

CUPE 3287 (Sessional Lecturers)

Article 14Right of First Refusal(ROFR) - Application Form

Applicant Information:
First Name: / Last Name:
Employee ID #:
I hereby apply for the right of first refusal (ROFR) for the following course(s):
Course Number and Title:
Closely Related Courses, as determined by the department (as per Article 14.04):
For Second or Subsequent ROFR (Article 14.02) – I currently hold ROFR on the following course(s):
Teaching Record:
Please provide a complete record of when you taught this course (or a closely related course) as a sessional lecturer as well as any other courses you have taught within the department. You may also include a record of when you taught this course as a faculty member in a term position at the University of Saskatchewan if it was subsequent to the course being taught on a sessional basis. Priority of appointment is based on total courses taught in the department when more than one applicant has ROFR on the course.
Course(s) Applying For ______Academic Year______Session ______Section Number
Other Courses in the Department(if more space is required, please attach an additional page)
Date of Last Regular Review and Teaching Assessment (Ref to Article 14.01(c) & Article 18): ______
Regular Review and Teaching Assessment (for Sessional Lecturers) Form (
Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______
Distribution: Forward the original to the Dean; retain a copy for your records; and forward a copy to the union.
To Be Completed by the College:
Does the Department Head recommend the candidate be granted ROFR? (If no, include a brief rationale)
No Rationale: ______
The right of first refusal (ROFR) for course ______is:
Not Approved
Dean Signature: ______Date: ______
Distribution: Dean’s Office will notify individual and forward a copy of this form to Human Resources.