Mrs. Bernal Rm:201E-mail:
Course Description:This course is designed to be an advanced study of the human body for students with an interest in pursuing a career in a health-related field. Topics include anatomical structures, physiological systems, and body functions. Students will apply the principles of physiology to human health and evaluate the applications and career implications of physiology and anatomy principles. Anatomy and Physiology includes at least 40% laboratory investigations using appropriate scientific inquiries.
Orientation of the Body / Blood & Cardiovascular SystemCells & Tissues / Lymphatic & Immune System
Membranes & Integumentary System / Respiratory System
Skeletal System & Articulations / Nutrition & Digestive System
Muscular System / Urinary System
Nervous System & Senses / Reproductive & Endocrine Systems
Supplies: You will need these supplies throughout the year.
- IPad
- 3-ring binder (at least 2”) and 12 dividers
- Paper
- Pen (Blue or Black) & Pencil / Highlighter
- 3X5 index cards
- Colored Pencils
Class Rules:Student safety is the primary concern, especially in a laboratory setting. Students are expected to follow class policies and will be dismissed from labs for any infractions.
- Safety first – NO horseplay or carelessness in class.
- Be PROMPT and PREPARED for class each day.
- Be Polite, Courteous and Respectful.
- If it is NOT yours, please do NOT touch items around the room without permission. *Includes my critters.
- Follow ALL instructions during class AND follow rules in the student handbook.
- NO Food or Drink in the classroom/lab. ** NO gum during labs*Keep OUR room CLEAN!
- Please stay in your seat and work diligently.
- No cell phone or IPad usage in the classroom without teacher permission
Electronics in the Classroom: The only internet-capable devices that will be used in the classroom are the district-issued iPads and laptop computers. Use of these will be governed by the RFISD Acceptable Use Agreement.
Proper use of the district-issued iPads and laptop computers during class includes use of district-provided applications and visiting subject-appropriate websites. Inappropriate use of the iPads will result in loss of the device for the remainder of the class period.
Cell phones will not be used during class. Cell phones that are used or displayed during class may be collected and held until the end of the school day in the front office (3:56 pm).
Tardy: A student will be considered tardy for class if they are not in their assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.
Refer to the RHS handbook for the consequences for being tardy to class.
Grading Criteria: Grades for each nine-week cycle will be computed using the weighting percentages below.
20% - Summative Assessments (Unit Tests and Projects)
30% - Formal Assessments (Quizzes)
25% - Informal Formative Assessments (Daily Classwork)
25%- Labs and Skills
0% - Homework
*Semester grades will be calculated based on RHS guidelines.
Summative Assessment: This is the assessment of knowledge given at the conclusion of an academic unit.
See Reassessment Opportunity guidelines. All reassessments must be completed within one week of the date the Summative Assessment is returned to the students.
Formal Formative Assessment: Multiple formative assessments (quizzes) will be given during each academic unit. They will assess a subsection of the unit material. If a student scores less than 75% on a quiz, the student may do quiz corrections/tutoring during WIN. This must be completed within 2 school days of the original quiz. The student can earn a maximum of 75% for the quiz.
Informal Formative Assessment: The purpose of the informal formative assessment (daily work) is to take a “snapshot” of the students’ conceptual understanding during a class period. These assessments may include brief concept checks or practice (classwork). Concept practice done during the class period will be due at the end of the class. Assignments not finished in class may be completed at home and turned in at the beginning of the class period the following day.
Assignments that are not turned in will be marked as missing.
Labs and Skills: Hands-on labs, dissectionsor skills will include objective questionsto ascertain understanding. These must be turned in at the beginning of the class period following the lab. Cleaning of lab stations is required after all investigations. A score of 70% will be awarded for assignments turned in within 2 school days after the original due date. Following this, the lab or skill will be marked as missing.
Homework: The purpose of homework is to allow students to practice and reinforce Health Science concepts outside of the classroom. There will be a non-weighted “Homework” category in the gradebook that will show the completion status of assignments. Homework will be scored as follows: a “100” will be given for homework turned in on time and that is complete; a “50” will be given for homework that is finished during WIN; a “0” will be given for homework that is not turned in. Homework will be due at the beginning of the class period following its assignment. Incomplete assignments will not be accepted.
Make-up Work for Absent Students: It is the student’s responsibility to find out which assignments were missed and also to ensure that assignments are made up. Students will be allowed one day to complete missing assignments for each day the student was absent. All long-term projects and assessments for which there was at least one week notice and that were due during the absence, will be due upon the student’s return to class. A zero will be awarded for any assessment or class work that is not completed within these time guidelines. If a student is absent for a school-sponsored activity, the student must obtain class work prior to participating in the school-sponsored activity. This work will be due upon the student’s return to class. Any assessments that are missed because of a school-sponsored activity must be made up on the day that the student returns to school. A zero will be awarded for any assessment or class work assignment that is not completed. Refer to the RFISD student handbook for rules pertaining to make-up work.
Tutoring: Tutoring is after school on Tuesday and Thursday (3:30-4:00 pm). All students are welcome to attend, but students who are failing will be assigned to mandatory tutoring to remediate and to complete missing work.