Generic Risk Assessment – New and Expectant Mothers

Listed below are a number of hazards that may affect the health and safety of new and expecting mothers working within Sussex Downs College. This is not an exhaustive list and is only given for guidance only as to the degree of possible risk. If in any doubt assume there is a risk, and immediately seek advice from your line manager, the College Safety Officer or Human Resources Manager.

Manual Handling / Lifting/moving heavy objects and/or children & adults / High / Avoid lifting, provide aids and other equipment
Work area / Lack of adequate space for movement / Medium to high / Avoid working in areas where space is limited and confined
Noise / Prolonged exposure to levels in excess of 80dB(A). / Low / Ensure noise levels below 80dB(A).
Extremes of temperature / Less tolerability of heat / Low / Access to usual rest and refreshments facilities
Mental and physical fatigue / Prolonged standing, working in restricted or confined space / Low / Ensure adequate seating, rest breaks, working space
Violence at work / Challenging or unpredictable behaviour leading to injury and/or stress / High / Avoid working situations where there is unpredictable violent behaviour.
Infectious diseases / German Measles, Hepatitus B etc. / Medium to high / Remove from source of infection and seek further advice.
Chemicals, cleaning substances hazardous to health / Inhalation of vapours, ingestion and skin or eye splash / Low providing adequate control measures in place / COSHH Assessments and established control measures must be applied. In some instances i.e. laboratories etc, further advice should be sought.
Working with lead / Entry to body by inhalation, ingestion and absorption. Can be passed onto baby via mother's milk / High / Avoid - see above note
Passive smoking / Exposure to secondary smoking / Low / Avoid exposure
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) / Alleged effects of radiation
Physiological effects related to the workstation usage / Nil
Low / The HSE has stated that in the light of scientific evidence pregnant women should not need to stop work with DSE.
Ergonomic considerations at the workstation may need to be reviewed
Vibration / Driving for long periods or over rough ground / Medium to high – dependent on frequency and distance. / Avoid excessive driving and over rough terrain
Tripping and falling / Working from step stools or ladders / High / Avoid especially in later stages of pregnancy
Working with animals / Exposure to zoonoses / Medium to high / Seek further advice
Other hazards / The above list has been produced as guidance and does not represent all the hazards that potentially exist within Sussex Downs College. Should a manager or employee be concerned about possible exposure to any hazards, they should seek further advice as soon as possible.