Task 1: I'm Glad to Meet You

Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.

1 .What are the names of the two speakers?

2. Do their fathers know each other?

3. What can you have in the drugstore?

4. who's got to mail some letters?

5. Where is the post office?

Task 2: Madame Curie and Radium


Exercise: Listen to the story and choose the best answer to each of

the following questions.

I. What did Madame Curie want to discover?

A. Uranium B. Radiation C. Radio-activity D. Radium

2. Why did her husband leave his own laboratory?

A. to join with her in her search for the unknown radiation.

B. to seek better-paid jobs in support of Marie's, research.

C. to rest for a while because of his poor health,.

D. because he no longer liked his work.

3. When did they declare that they believed there was something in nature


which gave out radio-activity?

A. 1895. 8.1896 C. 1898. D.1902.

4. How long did the Curies work in the shed?

A. three years B. four years C. two years D. five years

5. What happened in 1902?

A. Pierre died. B. The Curies discovered uranium.

C. They won the Nobel Prize. D. They discovered radium.

6. What time did they go to the shed to look at their radium?

A. nine o'clock in the morning B. nine o'clock in the evening

C. two o'clock in the afternoon D. two hours after supper

Section 3 Test Yourself

Task A The Eskimos


Exercise: Listen to the story and choose the best answer to each of

the following questions.

I. There are no people living in


A. Bolivia B. Tibet C. Deserts D. Antarctica

2. The winters in the Far North are

A. long, cold, and dark B. short, cold and dark

C. short, warm and dark D. long, warm and dark

3. What is not hunted by the Eskimos?

A. walrus. B. seal C. wolf D. polar bear

4. What is the weapon used by Eskimos to hunt for food?

A. guns B. fish nets C. stones D. spears


Section 1 Listen for Fun

A Lion in the Park

Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.

I . Where did the funny thing happen?

2. What were people shouting?

3. What did one of the seers see?

4. Where did the lion escape from?

5. What did the speaker do?

6. What did the lion do?

7. What happened to the lion?

8. Is this a real story?

Section 2 Skills and Exercises


Task l: Summer in Northern Minnesota


Exercise: Answer the following questions. Use no more than 5 words

for each answer.

I . Where was Ed's store?

2. What was the name of his store?

3. Name two or three things that were sold in Ed's store.

4. What was the town like in winter?

5. Who rented cottages on the many lakes near the town?

6. When did Ed close his store everyday during the summer?

7. Who came to town everyday to buy groceries and get their mail?

8. Who else often helped Ed in the store besides the hired hands?

Task 2: What Kind of House Do You Want?



Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and answer each of the following


1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Colleagues.

C. Sister and brother.

D. Husband and Wife.

2 What is Rot included in the woman's description of an ideal house?

A. Three bedrooms.

B. A nice and big kitchen.

C. A fireplace in the living room.

D. A small dining area.

3. What does the man particularly want in the new house?

A. A nice big yard.

B. A house with a terrace.

C. A study for himself.

D. A big dining room.

4. What is the climate like there in winter?

A. Extremely cold.

B. Extremely warm.

C. Warm in day time and cold in the evenings.

D. Warm day and night.

5. What is the man's attitude to finding a house that has everything they want?

A. They'll never find such a house.

B. They'll find it easily.

C. With efforts, they'll surely find it.

D. With efforts, they'll probably find it


Section 3 Test Yourself

Task 1 Naples and How They Began

Exercise: Listen to the recording and select the best choice to finish

the following sentences.

I. Your name is made up of at least

A. two syllables B. three words

C. two names D. two words

2. First name means

A. family name B. given name

C. surname D. nickname

3. Last name means

A. surname B: given name

C. Christian name D. pen name

4. Some people took such names as Prince or King, because

A. they were princes or kings

' B. they were servants of princes or kings

C. they were relatives of princes or kings

D. they' admired princes or kings

5. The following names were given because of the father's name except

A. Cameron . B. Richardson

C. Anderson D. Johnson

6. People took the following names because of their occupations except

A: Smith B: Miller

C. Ward D. Steinberg

7. People were given the following names because of their personal appearances

except .


A. Hardy B. Brown C. Turner D. Campbell

8. People got the following name from places except

A. Churchill B. Reeder C. Villa D. Booth

Task2: Home Ownership in the United Kingdom

Vocabulary and Notes

Exercise: Listen to the talk and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

1. At the end of , the number of owner-occupied dwellings in the UK was million, of all dwellings.

2. In England, the highest areas of owner occupation at the end of were in at 74.7%, followed by at 72.8%.

3. The percentage of owner occupation for Wales and Northern lreland was and respectively.

4. In Scotland, where owner occupation had traditionally been lower, the figure reached by the end of 1997.

5. Most people buy their houses with a using the property as

6. Some companies offer to their employees

7. There are two main types of mortgage: a mortgage; and an mortgage.

8. In the of 1999, the second type mortgage accounted for and the first type in the UK


Section 1 Listen for Fun

"Do the Same for Him"

Listen to the story and answer the following questions.

I . Where was the farmer taking the sack of wheat?

2. Where did the sack fall?

3. Why did the farmer need help to lift the sack?

4. Who appeared soon afterwards?

5. Why did the farmer's heart sink?

6. What did the man say to him?

7. When they had lifted the sack on the horse, what did the farmer ask?

8. What was the man's answer?

Section 2 Skills and Exercises


Task 1: A Flight Through a Storm


Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

1. When we took off there was like a very over everything.

2. The weather report said that the weather would and it would be a good day for

3, The sky seemed to and the rain in sheets.

4. Then it got a little colder, and the rain turned to

5. Snow wouldn't have been so bad, because it doesn't

6. By the pilot flew out of the storm.

Task2: Weather and Climate



Exercise: You will hear a talk on weather and climate. Answer each of the following questions in no more than 5 words.

1. What do we call the thick layer of air that surrounds Earth?

2. What are we really talking about when we talk about the weather?

3. What's the winter like in northern Vermont?

4. What's the winter like in southern Florida?

5. What do we call the average weather over a long period of time?

6. Give at least three adjectives to describe different climates on Earth.

Section 3 Test Yourself

Task 1: What's the Weather Like in Your Country?


Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you



1. It rains out of the year.

2. We have terrible and sometimes

3. in my country is most of the time.

4. We have in the early and late

5. Last year we had

6. The newspaper said that the snow turned to and that later this turned to

7.The were large enough to glass.

8. I'm glad I live in a where we have instead of

Task 2: A Weather Forecast


Exercise: Listen to the weather forecast about Germany and Europe.

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is the general look of Germany's weather?

2. What is the weather like in Hamburg?


3. What is the weather like in Berlin?

4. What is the weather like in Munich?

5. What is the weather like in lower Scandinavia and eastern Europe?

6. What is the weather like around the Mediterranean basin?

7. What region will a new cloud front approach?

8. What is the weather like in Stockholm?

9. What is the weather like in Moscow?

10. What is the weather like in Madrid?


Section 1 Listen for Fun

Paolo's First Real Adventure

Exercise: Listen to the story and fill In the blanks with what you hear.

1. When Paolo was ten years old, he had a very

2. He and his father rose early to

3. The sun was rising as they from the shore.

4. They were an area about twelve miles away where the fishing was very good

5. As they into the water, it caught Paolo's foot

6. His father was afraid that if he jumped in his son, he would get caught in the net himself.

7. He the sides of the net and Paolo of the water.

8. Paolo had been very and a lot of water.

Section 2 Skills and Exercises


Task 1: Dining in Town


Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions briefly.

1. In what way is the room changed?

2. When was the last time they were there?

3. What can you choose for an appetizer?

4. What does the man: choose for the main course?

5. What does the woman choose from vegetables?

6. Why doesn't the woman want coffee?

7. When does the play start?

8. Whom are they going to see the play with?

9. Why is the woman so excited?


Task2: The Origin of Coca-Cola


Exercise: Listen to the talk and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1.Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 by John Pemberton, a 50-year-old chemist from Atlanta, California.

2. The inventor produced a mixture containing coca nut extract, sugar, a little caffeine, cola leaves with the cocaine removed and vegetable extracts.

3. The drink's formula is still a closely guarded secret

4. To market his new drink, Robertson formed a partnership with Pemberton.

5. Pepsi imitated Coca-Cola after its immense success.

6. The technical director of the factory, Mr. Samuelson, reproduced the truncated nut shape in glass and decorated it with horizontal lines.

7. C. S: Root got rich because of the Coca-Cola trademark.

8. Coca-Cola drinkers were very unhappy when "new" coke was introduced and the old formula was retired.


Section 3 Test Yourself

Task 1: Canned, Dried, Salted, and Frozen Food


Exercise: Listen to the talk and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Napoleon knew that his army needed canned food:

2. Fresh food could be prepared every day for Napoleon's army.

3. Napoleon promised to reward anyone who could find the best way to pre- serve food for the French army.

4. Glass bottles were fragile, so people started using tin cans.

5. Now canning is done in factories that are either far from or close to the farms.

6. The cans are tightly sealed so that the food inside will not be contaminated by bacteria

7. Canning is the only way to preserve food for a relatively long time.

8. People learned how to dry and salt food from the phenomenon that dried plant seeds could last through the winter and grew again the next spring.

9. Astronauts have to add water to their dried food because it will taste much

10. The inspectors taste the food to see if it is pure.


Task 2: The Story of Coffee


Exercise: Listen to the story and answer each of the following questions in no more than 5 words.

1. Who discovered the stimulating qualities of coffee according to legend?

2. What happened to his goats that had eaten the red fruit of the coffee bush?

3. Where was coffee drunk and adopted by 1615?

4. In what period did coffee become popular?

5. What was the most famous coffeehouse in London at that time?

6. Where is the most coffee drunk per head?

7. What is the annual consumption of coffee per head in Britain?

8. What invention contributed to the spreading of coffee in the late seventeenth century?

9. What was invented by, a German woman in 1908?

10. Who became the biggest seller in the instant coffee market in 1937?


Section 1 Listen for Fun

An Escape from Prison

Exercise: Listen to the story and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

1. Now he felt he would do anything to to be free again to go about the world as he wished.

2. But he could think of no

3. The door was always

4. He had no books, no paper and pencil, nothing to and help him forget

5. He was guilty

6. One night the guard who sat just outside the prisoner's door

7. The prisoner by a feeling of hope.

8. Perhaps he could while the guard