Ministry of National Planning and Development

Department of Coordination Form B2 – Rev 24 12 15


Please type your entries

PART I Organization Details
Type of Registration
( Please Tick only one) / Renewal of Registration
Full Name of the Organization
Organization’s ACRONYM
Address in Country of origin / No. Street:
City: Country: Postcode:
Tel: Email:
Main Address in Somaliland / Street : District :
Town: Region:
Tel: E-mail:
Country Director / Name:
Tel: Email:
Somaliland representative / Name:
Tel: Email:
Three alternative contact persons / 1. Name: Tel: Email:
2. Name: Tel: Email:
3. Name: Tel: Email:
Branch Offices in Somaliland / Region Town District
Your accounting and reporting period / On what date each you does your organisation prefer to close its books and submit an annual report?[1]
  1. Sector(s) Working in

Education / Health and Nutrient / If Other, please specify
Economic / Governance
Water and Sanitation / Infrastructure
Environment / Production
  1. Have you submitted a Disbursement Report for your organization covering the past 12 months, plans and reports?

  1. Have you submitted Note on your organisation’s participation in one or more Development Sector Forum?

  1. Have you uploaded all your project and programme information onto the Development Assistance Database (the DAD), including
(i) A Report on Results Achieved during the past year?[2] Yes /No [Delete one]
(ii) For the coming year a Logical Framework with all minimum elements completed Yes /No [Delete one]
(iii) For the coming year a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan? Yes /No [Delete one]
What was the date of your last update? [dd /mo / yyyy]
  1. Planned timeframe for operations in Somaliland (if known):

  1. Total number of local staff in your organization __xxxx______?
  2. Total number of international staffs in your organization ______xx?
Expatriate Personnel Working in Somaliland (if new members joined the organization since last registration)
No. / Name / Position / Qualifications / Visa type (single/multiple)
Locally Recruited Personnel(List all positions in the permanent organizational structure of the office – i.e. excluding those recruited only for a specific project – whether currently filled or not. Include all support staff – drivers, watchmen, cleaners, etc. ):(if new members joined the organization since last registration)
No. / Name / Position / Location / Monthly Salary
PART III Declaration
I declare that the information I have provided here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Name : / Position / Signature / Date:
PART IV Checklist of Documents to be Produced
Proof of funds secured from a donor. (Offer letter, contract, account statement etc.)
A receipt or proof of payment of the registration fee
The CVs of your international staff and certificate of no criminal conviction from their respective countries( if new members joined the organization since last registration)
The CVs of your local staff and certificate of no criminal conviction( if new members joined the organization since last registration)
A written justification of international staff as to why they are needed (if new members joined the organization since last registration)
Recommendation letter from the line ministry
A letter of intent or agreement with the line ministry for the extension of/new project
A Disbursement Report for your organization covering the past 12 months as well as report for last year and plan for the coming year [ both hard and soft copy]
A list of local employees indicating the amount of taxes deducted and transferred to Ministry of Finance( receipts for the last year)
A Note on your organization’s participation in one or more Development Sector Forums and fill sector information form
A list of all projects or programmes or other activities managed or supervised by your organization that are (i) active; (ii) planned but not active; or (iii) competed within the past year. Please submit both hard and soft copies. This information will be checked against your entries in the DAD( the system is under review, so that, the Ministry will inform you after finalization and become functional )
Renewal registration fee: USD 500
Renewal Registration certificate will be valid between January- December for every year
Registrar’s Decision
Re- submission needed
Rejection / Justification
Name of the Registrar: / Signature:
Minister’s or Director General’s Decision / Name:
Re-submission / SIGNATURE:
Rejectiuon / DATE:


[1] It is expected that partner organizations registered with Ministry of National Planning and Development shall submit their annual reports up to and including 31 December each year. Where a partner organization already works to a different annual cut off date for reporting purposes it may apply to the Ministry for registration of that date. In all cases, reports shall be submitted to the Ministry not later than 60 calendar days after the cut off date.

[2]If you have already submitted a logical framework covering work for the past year your report must be tied that works.