Connel Community Council
Minutes of Connel Community Council Meeting
held in Connel Village Hall on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 at 7.30 pm
1. Present
CC Sandy Dunlop (Chair), CC Les Stewart (Secretary), CC Jim Grout (Vice Chair), CC Fiona Ferguson, CC Roger Ashforth, CC John Anderson (CC = Community Councillor),Mike Harrison, Kieron Green, Ross Wilson, Clair Grierson, Cllr. Elaine Robertson, Ruth MacKay.
Apologies: CC Lorne Nelson, Helen Anderson, and Cllr. Iain MacLean via Cllr. Robertson.
Declarations of Interest.Two Declarations of Interest were received.Les Stewart and Jim Grout - in respect of Item 6, Plans & Planning.
2. Police Report None. Les said that he had stopped including a Police Report on the Agenda following PC Alison Simpson’s departure to Lochgilphead. Kieron Green said that the Police regularly attended other CC Meetings. It was agreed to invite an officer in future and to re-instate ‘Police Reports’.
Roger said he would look at the Police website for local information.
3. Treasurer’s Report None.
4. Minutes of Meeting held on 12 January 2016
The Minutes were proposed by Jim Grout and seconded by John Anderson.
5. Matters Arising
i)Trunk Roads. Following the last CC Meeting in January, John Anderson had provided Les with a series of photographs showing a variety of issues throughout the village. Les had prepared a presentation which he had sent to Jim Smith, Head of Roads, Argyll & Bute Council, with the request that the various problems be discussed with BEAR at the next ABC/BEAR liaison meeting. Within a matter of days, several of the matters raised had been corrected.
ii) Village Roads. Scottish Water had completed the supply improvements in mid- February and their excavations had been re-tarred. Les said that the Main Street was now a patchwork of tarring and potholes and wondered if the Council had any plans to improve their general state. Cllr. Elaine said that she would enquire if anything could be included in the capital works for next year.
Jim Grout said that following work by the Electricity Board opposite the telephone kiosk, the road needs to be re-tarred. Secretary to raise with the Board directly.
iii)Harry Powell. Les said that obituaries had appeared in several national newspapers following Harry’s death and that it was a great tribute to his work as a scientist and a member of our community.
iv) Connel Bridge. Simon Heron (BEAR Scotland Bridge Engineer) has confirmed that they are planning to install one of the re-designed boxes on the Bridge next week. We will be shown the new installation and, if we are happy with what is proposed, BEAR will then begin the Planning process with the Council. They hope to finish the entire scheme by August.
v)Local Development Plan. Environmental Report.Consultation on Addendum to Plan.Communities were invited to provide comments but the consultation period finished on 25March. Les used this as an example of the difficulty Community Councilshave in replying to such consultations, when the lead in time is relatively short. CC’s meet, usually, every two months, so quite lengthy periods are needed if they are to provide any responses to consultations. Cllr. Elaine said it was a common problem which she would raise again at Kilmory.
6. Network Rail Consultation
There is a proposal to create a Community Rail Partnership on the Oban Dumbarton Line. Kieron Green explained that there is already such a scheme between Crianlarich and Mallaig which tries to promote communities and business along the length of the line. Scotrail personnel visited all the Dalmally -Oban Stations on 14 March but, no one from Connel was available to meet them. Les wanted to ensure that Connel did not ‘miss out’ on any opportunities which might arise from this proposal. Kieron said he would keep us advised of developments.
Fiona said that the school had been involved in planting tubs at Connel Ferry and this was commended by those present. There was discussion on the capacity trains had to carry bicycles and/or luggage with differing views being expressed. Sandy said that Connel Ferry faced particular problems with wheelchair access since the platform is not at a standard level and needs special facilities for access and disembarkation.
Les Stewart and Jim Grout both left the meeting at this point.
7. Plans & Planning
MacLeod’s Development at St Oran’s Phase 3
The Secretary had been provided with a copy of the objection written by Mike Harrison which was endorsed by all present. The Secretary was asked to object to the Application on exactly the same grounds as Mr Harrison.
Messrs Stewart and Grout re-joined the meeting.
Lower Lora
The application 15/03168/PP has been approved by the planners with conditions attached.
The developer will now be required to route the water waste from the development via a new pipe from any new property, to the Lusragan Burn, following a route down the Main Street in front of the village shop, ending at the bridge.
There will be no new cages at Etive 6. Les said that credit had to be given to Margaret Adams, Chair of Ardchattan CC, and others,who had spoken at the Planning Meeting when this item was discussed. Connel CC is opposed to the ‘creeping industrialisation’ of Loch Etive and welcomes the Planners refusal to grant permission.
7. A.O.C.B
Argyll & Bute Local Housing Strategy Consultation 2016.
Local Authorities are required to prepare a Strategy every 5 years. The public are encouraged to contribute views either online at or in writing. Housing is a major factor in the welfare of our communities and our views need to be expressed. Unfortunately, this consultation closes on 31 March.
Community Paths Grant Fund 2016
Community Groups are invited to apply for grants of up to £1500 to improve local community paths. Les said that this might be an opportunity for a local group to try and improve the right of way from Grosvenor Crescent past Ach-na-craig towards the A85. Ruth MacKay said that the ground was owned by Mr & Mrs MacLean and their agreement would be required. Kieron said matched funding or physical contribution was also needed.
Argyll & Bute Council By-Election.
Kieron said that Ian MacDonald’s resignation meant a by-election and the date is fixed for 2 June. He reminded us that 16 and 17 year olds will be eligible to vote.
Oban Bay Transit Marina
Elaine Robertson said that consultants had been appointed to progress the Transit Marina which should be ready in 2017.
CCC Vacancies
Sandy said that there was currently one vacancy on the CC and that Les Stewart’s resignation as Secretary and as a councillor will be effective at the next meeting in May. Les said he had taken advice from Melissa Stewart, (ABC Governance)and that it was possible for a CC to continue without a Secretary, although a Minute Secretary would really be needed to record meetings. It is allowable to pay an honorarium to a Minute Secretary. Les said he would ask other CC’s who pay honorariums what amounts are involved. Fiona said she would ask a friend who might be interested in the role,and Roger said he would be prepared to become the conduit for all correspondence and e-mails for the Community Council.
The next meeting of the Community Council will be the AGM and will be held on
Tuesday 10 May2016 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall