Brownsville Road Optional School

Supply List for 2017-18


3 boxes of 24 classic Crayola colored crayons

3 black Expo Dry Erase Markers

1 pkg. regular pencils (12 pencils)

1 pair Fiskar brand or “Fiskar-like” scissors

(2) 4oz. Bottles white Elmer’s school glue

6 Large Elmer’s Glue Sticks

1 small plastic box for supplies

1 Mead Primary Journal (K-2nd grade)

1 Kindergarten Writing Tablet

(1) 1 ½ “ binder with clear view cover

2 pkg. Sheet protectors (25 count)

2 ream of white copy paper


2 Large boxes of Kleenex

1 can Play-Doh brand Play-Dough

1 roll of paper towels

Girls—1 box Quart Ziploc bags

Boys—1 box Gallon Ziploc bags

1 pair of child friendly headphones (Dollar Tree—No Ear Buds)

1 Chair bag (REQUIRED, available in the bookstore $13)No Rest Mats!



Items are in

Bold print.


First Grade

1 pair Fiskar brand or “Fiskar-like” scissors

1 plastic pencil box

6 Large glue sticks

4 packages of crayola (24 count)

2 pkg. of pink pearl erasers

1 red & 1 yellow folders (with pockets and brads)


3 pkg. #2 regular pencils (36 pencils)

6 D’Nealian tablets– available in the bookstore and Knowledge Tree store (10 line minimum 12x9 in. size)

2 Mead Primary Journal grade K-2nd (available in the bookstore)

1 pkg. broad tip Expo dry erase markers

1 pkg. Crayola markers


3 sets of headphones- (Dollar Tree-NO EAR BUDS)

3 large boxes of Kleenex

Boys– 1 box gallon Ziploc bags, 1 box wet wipes

Girls—1 box quart Ziploc bags, 1 box Clorox wipes


1st Grade


Items are in

BOLD print.


Second Grade

4 D’Nealian tablets (1st & 2nd grade 12x9in.– 40 sheets)

***Tablets must be purchased at BRS bookstore***

4 composition books (Marbleized cover-Not Spiral)

2 Spiral notebooks

10 folders (pockets only—not plastic)

**3 red, 3 blue, 2 yellow, 2 green**

1 large cloth or nylon zippered bag

4 pkg. #2 pencils (48 pencils)

2 boxes of crayons (24 count)

Magic Markers (10 count Broad tip)

1 pkg. of Broad Tip Dry erase makers

2 yellow highlighters

1 Large eraser

2 package of cap erasers

2 Large glue sticks

1 pair Fiskar brand or “Fiskar-like” scissors

1 pencil sharpener with lid

1 box colored pencils

*********************************************************3 large boxes of Kleenex

Boys– 1 box gallon Ziploc bags, 1 box wet wipes, 1 roll paper towels

Girls– 1 box quart Ziploc bags, 1 box wet wipes, 1 roll paper towels

No School Boxes, or Rulers

2nd Grade


Items are in

Bold print.


Third Grade

3 packs of notebook paper (wide ruled)

1 1-1/2” Binder with clear pocket front

(6) 70-page spiral notebooks

4 folders with pockets and brads

4 pkg. #2 pencils (48 pencils)

2 boxes of crayons (24 count)

2 pkg. cap erasers

3 Large glue sticks

1 black Sharpie

2 pkg. of dry erase markers

1 pair of scissors

1 pkg. of sheet protectors (30 count)

2 composition books (Marbleized Cover Not Spiral)


2 boxes of Clorox wipes *Boys– 1 box Gallon Ziploc bags

4 boxes of Kleenex *Girls– 1 box Quart Ziploc bags

3rd Grade


Items are in

Bold print.


**No Rolling Backpacks or Trapper Keepers**

Individual classrooms may request additional supplies for specific needs. Please label all individual supplies with a black permanent marker. Most of the supplies listed above can be purchased at the school’s bookstore. We appreciate your patronage.

Fourth Grade

1 binder

1 ream of white copy paper

5 pkgs. Notebook paper-wide ruled only

5 Spiral notebooks

10 folders with pockets & brads

1 large zippered pencil case (3 ring)

2 boxes of crayons (24 count)

3 pkg. #2 pencils (36 pencils)

1 pair Fiskar scissors

1 packages of cap erasers

3 Large glue stick

1 pkg. of 15 sheet protectors

3 pkgs. dry erase markers

2 pkgs. highlighters

1 pack of dividers


3 boxes of Kleenex

1 box of wet wipes

1 TI-15 Calculator (available only in the bookstore $20)

Girls– 1 box quart Ziploc bags

Boys– 1 box gallon Ziploc bags

No Mechanical Pencils or Pencil Boxes

4th Grade


Items are in

BOLD print.


Fifth Grade

5 packages of notebook paper

4 pkg. #2 pencils (48 pencils) No Mechanical Pencils

4 spiral notebooks

2 pkg. sheet protectors (15 count) heavy-duty

4 Expo Dry-erase markers

1 pkg. cap erasers

1 pencil sharpener with lid

5 folders with pockets and brads

1 box crayons (24 count)

1 1-1/2” binder with CLEAR VIEW

Zipper bag containing: Colored pencils, Scissors, Glue sticks, Ruler, Highlighter and Red Grading Pen


2 rolls paper towels

3 boxes of Kleenex (large)

2 Large box of wet wipes

Girls– 1 box quart Ziploc bags

Boys– 1 box gallon Ziploc bags

5th Grade

Pre-Packaged items are in

BOLD print.


All 4th and 5th Grade students

need a Soprano Recorder

Available only in the bookstore


All students in grades 2nd thru 5th

will receive a FREE Agenda book courtesy of Brownsville Road School.

School Shirts for Sale (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST)

Polo Shirts Red, White, or Navy

Children sizes X-Small, Small, Medium, Large - $10.00

Adult sizes Small, Medium, Large, X-Large - $10.00

Adult sizes 2X-Large, 3X-Large- $12.00

Red T-Shirts with Silver Screening

Children sizes Small, Medium, Large- $10.00

Adult sizes Small, Medium, Large, X-Large- $10.00

Adult size 2X and Larger- $12.00

**No Rolling Backpacks or Trapper Keepers**

Individual classrooms may request additional supplies for specific needs. Please label all individual supplies with a black permanent marker. Most of the supplies listed above can be purchased at the school’s bookstore. We appreciate your patronage.