November 23, 2008

Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28; Matthew 25:31-46 [160A]

“I myself will look after and tend my sheep. I will rescue them… will pasture them… give them rest. The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy, shepherding them rightly.”

How reassuring the words of Ezekiel as he portrays the role we assign today to Christ our King. On this final Sunday of the church year we are challenged by the judgment scene of Matthew but strengthened by the words of the prophet.

There is no question as the Lord looks out for us, especially with our needs. See the many things He provides – rescue, nourishment, peace. He is looking for the wavering, anoints wounds and hurts, and provides spiritual health through forgiveness. I am sure I can use His help in at least one area. Aware of His actions, I move to the gospel story of what it will be like for me as I assume my role.

The account book or ledger will ask about what I have done following the shepherd’s concern for me. The works of mercy addressing the hungry, thirsty, naked, foreigners, and sick are my responsibility. Food pantries have empty shelves, wells need to be dug in many countries, clothing can be shipped through CRS, immigration reform legislation and a welcoming attitude toward immigrants and adequate health care for all need my shepherding hand.

I have been cared for and now am to show my gratitude by doing the same for others. This is the way we can build the kingdom of Jesus today and truly proclaim Him as our supreme King.

HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly

The collection for November 16 was $5231.00

November 23rd Second Collection

The second collection today is for Nazareth Housing which offers shelter to homeless single parents and their children. Every year the NYU Newman Club plans a Christmas celebration for the residents giving each child a new toy, and a hearty Christmas meal for the families. Last year over 200 children received Christmas gifts, unfortunately because of economic downturn Nazareth Housing is expecting more families to care this holiday. Please help make this event a memorable and blessed one for these children with your generosity. We hope to raise $5000 to help the Newman Club in their dedicated efforts. With a donation of $5 or $10 you can make a huge difference this Christmas.


This Sunday, we’re given two contrasting images of Christ—the king, in his glory; and the shepherd, tending his flock, and separating the sheep from the goats. The image of the shepherd is not uncommon. The 23rd Psalm, so familiar from the funeral liturgy, reinforces that image, and we often see holy cards depicting Christ with a lamb around his shoulders. But how often do we see him depicted as royalty? For this Sunday, on this singular feast, we are given the opportunity to think of him as exalted, grand, regal, with a crown on his head, seated on a throne—the classic iconography of an earthly ruler.

This is a good time to ponder and pray over the startling contrasts of Christ: the king and the shepherd, the prince and the pauper, God and man.

Holiday Donations for the Soup Kitchen

The St Joe’s Soup Kitchen serves 400 to 500 meals every Saturday, and for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, the numbers increase. We offer a healthy and substantial meal to the homeless and hungry. And for the holidays we make it festive with special treats and decorations. Your donation at this time of year is especially important. Please help with a check payable to St Joseph’s Soup Kitchen. God Bless.
We also need volunteers to help over the holidays. Please call Steve Fanto: 917-754-8901.
Ministers of Hospitality
We are looking for ministers of hospitality to welcome parishioners at the Vigil Mass on Saturday, or the Sunday Mass at 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, or 6:00 PM. It will greatly help if you can volunteer one Sunday a month to help greet our guests, usher and pass out the bulletin.
There are sign up sheets in the Narthex, also speak to Chesterfield Tuso (Sunday 9:00 Mass) and Judy Kelly Magida (Sunday 11:30 Mass) for more information. They are the dedicated ministers who serve every mass for many years – won’t you step up and give them free time to participate fully at our liturgy? Thank you.

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matt. 25:35)

On Saturday, December 6th join Pax Christi Metro New York and the New Sanctuary Movement for an opportunity to learn about and welcome the strangers among us. Pray, dine, listen, and share with us at “Stone Soup: Our Story.” Based on the children’s folktale and Matthew’s Gospel on the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish, this special event will address the immigrant experience. Come to Victoria Congregational Church, 144-64 87th Avenue in Jamaica, Queens from 6 to 8 PM, and bring a non-perishable food item as your donation. Please call by December 1st to register, 718-328-5622 or 212-420-0250. You may also e-mail for more information, including directions.

