Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had __1__ money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy __2__ and had pity on him and lent some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and __3__ all his lessons. When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work.

Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon. The young man __4__ and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at cooking and he cooked __5__ for her. So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk. And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart. Her husband wasn’t at home and she had to go to __6__ at once. The doctors looked her over and told her __7__ eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these. She was afraid __8__ the doctor’s words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. When she got home, she put the list on the table and __9__. When she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy __10__ there. As soon as he saw her, he said happily, “I’ve bought all the food you like, dear!”

1. A. noB. someC. muchD. enough

2. A. lazyB. cleverC. carefulD. hard

3. A. did well inB. was poor atC. was workingD. was good for

4. A. was angryB. thought hardC. agreedD. said “No.”

5. A. a littleB. a fewC. manyD. a lot

6. A. rest B. sleepC. hospitalD. work

7. A. should B. wouldC. to D. not to

8. A. to rememberB. to forgetC. to catchD. to teach

9. A. sleptB. went outC. cookedD. ate

10. A. readingB. seeingC. cookingD. writing

There were two pandas born in the USA. One is called ‘Meisheng’which was born four months ago. ‘Meisheng’m______(71)it was born in the USA. The o_____(72), ‘Hua Mei, was born in 1999. It was sent back to China in February, 2004.

Most pandas live the wet forests of south-west China, living by eating b______(73). As China’s population grew and grew, more and more forests were cut down. In 1989, China passed a rule to p_____(74)the pandas’home. But the n______(75) of the pandas is still becoming smaller and smaller.

What would you do if you disagreed with your parents?

It’s hard to believe it, but your parents were once kids, too. It might seem that they don’t u______(1) you and disagree with you, but don’t g______(2) up talking about your ideas with them. Remember that they don’t really want to make things d______(3) for you. Your parents c______(4) about you, but sometimes it’s just hard for them to see your points of view e______(5).

The parents’job is to look out for you and keep you s______(6) until you’re old enough to take care of yourself.

Usually, kids who quarrel with their parents learn to get a______(7) with them in the end. This is especially true if kids talk to their parents about how they feel and w______(8) is important to them. Keep in mind, though, that it isn’t always easy and it’ll t______(9) time and a lot of patience. Talking to your parents about your opinions i______(10) of yelling(叫喊) at them will also make them listen to you a little more closely.

  1. He lives ______from school, so he takes the underground.
  1. the closestB. the farthestC. the fastestD. the nearest
  1. You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be careful ______.
  1. all the timeB. not at all C. as a resultD. in the end
  1. However, traveling by coach will not ______as much as going by train.
  1. pay B. spend C. cost D. afford
  1. We only planned to watch for an hour, but ______, we stayed for three hours.
  1. in the end B. as a result C. at a timeD. not at all
  1. The play Teahouse has three acts and ______the lives of common people in China from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century.
  1. actions B. jokes C. matchesD. shows
  1. He wrote many plays, novels and short stories about people’s lives, and ______“the People’s Artist”.
  1. is named B. named C. name D. was named
  1. I am more ______to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people to get closer to them.
  1. relaxedB. interested C. excitedD. crowded
  1. Many ______animals don’t have a safe place to live, because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests. A.fresh B. large C. wildD. free
  2. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas______more babies and help baby pandas live. A. produce B. create C. make D. imagine
  3. In order to ______pandas in the world, the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans. A. suggest B. wonder C. consider D. protect
  4. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) wants to protect all animals. And it chose the panda to be its______. A. hobby B. symbol C. care D. standard