Faculty Sponsor Letter of Recommendation

This information is confidential and will be used only by Collin College Faculty/Staff.

Each Student Application for study abroad must be accompanied by the attached faculty recommendation from one of the student’s high school (allow dual credit?)or college teachers. If the student has already attended a semester at a college or university, he/she must supply the recommendation from a college faculty member where he/she has attended or is attending.

This professor may be contacted by telephone concerning this recommendation.

This page must be completed by the student before giving it to a faculty sponsor. It must be returned in the envelope with the recommendation and mailed directly by the faculty member or sponsor to Collin Global Connect.

Faculty/Sponsor Recommendation

This recommendation and student information sheet must be mailed or emailed directly by the faculty member to:

Professor’s/Sponsor’s Name:

Last Name First Middle Initial

Address: ______

Street Address

______City State Zip

Telephone Numbers:

Home: (_____)______

Work: (_____)______

Mobile: (_____)______

Email address: ______

How do you prefer to be addressed?______

Preferred time of day:______

University/College/High School where employed:______

In what capacity have you known or do you know this student? ______


How long have you known this student?______

Please put a check by the following traits you think apply to this student:

____ Sociable / ____ Sensitive / ____ Spontaneous / ____ Warm Personality
____ Loner / ____ Serious / ____ Responsible / ____ Traditional
____ Insecure / ____ Mature / ____ Optimistic / ____ Reserved
____ Dependent / ____ Informal / ____ Independent / ____ Quick-tempered
____ Calm / ____ Casual / ____ Patient / ____ Adaptable
____ Emotional / ____ Formal / ____ Open / ____ Good sense of humor
____ Quiet / ____ Friendly / ____ Neat / ____ Shy
____ Self-reliant / ____ Adaptable / ____ Flexible / ____ Resourceful

Is there anything pertaining to these traits (both positive and negative) that you would like to express concerning this student? Please explain.





This program is a very intense, yet flexible program that requires a student to learn many things, both academically and culturally, in a short period of time. Students must be open and possess a strong sense of self-discipline. They must have good “people skills” and be able to learn and adapt quickly to the new living experience as well as fulfill scholastic requirements as expected. They must do so while facing the challenges of living away from home, possibly for the first time, with many new freedoms and experiences to digest.

Briefly, in your own words, how do you think this student might function in this new cultural and academic situation? What problems do you foresee he/she might have? What strengths might he/she have that would aid him/her in overcoming obstacles and learning?







Would you accept a personal telephone call from a faculty/staff person from the program to discuss the information you have provided?______

Thank you for your time in completing this recommendation. We want to be able to assure the student and parents/guardians that this program is a match for them. We have their safety and well being in mind as well as their academic success.

Faculty/Sponsor Signature Date