Lake Orienta Elementary

October 2017 Volume 7, Issue 2

Dear Penguin Families,

Welcome to October and it is shaping up to be a busy month for our Lake Orienta Penguins. We appreciate everyone’s patience when we had to miss school for 6 days September 8-15th for Hurricane Irma. We were grateful to have minimal damages here on our campus. We had some leaks and lots of debris. It took 4 full days of clean up to make the campus and the surrounding roads safe for students to come back to school. There is enough time built into our daily instructional schedules to cover 2 of the missed days and Governor Scott also forgave 2 days of attendance so the students and teachers have to make up only 2 days. Those make-up days will be on October 16 and 17, originally scheduled as student non-attendance and for teachers and staff to work.

I know that many of you had conferences scheduled with your child or children’s teachers on October 16th and 17th. These conferences will need to be re-scheduled since we are using these days as make-up days for student attendance. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher to schedule a conference if you have not yet met with them to discuss their progress. Our first 9 week grading period ends on October 13, 2017 and report cards will come home on Tuesday, October 24, 2017.

Donna M. Weaver, Principal

News from our Assistant Principal:

As we begin October, our students are joining Music Makers, coming to Tutorial, and attending other clubs and activities on campus. As a result, some students are allowed on campus before the 8:05 AM time.

If your student is not a part of these clubs, please do not have them come to campus before 8:05. There are no adults on duty before that time.

If your student walks to school, please do not send them too early. Students gather at the Riviera Gate and are unsupervised until 8:00 AM.

Parents of students taking the FSA this year are invited to FSA Night on Oct. 3rd. There will be pizza before going to classes to discover resources and test taking information. Having this night early in the year promotes positive planning for testing next year. I hope to see you there.

We are having a Date Night on Friday, Oct. 6 to help with our Disney Musicals in Schools theatre group. Only students enrolled in Lake Orienta will be admitted.

Mary Walters-Clark, Assistant Principal

Title I Information:

Please be on the lookout for the Parent Compact Booklet that will be going home with your child(ren) in the next few days.