THE SEVENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MIDTOWN INTERFAITH SERVICE FOR THANKSGIVING will be held this year on Tuesday, November 25th beginning at 6PM. Please note that the service has been moved to Tuesday night in an effort to encourage more members of our churches and synagogues to attend. The host church this year is HolyFamilyChurch located on 47th Street between First and Second Avenue. Everyone is cordially invited.

Christmas Concert, December 12th, 8:00PM
An all-English concert. Excerpts of Ceremony of Carols from Benjamin Britten, Peter Warlock, Bob Chilcott, John Rutter and many more. Performed by the West Side Singers on Tuesday, December 12th, at 8:00PM at St. Joseph’s.


No matter what the size of your estate, if you want to provide for relatives, friends and our Parish, you will need a WILL. If you die without one, you lose your ability to control the disposition of your assets. The law of the State in which you reside, and not you, will determine the disposition of your money and property. Further, income tax and estate savings, which might be arrange through a careful review of your alternatives in naming our Parish as a charitable beneficiary in your Will is simple. For further information, you and/or your attorney may contact

Director, Planned Gifts

The Archdiocese of New York

1011 First Avenue, SI400

New York, NY10022

Telephone: 212-371-1000, E3317

The Washington Square Music Festival Offers
Music á la Mode:
On Friday, Dec. 5, at 8pm, the Washington Square Music Festival offers Music á la Mode to begin the holidays – an aural plum pudding stirred up by “chef” Lutz Rath, containing such delicacies as Martinü’s La Revue de Cuisine, Adolphe’s Bitter, Sour, Salt Suite and works by Bach, Michael Haydn, Schnittke and Somary. For information, call 212-252-3621.
Please call the Rectory and inform us if you know of anyone who is homebound, feeling the effects of old age, or ill and not able to attend mass. We will be happy to visit them on a regular basis and provide them with the sacraments at home. Call 212 741-1274



SATURDAY, November 22 Cecilia, virgin, martyr

Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40

12:10 PM Faith Griffin

5:30 PM Margaret Carey

SUNDAY, November 23

9:00 AM

11:30 AM David Reynolds

6:00 PM

MONDAY, November 24

Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4

12:10 PM

5:30 PM Mary Irene & John Burns

TUESDAY, November 25Catherine of Alexandria, virgin, martyr

Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

WEDNESDAY, November 26

Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19

12:10 PM Angelo and Carl Conetta

5:30 PM


Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28

12:10 PM

5:30 PM


Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2/Lk 21:29-33

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

SATURDAY, November 29

Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36

12:10 PM

5:30 PM Peter Cullen

  • 1st. Monday/mo. Pax Christi Bd. Mtg. – 6:30 p.m. in the PCYMNY office
  • 1st. Fri. of the mo. Novena to the Sacred Heart after the 5:30 p.m. mas
  • 1st. Sat. of the mo. Blessings for the Sick after the 12:10 mas
  • 2nd. Wed. of the mo. Altar Rosary 7:00 p.m. - Library


Please visit the new website often: washingtonsquarecatholic.orgfor the latest news on the NYUCatholicCenter, St. Joseph’s Parish and links to lots of Catholic organizations and interests.


6:30 PM Centering Prayer Church


7:00 PM Altar Rosary Library


6:15 PM St. Egidio Prayer Church SATURDAY

10:00 AM or 1:00 PM Soup Kitchen Casserly Hall

6:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Casserly Hall


9:15 AM Children’s Religious Instruction Farrell Hall

10:00 AM Sunday Scripture Discussion Library

2:30 PM Roman Forum Lectures Casserly Hall

7:00 PM NYU/Grad Law Dinner Catholic Ctr