya Harshey

Lucent – Tajikistan

Monitor the security situation in Tajikistan, to include:

-Any violent militant incidents, or arrests of suspected militants

-Any potential government instability

-Personal security problems

-Any potential shifts in drug trafficking patterns through the country

-Shifts, even temporary, in the perception of the West and Western businesses

Briefer – Anya Harshey