Template for recording search from Internet resources

Date of search
Search engine used / Examples: google/ google scholar/ yahoo/ altavista/ science direct/ jstor/ ieee/ unesco/ unifem/ i4d/ one world south asia/ conference website
Key words entered
Category: / Examples: research article – full paper/ abstract, conference proceedings, report – govt. / NGO/ UN/ consultancy/ private company/ personal communication – telephone/ e-mail/ f2f
Exact url
Author/s / Begin with surname followed by initials
When? Year in which study was conducted/ project implemented
What? Variables under study
Who? Sample/ Target group
Objective/ purpose / Examples: education/ health/ agriculture/ finance
How? Tools deployed/ instruments used
Where? Location of study
File name for full article / Name of the author_area of study. *
(example: sharma_education.pdf)
Additional information / Points in the article you want to particularly highlight
Cross references suggested / Search the bibliography to find this information

Example of feeding information into the above template

Date of search / 13.06.08
Search engine used / Google
Key words entered / e-based literacy
Category: / research article – full paper
Exact url /
Author/s / Verezub, E., Grossi, V., Howard, K. & Watkins, P.
When? Year / 2008
What? Variables under study / Hypertext comprehension
Who? Target group/ sample / 38 first year diploma students
Objective/ purpose / To assess the effect of training in metacognitive reading comprehension on understanding hypertext
How? Tools deployed/ instruments used / Before after test to assess accuracy and critical thinking, training based on principle of explicit instruction, DECS
Where? Location of study / Swinburne Institute of Technology, Australia
File name for full article / verezub_e-literacy.pdf
Additional information / Note the strategies students can use to aid and monitor reading comprehension
Cross references suggested / Designing tasks for online collaborative language learning
volume 19 no 2/19 2 5 Gruba.pdf