St. Matthew Catholic Community

Finance Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 12, 2018, 5:30 p.m. @ Parish Center

Present: Father Bob Kabat, Craig Liegel, Arlene Klika, Penny Dart, Bill Campion, Craig Darling

Absent: Tim Feldhuasen, Matt Gelb

Bill Campion called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

  1. Prayer led by Father Kabat.
  1. November 16, 2017 minutes approved as distributed. It was noted that the January 2018 meeting was cancelled.
  1. Financial – reviewed the financial report on the agenda.
  1. The Craig Report: Craig Legal led a review of the summary notes below for the month of March 2018:

Operating Results

In March, the Parish reported a slight operating deficit of $(2,097). This compares to a budgeted and prior year deficit of $(16,265) and $(17,603). The improvement is primarily from increased Parish Support & Sunday Collections.

This brings the YTD Parish operating surplus to $22,611 compared to budget breakeven of $(106) and prior year surplus of $31,700. Most of the increase from budget is in the revenue area from Parish Support & Sunday Collections of $12K along with bequests and donations of $6K. The shortfall from a year ago is primarily due to higher expenses in the areas of retirement contributions, maintenance and utilities. Church support is higher by $33,000 but this improvement is offset by lower bequests and donations of $21,000.


In March, Parish Support/Sunday Collections of $60K was greater than budget of $47K and prior year of $45K.

YTD Parish Support/Sunday Collections are at $539.8K; compared to budget of $527.5K and prior year $506.5K. Bequests and donations of $21.3K for nine months compares to budget of $15.0K and last year of $42.6K. RE fees are down by $3K (30%) - as Penny previously mentioned this was driven primarily by Old St. Joe's restart of their RE program this year.

Operating Expenses.

In total operating expenses for the month are comparable to both budget and the prior year. Overall YTD expenses are about $4K less than budget - primarily RE; and $17K greater than a year ago - primarily relating to utilities, maintenance costs and RE.


Cash on hand including money market funds at March 31, 2018 decreased by $22K to $198K. This decrease is driven by the operating deficit of $(2)K, reduction in accounts payable of $12K and decrease in funds held for others of $9K.

YTD cash has decreased by $33K. The decrease results primarily from the operating surplus of $23K; offset by a decrease in Funds Held for Others of $36K, decrease in accounts payable of $13K and parish loan payments of $8K.

  1. Penny updated the Finance Council on roof repair/replacement. The Multi-purpose Center and church roofs are completed and paid for by donations. The flat roof needs to be repaired at a cost of $6,000. Donated funds are available to pay for it. A probated rebate is coming from the shingle manufacturer based on the actual use. The shingles were guaranteed for 50 years. The shingles were installed in 2003 so there was a 29% usage. An anticipated rebate of approximately $21,000 is coming for the defective shingles. Fr. Bob requested that the total amount be held for when the roof needs replacement on the Nazareth House (former convent). Therefore, dollars donated toward church/multi-purpose center roof replacement have gone to that project and we will have reserve rebate dollars available when needed.
  1. Penny reported that the pneumatic thermostat in the school is no longer being manufactured. Right now it is operating okay, but at some point it will need to be updated. If there is any money left over from the roof fund drive, she suggested that it could be earmarked for the thermostat.

Father Bob shared that $1,767.05 from the M & M project as well as the school children’s penny war went to Feed My Starving Children project.

Father Bob handed out a Confidential Working Draft from the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay Campaign Planning Study – Draft 2. The kick-off for this campaign will begin in the fall of 2018. St. Matthew has been invited to be part of the pilot program for this endeavor. This campaign is in addition to the annual Bishop’s appeal.

And, Father Bob also shared that St. Matthew is a member of the COTS 2.0 Program that includes 13 area churches. Our role this summer is to provide temporary housing for Green Bay’s street people during July 1 until July 15. We can possibly use the church hall and the cafeteria and/or some other area that will be secure. Their main meals will be provided at the Micah Center although we may give bag lunches for those who have jobs.

The Nazareth House currently has 6 residents and will soon be down to 5. Penny has organized a summer cleaning crew to come in and deep clean the lower 2 levels leaving the tenants to maintain their own bedroom area. Kate Ruth is the current house leader. Penny has been receiving positive feedback from the tenants as they leave. She will create an exit survey for future use. Fr. Bob, Bill Campion, Arlene Klika, and Penny will meet to brainstorm ways to promote the house.

  1. Budget: Penny has the majority of the budget prepared. She is waiting to hear back from GRACE. It was agreed staff would receive a raise. A new line item is Community Life, which includes the books given to parishioners at Christmas as well as the spaghetti dinner in fall. She will e-mail the council members when it is ready for approval. The next step is for the budget to go to Parish Council at their June meeting to review.

Penny reported that GRACE is paying for a new security keypad on the main school door entrance. She also reported that a safety film is being installed on the outside doors to prevent glass shattering.

Bill Campion signed the Bank Reconciliation report.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 20 at 5:30 p.m. Until then, monthly reports will be sent via e-mail.

Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Priewe, Note Taker